RVs On a Mission (ROAM)

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RVs On a Mission (ROAM) Looking for places to travel in your RV and do volunteer work? Learn more at www.rvsonamission.org Projects usually last three weeks.

To become a ROAM member and be eligible to request to work active ROAM Projects, you must complete a Member Application, pay annual dues, provide an up-to-date background check (or allow ROAM to run one for you) and sign the Member Commitment form. ROAM projects are typically scheduled to begin the first Monday of each month and last for 3 weeks, with the exception of special schedule arrangements

between ROAM members and project hosts. The RV space for ROAM members is provided free of charge by the project host. Men and women typically work four days, Monday-Thursday and have Friday, Saturday and Sunday to sight-see or catch up on "home" chores. For ROAM members traveling alone, they plan to work a minimum 6 hours per day and for additional travelers in an RV, they should plan to work a minimum of 3 hours, unless otherwise approved by the project host. The fourth week is available for travel to a new project if desired or they can remain on the project site free of charge for that week without working. It is also possible to remain at the project site for more than one month with approval from the project host. Reservations for the project are to be made through the ROAM office by email or phone. A list of available projects is available on the website at: www.rvsonamission.org. Click the PROJECTS tab, then view the churches, camps or special projects available for work.

The ROAM Board recently voted to participate in the Church of the Nazarene General Assembly gathering that will take pla...

The ROAM Board recently voted to participate in the Church of the Nazarene General Assembly gathering that will take place in June of this year. This will involve having certain ROAM members man a table in a booth at this event so that a large number of people can learn about ROAM all at one time.

There will be some expense incurred for this venture, but the ROAM organization does feel that this will be a productive investment of time and money in order to spread the word about ROAM to the thousands of folks that will be attending this event and welcomes any donations that could assist in this endeavor.

Donations to help with expenses specific to this opportunity can be made online from the Home page of our ROAM website at www.rvsonamission.org.

Donations can also be accepted via check sent to the ROAM office at PO Box 480876, Kansas City MO 64148.

​ Join with us in our mission to serve God by serving others across the United States. RV’s On A Mission (ROAM), in association with the Church of the Nazarene, is responding ​to the call of...

Last summer these two ROAMers (Bill Borden and Gary Bohannan) manned an information table at the Mt. Chestnut Family Cam...

Last summer these two ROAMers (Bill Borden and Gary Bohannan) manned an information table at the Mt. Chestnut Family Camp in Butler, PA. We so appreciate folks that are willing to spread the word about ROAM!

If you or anyone you know would appreciate sharing at various events about the ROAM ministry, please contact the ROAM office and we'd be glad to send you some promotional materials.

Email: [email protected]


Below is a request for ROAM volunteers to work at Trinity Pines Camp and Conference Center in Cascade, Idaho, for the summer of 2023. There are several things that they could use help with.

May1 - June 9, 2023: Planning for light construction. Seeking 4+ volunteers to help with converting 7 dry cabins from summer-only to 3 season cabins. Project calls for insulating walls and ceiling, adding wall board and ceiling board. The project is calling for wood walls, not sheetrock. During this project we have some onsite housing for ROAM workers (RV may not be required).

June 7 - Mid August: Seeking volunteers for Summer camp operations (Kitchen, Housekeeping, Grounds helpers, Etc.). Full RV hookups and some meals for volunteers.

You can view more about this camp on the Projects tab of the ROAM website.

If you or anyone you know would like to become a ROAM member to help with this project and others while your RV space is provided for you, go to the Members tab on the ROAM website. www.rvsonamission.org

The ROAM board recently elected Alan Miner as ROAM President and Glenda Miner as ROAM Secretary for 2023. They have work...

The ROAM board recently elected Alan Miner as ROAM President and Glenda Miner as ROAM Secretary for 2023. They have worked on several ROAM projects over the years and are willing to also serve in these elected positions.

Ed Kile was elected as ROAM Vice-President for 2023. He and Ruth have also worked at various ROAM project locations and have served in elected roles for a number of years.

Below are some pictures of the Miners serving at LifeChange Camp in Missouri and Salyer Lake Camp in Oklahoma. You can also see pics of the Kiles in previous posts on this page.

ROAM is very blessed to have these kind, servant hearted people working as leaders for this ministry.

We enjoyed a bus tour of Charleston, SC.  Lots of beautiful churches, homes with lovely verandas, and ancient trees. 70 ...

We enjoyed a bus tour of Charleston, SC. Lots of beautiful churches, homes with lovely verandas, and ancient trees. 70 degrees and sunny!

Edited: Since I posted on this page by mistake, I thought I would add that this is just one of the many excursions you can make from your project site. Charleston is only 4 hours away from where we are serving at Black Mountain Children’s Home in North Carolina. Also, Billy Graham‘s retreat The Cove is only 5 miles from here, and the Biltmore estate is only about 10 miles away.


The ROAM office has lately been receiving project updates from various locations all across the country and we would like to start sharing about what needs are being presented to our organization.

Below is just one example of what ROAM members are doing while traveling to and working at ROAM projects.

Bonita Park Nazarene Camp is located in Angus, NM, in the Sierra Blanca mountains at 7000 ft. elevation. They are seeking volunteers to help with the following projects this year:
• Light construction
• Facility maintenance and upgrades
• Laundry
• Serving & hosting meals
• Grounds and landscaping support

If you feel you would like to become a ROAM member to help at this project (and others) while getting your RV space provided for you, please go to the Members tab on our website to download and print a ROAM member applications and a Member Commitment form to complete. www.rvsonamission.org


Did you know that as a ROAM member, your RV space is provided for you by the ROAM host (no cost to you) at any ROAM project where you volunteer to work, for the length of time that you are working at the project?

And that there are ROAM projects from coast to coast that need volunteer help?

Check out our ROAM website at www.rvsonamission.org to learn more about becoming a ROAM member and to see a list of active ROAM projects by clicking on the Members and Projects tabs.

We are having a great time here in North Carolina, volunteering at Black Mountain Childrens Home. These are other volunt...

We are having a great time here in North Carolina, volunteering at Black Mountain Childrens Home. These are other volunteers that we are working with. Awesome people! You could be having this fun too, if you joined ROAM! A great way to serve. All you need is an RV.


ROAM members are still ROAMing and serving at various ROAM projects in a number of different locations around the country!

To see our latest report of Hours Donated at ROAM projects, go to the ROAM website at www.rvsonamission.org, click on the Projects tab and scroll down to click on the "Hours Donated from Aug 2021 - Sep 2022" report.

ROAM Quarterly Board Meeting was a success, on Zoom! And no one logged in looking like a cat. LOL.  Thank you, Debbie a...

ROAM Quarterly Board Meeting was a success, on Zoom! And no one logged in looking like a cat. LOL. Thank you, Debbie and Darryl for setting this up. It was so nice to see everyone


Be sure to check out our latest ROAM newsletter by clicking here:

You can also access this newsletter as well as previous editions by going to our ROAM website and clicking on the Publications tab.

Would you like to travel and get your RV space costs covered for you at ROAM projects across the country?  If so, you ma...

Would you like to travel and get your RV space costs covered for you at ROAM projects across the country? If so, you may want to refer to the 'About' section of this page or go to our RVs On A Mission website "Membership" tab for more details. The cost of your RV space is covered in exchange for the labor you provide to the project for as long as you actively work on the site.

A few projects may also be able to provide cabin or lodge housing for the length of time that you work if you do not own an RV or for some reason would rather not take your RV to a certain project.

Click here to view videos about RVs on a Mission (ROAM) ministry. Join with us in our mission to serve God by serving others across the United States and Canada. In association with The Church of the...


Even though COVID did affect how the ROAM ministry and active ROAM projects can operate, many ROAMers kept ROAMing last year and donated 15,843 hours of labor to numerous projects across the country!

To view details about which ROAMers worked at which projects, you may go to our ROAM website at www.rvsonamission.org, click on the 'Projects' tab, then scroll down to click on the "Hours Donated..." report.


Be sure to check out the latest ROAM Newsletter.http://www.rvsonamission.org/uploads/4/1/9/8/41981431/1aug2018_newsletter.pdf


The June issue of ROAM Chronicles is now available on our website www.rvsonamission.org/publications

ROAM Video View or download our 6-minute ROAM video from the Nazarene Media Library FREE. Learn about ROAM’s mission and how everyone may get involved. Newsletter Read and print current and past...


The June issue of ROAM Chronicles is now available on our website www.rvsonamission.org/publications

ROAM Video View or download our 6-minute ROAM video from the Nazarene Media Library FREE. Learn about ROAM’s mission and how everyone may get involved. Newsletter Read and print current and past...

We are at Pittsburgh District NMI Convention. This afternoon we will have one of their 6 breakout sessions where we will...

We are at Pittsburgh District NMI Convention. This afternoon we will have one of their 6 breakout sessions where we will share about the ROAM Ministry.

ROAM was recently featured as the Ministry of the Month on the blog The Touring Camper?  Follow this link to read the ar...

ROAM was recently featured as the Ministry of the Month on the blog The Touring Camper? Follow this link to read the article: www.thetouringcamper.com/ministry-of-the-month-roam/

Are you an RVer looking for a way to give back and do good? Then check out The Touring Camper's monthly series spotlighting RV ministries like ROAM.

RVs On A Mission

Read our April ROAM Chronicles newsletter at www.rvsonamission.org/publications. This issue includes project reports from Arizona and Tennessee, "ROAM is Like a Trail Mix", and words of insight and encouragement from our ROAM president.

Click here to view videos about RVs on a Mission (ROAM) ministry . Join with us in our mission to serve God by serving others across the United States and Canada. In association with The Church of...

Read our April ROAM Chronicles newsletter at www.rvsonamission.org/publications.  This issue includes project reports fr...

Read our April ROAM Chronicles newsletter at www.rvsonamission.org/publications. This issue includes project reports from Arizona and Tennessee, "ROAM is Like a Trail Mix", and words of insight and encouragement from our ROAM president.

Click here to view videos about RVs on a Mission (ROAM) ministry . Join with us in our mission to serve God by serving others across the United States and Canada. In association with The Church of...

Set up for Philadelphia District Assembly and NMI Convention tonight through Tuesday after a very successful NMI Convent...

Set up for Philadelphia District Assembly and NMI Convention tonight through Tuesday after a very successful NMI Convention in Maine.

RVs On A Mission

Check out our February 2016 ROAM Chronicles newsletter at www.rvsonamission.org/publications. This issue includes articles about ROAM projects in Florida and Arizona. You can also sign up to receive the newsletter via email.

Click here to view videos about RVs on a Mission (ROAM) ministry . Join with us in our mission to serve God by serving others across the United States and Canada. In association with The Church of...

RVs On A Mission

Read the October 2015 ROAM Chronicles newsletter to see what ROAMers are doing across the country. Just click the Publications tab on the ROAM website at www.rvsonamission.org. You can also sign up to receive the newsletter by email on that same page.

Click here to view videos about RVs on a Mission (ROAM) ministry . Join with us in our mission to serve God by serving others across the United States and Canada. In association with The Church of...


The following information is from Rolling Hills Camp and Conference Center in Alabama. Please remember this camp, who is one of our ROAM projects, and pray for them. If you can go help them during this time of need, please contact the office.

Firemarshall, "It is literally a miracle that the building was not a total loss!" Our response, "The Owners have special connections to "The Miracle Worker"
On Monday morning, October 19th at 8:40 a.m. A small fire was discovered in the vent/fan and light assembly unit of the women's bathroom in the Dining Hall. The Calera Fire Department was dispatched and quickly had the building safe with minimal damage.
The bathroom electrical wiring, the bathroom ceiling, the electrical fixtures; and insulation will all need to be replaced in order to open the dining hall for future guest groups.
Chuck and Renee Parish, Executive Directors at Rolling Hills, are again praising God for His loving Care and tender mercies in overseeing His Special Camp. 2015 has proved to be a summer of many challenges and considerable damage to the campgrounds due to weather, fallen trees, aging facilities and equipment failures. God has been so very faithful to meet the financial needs of this special place during difficult and trying times.

The ROAM Board of Directors conducted its annual meeting on Monday at the Global Ministry Center of the Church of the Na...

The ROAM Board of Directors conducted its annual meeting on Monday at the Global Ministry Center of the Church of the Nazarene in Lenexa, KS. Look for a synopsis of decisions made in the October newsletter.


Please pray for the ROAM Board Members as they are preparing to travel to Kansas City for the Annual ROAM board meeting on September 21st and 22nd.


I appreciated reading what Dan and Lutrecia Church shared after their recent travels for ROAM. "Home after 6 weeks on a ROAM (RVs on a Mission) to two camps. I learned that you can live without a cell phone for 6 weeks (only had brief service when going through a town); I can live with intermittent wifi and internet and Facebook; we haven't seen real mail or junk mail for 6 weeks; we can watch TV (sometimes sporadically) without DVR, I read more, and played non electronic games when not working. I learned to be a 1950s wife - cooked 3 meals a day, cleaned, laundry - Dan loved it (that was at Salyer Lake - Camp Bond provided most of our meals, so I didn't have to cook so much)" . . . "Back to a clean house, cut lawn and flowers in bloom. Life is good, and so was our mission trip. Made new friends, did work that was meaningful, and attended good church services. Thanks for the prayers that covered us during all of the storms in Oklahoma." Thanks Dan and Trecia, for all you do for ROAM.


Dan and Trecia Church (Board Members and South Central ROAM Representatives) shared with us that Whitney, TX Church of the Nazarene recently dedicated a whole service to ROAM! They honored Jack and Kay Grover (long-time ROAMers) with a plaque and dedicated the building to ROAM! It was very encouraging. :)

Promoting ROAM at the Oregon Pacific District Assembly.

Promoting ROAM at the Oregon Pacific District Assembly.




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