Ash covers cars as I drive around the Harbour and created quite the cleanup at our homes. Bless our fire crews.
People wonder why Bodega Bay was evacuated with the fire so far away. Experts ran projected fire models more than 20 times and each time it projected with the potential of the fire reaching the coast. This clearly shows where the wind was blowing and if the projected winds sustained, this is where the fire was going to go.
We understand the inconvenience it is to be evacuated as many of our own and their families were evacuated, but this decision by the county wasn't an easy one and there were justified reasons why the evacuation notice was given all the way out to Bodega Bay.
In the fire service we serve to protect Life 1st, then property. If people are gone we can then move down our list to protect property. Many firefighters in Healdsburg and Windsor were able to protect property and stop the fire from running through towns because people were gone and they were able to do their job without worrying about protecting life.