it's a world of laughter, a world of tears.....
#smallworld #disneyrides #wdw #disneyworld #disneyaz #vacationsbydave
Can you do it? Where would you sleep? Could your feet handle walking the park for a month? Can you do it without LL?
Who are you taking on your next trip???
#disney #disneyworld #disneyparks #disneyaz
Who can relate...
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Reasons why you need to use a travel agent for your next Disney trip!
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Halfway to Halloween means tickets for Mickey's Not So Scary Halloween Party go on sale soon. Contact me now so you don't miss out on this year's party!
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Walt Disney World FREE Dining promotion!!
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So long from Magic Kingdom
It’s been a whirlwind these past two days. Time to kick back and enjoy. See ya real soon!!
Cap’n Jack Sparrow at Magic Kingdom
Cap’n Jack
Today was the day you almost met Captain Jack Sparrow. Savvy?
Adventure Friends Cavalcade
When you’re sad that you can’t see the eclipse…
Magic Unlocked!
Is there a better sound than this???
What would you do?
Let me know how you would run this plan??
Where have these been all my life?!?
Mickey Beignets ✅
Bucket list item complete!