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Curbstone Justice A collection of true stories about being a St. Louis cop in the fifties and sixties. Over 300 pages with photographs. Price $29.95 includes shipping.

Visit website to order online. Over 300 page with photographs. A collection of true cop stories from the fifties and sixties.


Did you ever notice people who never take notes? Years ago I worked for a Wharton educated gent who was an intense listener and a problem solver who never picked up a pencil all the years I worked around him. Yes, he was on a higher plane than most of us worker bees...some writing him off as a "space cadet" yet his recall told me his mind worked too fast for detailing his thoughts on paper...I mentioned my observations to him once and he took it as a compliment and thereafter went out of his way to help me succeed in my job as a mid-level manager...something he wasn't normally inclined to do. Never gave that work relationship much thought until reading an article recently about Trump, who got in Wharton through the back door (transfer student) who made that same observation of his Roy Cohn who he yearned for as President, often saying aloud "Where's my Roy Cohn?"...the man who so often saved his bones in the court room. Cohn was counselor to many greats and near greats and obviously, a gifted individual who for years, took money from Donnie's pocket...and put it in his.
Was it a Wharton thing or something in the water?

TRUMP...the Teflon "Don."Now all of those 11,000 documents were for his "Library."   That only makes sense if he were to...

TRUMP...the Teflon "Don."

Now all of those 11,000 documents were for his "Library." That only makes sense if he were to use all the paper for wall coverings, given most of the material was classified with various degrees of sensitivity requiring high levels of security by those viewing them.

Despite the DOJ's objections the court has now agreed to appointment of a "Special Master" who will do an independent analysis of the DOJ's findings...this could put the investigation on hold for months which of course has Trump smiling...the longer...the better.

Meanwhile he continues to toss out his threats of something bad happening if things don't go his way...only Trump could get away with this sort of behavior...the whole matter could end up in the Supreme Court, where perhaps the additional review of FBI findings might be given added credibility.

Stay tuned.

News of the day



Want an AR 15 chambered for military ammo? problem...only 18? problem...need some protective bullet proof gear with ceramic inserts to ward off return fire?? problem...heavy caliber ammo and some extended magazines so you won't have to stop to reload after you shot grandma? that too...and you don;t need no stinkin background check nor questions about mental be in TEXAS!

So the school year is only one day longer and the elementary school kids are all excited...will there be a "School resource officer" present to spoil the fun? No problem...he's sacrificial...only got a 9mm peashooter and doesn't know he's about to have a different ending to the school year.
Sooo now it's "Sandy Hook" all over again...19 little tykes and two teachers later, the shooter is taken out by a heavily armed border patrol officer...unfortunately the damage is done.

Now for the questions that follow every shooting...and the same old answers: We know which weapons to ban...anything that chambers military grade ammo and restrict sale of ammo that once used, requires DNA samples to identify the little victims who are literally unidentifiable, then vote out politicians who live off the NRA and their teachings.

We cannot depend on the medical profession to identify those with homicidal leanings...they treat the mentally disturbed but will never put on paper that their patient belongs in a padded cell.

What more can I say?



General George Patton famously said at the end of WW II of Russia: "We are gonna have to fight them sooner or later...why not now while we have our armies over here."
Well George is dust and there stands Putin. hell bent on restoring the USSR to it's former any cost obviously.
Comes now rusty ole Joe Biden carrying our flag of freedom yet thought by many to be a walk-away from the rest home. Is Joe cranking out all that cash in the basement of the White House?...perhaps, but he's managed to keep Ukraine in a fight where the law of large numbers says they cannot prevail.
Now the world watches this slaughter of people who look like our neighbors, hoping that Joe doesn't trigger WW III. Joe and is followers have limited support in Washington DC, yet he's resolute in bringing down a tough little KGB trained dictator by cutting his money resources and punching some holes in the wall the little guy has built around the Russian people...who are now getting vocal about "the war". Some cracks in the wall too as key supporters are watching the repo guys tow their yachts and attach their prized possessions. Most recently now folks who were in Putin's inner circle are walking away while command level military break ranks in disgust with what they are witnessing.
Sooo the latest blow to restoration of the USSR comes from two key holdouts to NATO; Finland and Sweden whose entry into the ring of protection for Europe and around Russia, closes the last gap of unprotected border...AND opens up the market for military hardware sales from the United States.
Scary as all of this is, what is slowly happening to Putin says that rusty ole Joe is denting the little guy up if only we could get him to stop squinting when he tries to read from the speech prompters.

Hang in there folks.



There's not much to make you smile when flippin on the television set these days. Watching Putin destroy a nation of 42 million people.."because he can" is unreal. Those brave souls in Ukraine are smiling because they managed to dent up a few pieces of Russian equipment, apparently not realizing there is no hand to hand defense against bombs or heavy artillery, if indeed Putin unleashes weapons listed as off limits by the rules of war...the man doesn't follow "rules."
I miss the simpler times when we could tune in on Andy Rooney asking the viewer "Did you ever wonder about..." something inconsequential...or "Riley" of The life of Riley, uttering something like "Ain't this a revoltin development." in response to am equally simple daily problem. My favorite was Stan admonishing Ollie for having created "Another fine mess." (assuming the reader dates back that far.)
Today a wrong move by our leaders could bring down the wrath of a demented Putin with a thousand or so nukes at his disposal...a path to mutual destruction since we could of course could respond in kind...but to what end? The old saying was you never force an animal into a corner since they will come out what do you do with this mentally "wounded animal" in Moscow? Does he love money enough to let our cutting off this resource bend his will to destroy what he cannot take without getting bloodied in the process? If he cares not about his own people rising up against him, then who is brave enough to neutralize him given he has isolated himself?
Where's Brutes when we need him?...suggestions? Apparently bombing the miles long convoy has been rules out and squeezing him financially takes precious time...some tainted vodka perhaps?



Looking back on that fateful day, January 6th, 2021 on a host of network stations made for a very long day. Fox News was rerunning what amounted to "The Simpsons" since it was just "another day"...Republicans were conspicuous by their absence...only two showed up; Dick and his daughter Liz Chaney.

That day in history will be replayed, rehashed and by some, rejected for years to invasion of the nations' Capitol by Trump supporters who caused an evacuation of the Gallery and some anxious moments for VP Pence...the Heroes of the day were the lowly staffers who thought to box up the ballots so they could be counted later in the wee hours of the morning, formally pronouncing Joe Biden as President and defeating the grand scheme so thoughtfully worked out...yet like so many plans...

Biden made his share of bold statements yet not quite so bold as that of Liz Chaney who flat said "Trump can never be President again." There was talk of daggers by Biden that had nothing to do with Julius Ceasar and his pal Brutis who proved to be one not to turn your back on. I liked the one that goes: "When people stop talking, Truth dies.". Lastly, Historian John Meacham referred to what was happening as "An Inflection Point in History"...profound but I don't know where John was going with that one.

I'm impressed with the moral courage of Liz Chaney who perhaps, can reconstitute the Republican Party back to it's original flavor so we can all return to the dictates of our Constitution we know and love. For the moment at least, our democracy is still an enormous price. The real question is this as some say, just the beginning; not the end?

Stay tuned.



Ten miles down the street from where the George Floyd/Derek Chauvin event took place in Minneapolis, Officer Kim Potter, a tenured PO working for a smaller "first ring" community, pulled her gun instead of her taser and killed a 20 year old man who was resisting arrest and endangering others. Realizing what she had done, she collapsed, emotional mess...she had never shot anyone with gun nor taser previously in her spotless 26 year career in "Mayberry."

At trial, the jurors are shielded from the criminal history
of the deceased while the prosecution paints a picture of a "well trained" Officer carelessly taking a life while the accused breaks down on the stand under some heavy cross examination.

The jury struggled with issues of "reasonable doubt." Was it conscious use of a firearm or an honest mistake? Does the "mistake" rise to the level of a crime? Exactly what was in those Jury Instructions? Could not Kim Potter have better defended herself from the witness stand? Did her defense counsel do a good job in the closing argument?

Viewed from the cheap seats. Kim Potter came across as a tired and defeated witness in her own behalf and it appeared the jurors read that as an acknowledgement of guilt since they found her guilty as charged. All of the details to be sorted out at the formal sentencing and thereafter begins the process of the appeal.

The implications of this case, seen as a double injustice by the likes of Law Professor Alan Dershowitz, follows a trend that promotes the "Defund the Police" movement that has depleted the ranks of police departments, large and small and raises questions about just where the faults it the candidate or the training? Are those applicants properly screened? Are they really the right people for the task or it the lack of proper upbringing coupled with loss of respect for authority? Or a little of both?

There's more to the job than pinning on that piece of don't become a cop because you needed a job takes a while to grow into that blue shirt.

Stay tuned.


Case in point was a new hire for a local Insurance Company, named "Dixie" who was a "11" on the scale ending at "10". Soon the boys were whistling "I wish I was in Dixie"...cute at first but her lawyer caused them to change their tune. Seems not long thereafter if you saw a "Dixie" in that building, it was a visitor. Perhaps a simple sign promoting "Mutual Respect" might have avoided the need for some extremely expensive lessons learned.

We all know it was a pattern of sexual harassment that brought down that well known New York Chief Executive Officer. In an unprecedented eleven hour grilling by a not-so-friendly interrogator, he explained...
"I'm Italian...we kiss and hug a lot and are highly emotional" that end, if you attend an Italian funeral it means there is a 50-50 chance the deceased ends up on the sofa...His is a story of an aging, proud CEO and divorced lawyer still living the relaxed norms of the past in an ever changing work place but winking at the lines never to be crossed since they applied to others. He was the "Godfather" to his young charges and would unwittingly, get caught up in their deepest darkest secrets of abuse and not let go of his obligation to protect them, a fault that was his eventual undoing since with time, they turned on him.
Case in point was a new hire for a local Insurance Company, named "Dixie" who was an "11" on the scale ending at "10". Soon the boys were whistling "I wish I was in Dixie"...cute at first but her lawyer caused them to change their tune. Seems not long thereafter if you saw a "Dixie" in that building, it was a visitor. Perhaps a simple sign saying "Mutual Respect" might have avoided the need for lessons learned.
Adverse counsel had come to Albany NY loaded for bear with binders full of damaging material. The Governor seemed to take it all in stride, firing off a few volleys of his own. His last comment at the end of this eleven hour deposition was "I'D LOVE TO SAY IT WAS A PLEASURE, BUT I'M STILL UNDER OATH"...a feisty, larger than life, gent to the bitter end.
He is only 63 years old...where will he surface next? Stay tuned.



It's been a while since I've posted here...just to much insanity to zero in on just one item until recently when a Republican "up n commer" by the name of Josh Hawley pushed dear ole Claire McCaskill out of her Senate seat. Thankfully, she's now a regular on MSNBC. Claire was always the voice of reason and new guy Hawley, a man on a mission, a voice that drips of sarcasm.

Josh Newguy is a living example of money wasted educating the rude and crude element of society. Some folks are book smart but lack in social graces needing to have their mouths washed out with some of Grandma's lye soap.

Case in point, the Senate grilling of Army's four star General Milley on the recent withdrawal of US presence in the mid-east land of poppys and goat herding where over the past 20 years, we tried to bring this basically ungoverned area into the 21st century, pouring copious amounts of money into a rat hole given the final outcome of our efforts...obviously all the fault of this lone army officer whose collection of campaign ribbons and assorted medals include the Combat Infantry Badge, with the Oak Leaf cluster that precedes all other medals one might be awarded during a lifelong military career....somehow I doubt Mr. Hawley had ever seen one before much less understood it's significance, since he talked down to the General as if he were a child, demanding to be told "what went wrong" when the question should have been "what went right."

Actually...a lot of things "went right" yet nation building requires cooperation from those receiving the aid...the whole adventure will unfortunately, go down in the books as still another lesson learned...Hawley ends by demanding the General's everything that happened over the past 20 years was his doing.

What the nation watched was Hawley grandstanding, hoping I suppose, to catch the eye of Republican royalty...

If that's what they want for future leadership, God help us.



This is not a good week to be the Governor of New York who, all at once, goes from Hero to Heel in the national spotlight. Not long ago he had center stage in the fight against the current black plague but now the years of playing hard and fast with the rules of managing a staff has him facing impeachment. So what changed?

Going way back, it was a man's world where there were brass spittoons sitting on a large rubber mat in every work space with precious few direct hits on the brass portion, much less the mat...chewin to***co juice lived in the water-filled bowl just under the brass cover...they were cleaned once a day...needed or not. There was lots of scratching and cussing but no one paid much attention until WWII ended and the lady riveters signed up for Ms. Dickey's school for Secretaries. These talented young ladies could type using all their fingers, not just two and they didn't like sittin near the spittoons...which slowly disappeared...the men folk had to start watchin their mouth and keepin their hands to themselves. Some folks didn't get the message...seems old habits die hard.

I grew up in that rough environment and watched the ladies wince when the expletives started flying...something you might expect in an inner city police station but certainly not in the offices of a New York Governor. Times have changed Andrew.

On the other side of the coin, what brought the wrath of God down on Mr. Cuomo did not occur in a vacuum. The bad behavior, no matter what level, didn't start last week or last year rather it had been an ongoing problem for years in offices across the land and something, or someone, tipped the scale in Albany.
We were not all shocked at earthy language and some of the worse came from the mouths of those those who would now get in line for a piece of the pie some insurance company will be slicing up to settle the civil lawsuits. I though I had made the transition as a manager of office workers until the day I stepped into the work station of a new member of the steno pool and asked if she could take a moment to type up a draft memo that had priority status...she told me I was standing in "her space"...silly me...I thought it was corporate "space."

Anyway, there will be three sides to this matter, his hers and what really happened, and when it all comes out in the depositions, I would doubt any of the ill behavior rises beyond the level of a class one misdemeanor. No question the "Gov" was all the things people say about the tough New Yorker where being rude is the order of the day and in my time, a place where business meetings would often be referred to as "chair throwing events" where your voice was better heard if you were standing since in that position, one can shout louder than when sitting. Bringing at least one tough lawyer and a court reporter with you to such meetings was considered being were not in Willie Wanka's chocolate factory.

Got the picture?



Looking back on what happened on January 6th, 2021, we saw the stage being don't wear battle gear and tote spray that will stop a bear in it's tracks to attend a rally. The gathering of groups best described as foul mouthed "white trash" were focused on the invasion of the Capitol building and their efforts, well coordinated.
Nothing was spontaneous.

The testimony of the police officers who defended the overwhelming numbers scaling the walls and breaking out windows, was riveting. The quick thinking defenders likely saved lives that day but as one copper observed; six months later all the fences are down, but nothing has changed...the threat still exists begging the question...Will America EVER be the same?

Looking past the obvious, how would events have changed history had not the ballots that had to be counted to confirm the election of President Biden, fallen into the hands of those who were searching the hearing chambers...was that container the target of this well timed intrusion? Would the radicals really have hanged VP Pence or carried away key members of government? Well the Not-so-Proud Boys and others are now entering pleas of guilty, so the answers are forthcoming. One of the officers asked "if a hit-man is arrested, does not the person what hired him get to share the cell?"...that thought should get some pulses racing...

For now we have dodged the bullet intended to take down our democracy but this is just the opening salvo...there will be copious amounts of ammunition expended before this battle is over.

To be continued.



With so much going on, there are times when one must just observe rather than attempting to analyze. The Republicans have struck their colors, McConnell vowing to shut down any attempts on Biden's part to make forward progress. Biden by contrast is still trying to establish a working relationship with the remains of the GOP now under the spell of Donald Trump. The latest strain of the worldwide virus is racing through the ranks of those who have not been vaccinated and the billionaires are playing one-ups-man-ship games to see who can outdo the other in a private space race; while Rome burns....or at least the heat ravaged west coast of million acres of timber up in smoke so far.

The DOJ is finally getting around to prosecuting some of Donny's pals who were engaged in some illegal campaign activities and we will soon have a committee assembled to find out who was behind that little unlawful assembly back on 1-6-21...was it peaceful as some would tell us or a bloody mess as seen on television.

For now we will just sit and watch the Republicans run out the clock on time left to complete Biden's agenda and straighten out all the restrictions on voting rights.

Brian Williams on MSNBC made the observation last evening that when the Republicans come to the knife fight, they bring a gun, the Dem's can be counted on to show up with a soup spoon...or something like that...

Lord knows we don't need any more guns.



Well Officer Chauvin chose not to testify in his own behalf so it is too late to question his judgement. There will be the usual appeal and a search for reversible error, like the Judge not allowing for a change of venue knowing the odds of a fair trial in the town where the incident occurred are slim. Then there's the Juror, the first so far to speak out who said they feared the city going up in flames should they come back with just Manslaughter charges and also were concerned about bodily harm to themselves or their families...the reason why juries are usually sequestered in a trial such as this one.

Was it not strange that all of those who testified for the prosecution, all affiliated with the local PD, seemed to be reading out of the same hymn book...could it have something to do with the City Fathers having thrown TWENTY-SEVEN MILLION DOLLARS at the Floyd family prior to the trial, in hopes of buying their love and affection? If they had nothing to hide, why was the settlement sealed...only to have the extraordinary amount of the bribe leak out? Would it not then be in their best interest to have the jury convict the police officer, justifying their premature actions?

Was this tenured copper free of fault...not entirely yet he would have had no way of knowing this giant of a man had some medical issues compounded by a drug problem that put him at risk. Cops will tell you that pretending you need medical attention is common practice among those who face arrest on a frequent which ones are telling the truth? Had the ambulance crew whose services were required for the intended CPR arrived timely, there would have been no need to put out a more urgent call for them, innocently adding to the time Floyd was held in a position that impeded normal breathing. It is never just one thing that causes a building to collapse during construction, nor for a tenuous situation to go wrong when you are kneeling on someone with moving traffic behind you and a vocal unfriendly crowd taunting you from the nearby sidewalk . Situations like this had been known to go south in a heartbeat which is why the EMT's will quickly scoop up the prisoner and move away from the scene then stop in a place of safety to apply life saving techniques. Red lights and sirens draw hostile crowds, thus the "load and run" means of neutralizing the situation. Been there...done that.

Now we have the other trials to look forward to...the ones where the other coppers made only one mistake...that was coming to work that fateful day.

The fun and frolic continues.


..something said in a poem about the day "the mighty Casey struck out." Right now it seems our beloved street cops are snake bit...something one would not expect in Minnesota.

For once it isn't the rookies making the big mistakes, rather the tenured police officers who know better but for unexplained reasons, don't have their minds on the task in front of them and do something irrational despite the ever-present video equipment.

As said so often, you don't become a cop because you are looking for a job. It was once that calling to follow in Dad's and Grandpa's footsteps and make them proud. It was then...and is now a job you do for modest pay and under the worst of working conditions dealing with people during their darkest hours. It was never pleasant having to look into someone's eyes and tell them everything is gonna be "all right" when you know they only have minutes to live...those moments stay with you a long time.

All the schooling in the world won't provide one with the ability to handle authority either have it...or you don't. Watching some of these recent videos involving car stops that turn into shootings, I see uniformed law enforcement folks who project a lack of self-confidence that shows in their voice inflection when they try to "talk tough"...kinda like one has never heard an old-school drill sergeant with a high squeaky's all in the delivery.

Punishing the street cop when things go wrong isn't the answer since they are only as effective as circumstances it says in the song: "they have to be carefully taught" then supported by their superiors who in turn must have public support and lastly, the public might try instilling some basic values in their kiddies, even some old fashioned things I'll not bother to repeat here.

Corny as it may sound, there's merit to some of the old traditions and quotes we put on our coins or write below our isn't just our Police Departments that need some healing.

Hang in there.



Watching the Congressional inquiries on the January event at the nation's capitol. We are now in the finger pointing segment of the search for the sucker who slow walked the message for help to the hometown guard. Can't remember all the names but the General in charge of the Washington DC National Guard Unit has to explain how his hands were tied by the snafoo that accompanied getting the Guard to respond to a dire emergency making one thankful that the "Quick Response" Team doesn't man the fire trucks...

It seems an urgent call to the General by the Chief of the Congressional PD came in somewhere after 1:00 PM. The General in turn calls the Department of the Army who in turn has to get authority from the Department of Defense to "loose the hounds" Over three hours later the needed green light comes on and the troops respond in time to pick up the pieces. The good General is told at first that a show of force might cause poor "optics" this the matter deferred to the Department of Defense where one of the brass decision makers was said to be "Michael Flynn" (of "Lock her up" fame) when indeed the General was Michael's brother!...ain't that interesting!

The DOD sent a lackey to the hearings instead of the key players in this purposeful delaying tactic which is shaping up to be intentional from the get-go.

There is little doubt but that the puzzle parts will continue to fall into place what with the hundreds of arrests of folks who when faced with federal level charges will offer to throw Mom under the bus. The big question is of course,will any of this eventually rain on Donnie??

Stay tuned.



Well the Senate "Trumplicans" closed their ears and minds and voted to give Donnie a pass "since he was not in office at the time of the trial." Never mind that it was McConnell himself who shut down the Senate so that he would not be able to start the proceedings during Donnie's last days in office...imagine that!

So what's "Plan B?" There's still the Civil and Criminal Courts where the burden of proof must be met. the Criminal side being the more demanding of the two. Remember the O.J. trial? He walked on the Criminal case (If the gloves don't must acquit) but lost big time on the Civil suit where emotional distress comes into play permitting Plaintiff to go after general damages plus the exculpatory variety (special damages intended to punish the individual). Venue likely the Federal Courts , can be filed in DC where incident occurred or where the injured party lives/works.

The House has already done all the hard work: motive, time lines/sequence of events and potential witnesses...Donnie still qualifies as a target defendant, so someone could end up owning the second floor of the Old D.C. Post Office IF Trump actually owns it...

Then there's his gold toilet that would look nice out on the front porch As Yogi always says: "It ain't over 'til it's over."



WELLLL...the "inexpungnable performance appraisal" of one Donald Trump is up for grabs...seems somebody mentioned the need for "witnesses" beings the hearings that will shape the future of our democracy, never considered this vital ingredient and a early morning vote came down favorably for the Senate to hear from at least a few key people. Sounds easy enough...but wait...there are no guidelines for starting a trial and then somewhere near the conclusion, deciding to examine the facts. Charlie Chan is rolling over in his grave and another wondered where they were going to find kangaroos on such short notice.

The President's men wanted to shut this down quickly lest more unfavorable news leaks out while the Prosecutors, sensing defeat, want to pump new life into the hearings knowing the longer it goes, the more tidbits of damning dialogue will surface AND we know that deposing one witness always leads to others who need to be quizzed.

There are reasons why there is an orderly process to a conventional trial...this is what happens when you start in the middle..unchecked, this display of political warts could run on for a spell...however long a "spell" is...and depending on what the meaning of "is" is.

Stay close to your radio.




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