The fall colors are coming on strong, and the familiar bite of a frosty morning has me dreaming of winter steelhead. Could this be the year that one we are all after chooses my line? It gives me goosebumps just thinking about what’s to come..
Steelhead have kept me awake at night my entire life; everything from the places they take you, the way a drift boat gracefully slides through the pumping winter time flows, the anticipation of the hunt and the bond that’s created when you find success. I just can’t get enough and I doubt I ever will. Words can’t express how much love and appreciate I have for these magnificent creatures and anyone lucky enough to encounter one will undoubtedly be changed forever.
On a different note, we have quite a few days available this winter. Whether you are a veteran steelheader or you have zero experience and just want to see what all this hype is about, come jump in the boat for a day! We offer a full day on the river, home cooked lunch and all the gear and tackle provided! Don’t hesitate to reach out and let’s get you a screaming reel in your hands!