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East Site Travel Central Asia Travel - Tours to Central Asia

Greetings from East Site Travel! 😀Places to visit with East Site Travel tours -   city is the second largest city after ...

Greetings from East Site Travel! 😀

Places to visit with East Site Travel tours -

city is the second largest city after Tashkent and the oldest cities of Central Asia. Known as Maracanda in the 4th century BCE, it was the capital of Sogdiana and was captured by Alexander the Great in 329 BCE.

We'll start our journey by visiting Paper Mills Factory where we’ll have a presentation of paper production from mulberry tree, Afrasiab Museum, Ulugbek’s observatory – dated to 1428 - 1429 – known as biggest observatory of the East with best equipment to the time.
Visit heart of the city – Registan Square which played a great role in commercial and scientific life of the time. Gur Emir Mausoleum - mausoleum for the males of Timurid dynasty, a real masterpiece of Central Asian architecture. Shaki Zinda Necropolis in the northern outskirts of Samarkand. Bibi-Khanum Mosque construction of which started in 1399 after Victorian campaign of Timur to India. Central bazaar of Samarkand – Siab where we’ll taste famous round bread (non) made only in Samarkand. And many other high lights. 😀

Greetings from East Site Travel! :) Places to visit with East Site Travel tours –   is one of most historically rich cit...

Greetings from East Site Travel! :)

Places to visit with East Site Travel tours –

is one of most historically rich cities on the Great Silk Road attracting attention of thousands of people with its unique heritage.

With East Site Travel you will visit: Samanid dynasty mausoleum known to be one of the best architectural samples of the Samanid period, Chashma Ayub Mausoleum – legend says of the Prophet Job, Bolo – Khauz Mosque, the Ark Fortress – Citadel is the most ancient memorial of Bukhara, on archeological matter dated to the 3rd century B.C., Kalon Complex – consists of minaret, Mosque and Madrasah both of which are still active, Magoki Attori Mosque, Ulugbek and Abdulazizi Khan madrasahs, reservoir Lyabi Khauz, complex built in 1620 by khans’ dignitary Nodir Devan Begi, former summer palace of Bukhara Emir Said Olimkhan – last Emir of Bukhara Sitora – iMokhi – Khosa, museum of Decorative-Applied Art. :)

Greetings from East Site Travel! :) Activities to do with East Site Travel tours – “Beshik-tuy” (Cradle Festivity) is th...

Greetings from East Site Travel! :)

Activities to do with East Site Travel tours –

“Beshik-tuy” (Cradle Festivity) is the ceremony organized on the occasion of putting baby to beshik (an uzbek cradle) for the first time. This is a ritual related to the birth and upbringing of a child.
With East Site Travel you will have the opportunity to visit a demonstration of the Beshik-tuy and enjoy folk lullabies and intricacies of community rituals! :)

Greetings from East Site Travel! :)Activities to do with East Site Travel tours - Kazakhstan is also renowned for its ea...

Greetings from East Site Travel! :)

Activities to do with East Site Travel tours -

Kazakhstan is also renowned for its eagle hunters who train birds to trap foxes, rabbits and other prey. They hunt in fall and early winter, but demonstrations and tours are available at any time of year, including a 3-day festival in August.

With “5 Stans tour” of East Site Travel you will have the opportunity to visit this kind of demonstration! :)

"Who's the boss?" photo by Dominic Nessi, our tourist and talented photographer.

Greetings from East Site Travel! 😀Places to visit with East Site Travel tours -   is a fascinating place, a friendly and...

Greetings from East Site Travel! 😀

Places to visit with East Site Travel tours -

is a fascinating place, a friendly and welcoming Silk Road old town.

Together with an experienced English-speaking guide you will visit the most remarkable historical and cultural sights of Khiva:
Ichan Kala – a UNESCO World Heritage Site including madrasah Muhammad Amin Khan, Kelta Minar, Kunya Ark, madrasah Muhammad Rakhimkhan, Pakhlavan Mahmud Mausoleum, Islam Khodja Minaret and Madrasah, Djuma Mosque and Minaret, Tash Hovli Palace.

Walk through Ichan Kala – old walled city of Khiva, will give you an insight into the life led there from ancient days up to the present time.

Photo by Dominic Nessi “Khiva, Uzbekistan” - our tourist and talented photographer.


Greetings from East Site Travel! 😀

On special offer this month we have the Early Bird for tours-2021!

Book your tour-2021 now and get free single supplement! 😇

Only East Site Provides:

✔️ Free single supplement if you book your tour till the end of July!
✔️ All-Inclusive price
✔️ Small group (under 10)
✔️ Luxury hotels
✔️ Visa processing
✔️ 24/7 accompany of talented guides
✔️ Internal Flights and Business class train tickets
✔️ Most experienced drivers
✔️ Top safety vehicles
✔️ Most completed in depth itinerary
✔️ Outstanding meals in local restaurants
✔️ 50% Discount on Caucasus Tour

See Guaranteed departure dates-2021 on our website http://www.east-site.com/

Greetings from East Site Travel! 😀Regretfully, we have to postpone our 2020 tour dates to next year due to the coronavir...

Greetings from East Site Travel! 😀

Regretfully, we have to postpone our 2020 tour dates to next year due to the coronavirus outbreak.

It was a very difficult decision to make. However, we are in a situation where many unforeseen circumstances may arise (inaccessibility of certain areas, increases in airline delays - both international and domestic, difficulties in acquiring visas, lockdown restrictions and other obstacles that also block the tour).

All 15 years of our experience in the tourism business, safety and satisfaction of our customers is a top priority for us. For this reason, due to the changing and unstable conditions in tourism, we decided to postpone the dates of 2020.

Aaaaand we are more than happy to see you on our tours in 2021! :)

All dates-2021, tour information and details you can see on our website http://www.east-site.com/
Also please see the dates-2021 of "5 Stans tour" here, under this post.


Greetings from East Site Travel! 😀

We actually have a piece of good news from Uzbekistan :

“Uzbekistan will reopen its borders to some air travellers from June 15 with quarantine procedures depending on their country of origin. The borders will reopen for diplomats, their family members, investors and medical tourists, as well as Uzbeks leaving the country for study or medical treatment”.

The importance of this first step cannot be overemphasized. 😀

We will be keeping our fingers firmly crossed for our 5 Stans customers!
As we must dance again in Old Khiva!

Greetings from East Site Travel! =)We have great news for those of East Site' customers who aim to visit the Caucasus th...

Greetings from East Site Travel! =)

We have great news for those of East Site' customers who aim to visit the Caucasus this year!

Georgia has announced it will be ready to receive international tourists from July 1, joining several other countries in reopening after months of lock down due to the corona virus pandemic.
The announcement comes ahead of the peak summer season for the Caucasus country.
Georgia will reopen local tourism services from Monday, June 15, and will be ready to welcome international tourists two weeks later, the country's National Tourism Administration said in a statement.



Tajiks are one of the most ancient nations of the world. Life in area situated at the main crossroads of eastern civilizations has given them continuous access to the achievements of other cultures. First settlement on the territory of today's Tajikistan date back to the end of upper Paleolithic period (15-20 thousand years ago). Archaeological finds, the works of Herodotus and other written evidence provide information on trading relations, customs, and rituals of the nation. For many centuries the country, involved mainly in trading with neighbors suffered from foreign invasions by the troops of Alexander the Great, steppe nomads, Arabs and Tatar-Mongols.


Kyrgyzstan is situated in Central Asia, its neighbouring countries are Kazakhstan to the north, Uzbekistan to the west, Tadjikistan to the south and China to its East and South-East. The former Republic of the Soviet Union became independent in the year 1991 and since then is a democratic Presidential Republic. Bishkek, formerly called Frunze, is the capital with about 1 million inhabitants, the country as a whole has about 5 million inhabitants and an area of 198.500 km².


Uzbekistan Travel Destinations

Uzbekistan has well preserved relics from the time when Central Asia was the centre of Tamerlane’s empire. Cities of today’s Uzbekistan, including Samarkand, Bukhara, Khiva, Tashkent and Shakhrisabz live in the imagination of the West as symbols of oriental beauty and mystery.
Many cities which are located on the territory of modern Uzbekistan, in ancient times were located on the Silk Road, on which caravans with goods traveled between the East and the West. The road got its name from silk - the Chinese good that was in great demand in Europe. The advantageous geographical location of the cities made them attractive for conquerors. The territory of modern Uzbekistan was conquered many times by various conquerors, including Alexander the Great. Alexander founded at least 8 cities in Central Asia between 334 - 323 years BC.
As for caravans, they started passing on the Great Silk Road later, since 138th AC when China opened its borders for trading.
During the period from 484 to 1150 the region was invaded by the west tribes: Huns, Turks and Arabs. The Arabs brought a new religion - Islam. Within that period, many mosques and madrasahs had been built in Samarkand, Bukhara and Khiva. Most of them had been built during the reign of Samanids.
Many cities were totally destroyed during the invasion of Genghis Khan in 1220. Later, the great conqueror Timur, known in the West under the name of Tamerlane, revived the destroyed cities using for that those slaves and builders who had been captured during Timir’s successful military campaigns. Tamerlane annexed Persia, Baghdad, he had campaigns to Anatolia and India. The majority of the architectural buildings that were located in Samarkand today, were built by Tamerlane and his grandson Ulugbek.


Geographically Kazakhstan is a part of Central Asia. Kazakhstan is more than twice as big as the four other Central Asian republics put together and is roughly half the size of mainland USA. The landscape of Kazakhstan is diverse. The northern forest-steppe turns into steppe, half-deserts and deserts in the South.


Timeline Photos


Бессточный водоем, расположенный в северо-западной части Средней Азии.


Значительную часть территории Центральной Азии занимает Туранская низменность, на которой расположены пустыни - Каракумы, Кызылкум и плато Устюрт. По характеру грунтов различают каменистые, песчаные, глинистые, лессовые и солончаковые пустыни. Под столовые и наносные равнины здесь погружены сложные складчатые структуры, на востоке - палеозойские складки Урало-Тянь-Шаньской дуги, на западе — фундамент Каракумской плиты, сминавшийся в мезозое. Кое-где их горбы выдвинуты недавними поднятиями в виде низкогорий — в Закаспии, в Кызылкуме. И древний размыв складок, и отложения мезокайнозойских морей, и наносы некогда блуждавших здесь рек построили равнинный рельеф.


Декоративно-прикладное искусство Узбекистана – это самобытное и эксклюзивное творчество народных мастеров-умельцев, ремесленников. Своими руками, вкладывая в каждую вещь частичку души, они на протяжении веков создавали уникальные образцы изделий: будь то утварь для дома, или украшение жилища, или неповторимая ткань для праздничного платья…
Творения самаркандских, бухарских, хивинских и других мастеров славились далеко за пределами родины и не утратили с тех пор своей актуальности. Вышивки сюзане, тюбетейки, ножи, ковры, керамика, шелк и чеканка - ручные работы местных ремесленников составляют неповторимую экзотику Узбекистана.
На территории Узбекистана в течение веков формировались своеобразные центры народных художественных ремесел. У каждого региона свое направление. Чуст широко известен своими тюбетейками, ножами, Риштан - лазурной керамикой, Маргилан - радужно переливающимся атласом, Бухара - золотым шитьем.
Декоративно-прикладное искусство Узбекистана развивалось из века в век, оставляя в наследство уникальные изделия неизвестных мастеров, поражающие богатством художественной фантазии и совершенством форм.


Легенда о Девичьей Башне

У любви одна дорога,
И ведёт она к страданью.
Лейла юношу любила,
Но не ровню на беду.
И во гневе старцы рода
Предали её изгнанью,
Чтоб любовь свою забыла
И смирила сердца стук.

Ей отец воздвигнул башню
Из камней глухих и серых.
Неприступна башня в море,
Без единого окна.
Лейла плакала на башне,
Песнь любви, как лебедь, пела,
И из глаз сочилось горе,
Гребень слёз несла волна.

И однажды в час прибоя,
Когда волны бились в камень,
Когда ночь плыла, качаясь
Чёрной бездною без звёзд,
Лейла птицею ночною,
Тонкими взмахнув руками,
С криком бросилась, отчаясь,
В пену моря с башни слёз.

Ах, не Девичья ли Башня
Морю столько слёз дарила,
Что своей солёной влагой
Переполнило его?
Но, рассвирепев на Башню,
Море с рёвом отступило,
Бросив городу во благо
Часть владенья своего.

И с тех пор смеются звёзды.
С ослепительной улыбкой
Растворяет город окна,
Путников к себе маня.
Лица девушек -- как розы,
Зубы -- жемчуга на нитке,
И играет чёрный локон
В слабом свете фонаря.

А фонтаны дарят свежесть,
То ль смеются, то ли плачут.
И летит напев восточный
Из окошка чайханы.
И рождает страх и нежность
Силуэт Девичьей Башни,
Будто девы непорочной,
Стерегущей чьи-то сны.

О таинственные тени!
О восточная столица!
Ты хранишь в старинных стенах
Много тайн и много грёз.
И является в свеченье
Образ Лейлы яснолицей,
И стоит в хитоне пенном
По ночам на Башне слёз.

Автор стихов неизвестен

Картина - Баку. Набережная; Алексей Боголюбов, 1861


The Butterfly That Stamped

There was never a Queen like Balkis,
From here to the wide world's end;
But Balkis talked to a butterfly
As you would talk to a friend.

There was never a King like Solomon
Not since the world began;
But Solomon talked to a butterfly
As a man would talk to a man.

She was Queen of Sabea--
And she was Asia's Lord--
But they both of 'em talked to butterflies
When they took their walks abroad!

Rudyard Kipling


Caspian Sea is the largest closed reservoir in the world, which has borders with Azerbaijan, Iran, Russia, Kazakhstan and Turkmenistan. The name of the Sea is connected with the Caspii tribes who had settled shores from time immemorial. Average temperature of July and August is +24+26’C


"East Site Travel" Voyage

Here is a set of pictures about Baku (Baku, the largest cosmopolitan city in the region, is the capital city of Azerbaijan. Located on the shores of the Caspian Sea, Baku is the political, cultural, economic and scientific center of the country. Baku is an ancient city whose history can be traced back over fifty- five hundred years. Museums here house beautifully preserved precious ancient artifacts and historic relics. Another impressive and popular tourist site for travelers to Caucasus is Atashgeh, the ancient temple complex of fire-worshippers. Rivaling Atashgeh, in terms of excitement and popularity among tourists, is Yanardag, or "Blazing Mountain", one of the many natural - gases – fueled eternal fires in Azerbaijan). Some of them are taken professionaly, some by tourists; some are old, some are modern. Nevertheless this city is charming!


In every our tour to Samarkand, you would be able to visit museum Afrosiyob, dedicated to the history of the city foundation. Afrosiyob settlement located in the heart of ancient Samarkand was destroyed by Mongol empire in the beginning of 13th century. Museum’s exponents demonstrate history of Samarkand city development starting from Alexander the Great!


We have SALE!

10% OFF from our tours for 2013 booked for TWO before March 31, 2013!!!

15% OFF from ALL Reservations of Party of 4 or More Booked Before March 31st 2013!

Visa consular and processing fees are included!

Hurry up!


Uzbek suzani


How beautiful is Iran, the country of modern people and fascinating ancient and contemporary architecture!


Merry Christmas and Happy New Year

Yulduz Usmonova - Namekuni (NEW 2010)

Yulduz Usmonova - Namekuni (NEW 2010)

Yulduz (Yıldız) Usmanova (Usmonova) Юлдуз Усмонова (Усманова) Примадонна uzbek узбек Toshkent (Ташкент) Namekuni Намекуни NEW 2010 тожик tojik Новый клип Примадонны на песню "Намекуни" (на таджикском языке) был снят 17 января 2010 года в урочище Чарвак!



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