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RelationTrips "RelationTrips" is a simple, powerful way to bond with your loved ones through personalized road trip

In 2000, the fun-loving, father-son duo of Jeff Siegel and his then seven-year-old son Spence embarked on a spur-of-the-moment vacation that took them across the southwestern tier of National Basketball Association arenas. Shortly thereafter, Siegel formulated a grandiose plan: he and Spence would visit every NBA arena and Major League Baseball park in the United States. What started as a series

of hilarious road games and unexpected tours turned into a journey that would change everything for the Siegel and his son. Through their quest, Jeff and Spence have re-imagined the classic road trip and created a new model for family travel – the RelationTrip.


“The world is a book, and those who do not travel read only a page.”
Saint Augustine


Our road trips became a symbol of our closeness, our love, our commitment to always be there for each other.


What a PLAYGROUND!! And what an adventure for a kid! Even a big kid like me! An old carnival! We explored for hours!!⁠

What Will YOUR family discover on YOUR RelationTrip?⁠


So just what IS a “RelationTrip”??⁠

Well, simply stated, it’s a CUSTOMIZED JOURNEY. It almost always involves a CAR … ‘cause that’s what really maximizes the bonding opportunities AND turns the adventure into a legit SHARED experience.⁠

The perfect vehicle is, well, a vehicle.


The memories that are created when you have to make unexpected detours and stops along the way will remain with you all of your life. They are the real treasures created from the Road Trip experience. They are the real joys of driving the open road. ⁠

Yes, your routine may get interrupted. BUT...⁠

We will always remember the Elk traffic jam, and much more vividly than the ballgame we were heading to. Same with the tumbleweeds littering the road. And we have never experienced strawberries the same way -- or eaten a strawberry -- without remembering our famous "STRAWBERRY" RelationTrip!⁠

Creating memories together creates a real BOND ... and THAT is at the heart of every RelationTrip!⁠


Details & Delays – 3⁠

No doubt about it – CARS are the most spontaneous mode of transportation. ⁠

And time and time and time again during the course of our RelationTrips, Spence, and I have been in the car when we’ve encountered some of our most memorable and unexpected experiences. Here’s just a sampling of the DETAILS:⁠

 There was the time that we encountered a herd of ELK that were blocking the local interstate we were travelling out west. The entire highway was backed up – for a mile or more! – gridlocked in the middle of nowhere because it was rush hour for elk!⁠

 And then there was the time we were driving through New Mexico on our way to an Albuquerque Isotopes Minor League baseball game. We were tooling across these vast flats at dusk … and saw actual TUMBLEWEEDS flying past us!⁠

 And we’ll never forget the time that we happened upon a small farm stand in upstate New York that had GIANT STRAWBERRIES for sale – each one close to a quarter-pound!⁠

You’re certainly not going to encounter elk or tumbleweeds or giant strawberries while on board a plane.⁠

Instead, these are MAGIC MOMENTS … indelible images that have become indelible MEMORIES. And I gotta admit – I remember those tumbleweeds in New Mexico more than the baseball games.⁠

Embrace the unexpected and unforeseen on YOUR RelationTrips … and pay attention to all of the little details – because they’re going to create some of your most treasured MEMORIES!⁠


Details & Delays – 2⁠

Those unexpected glitches that are part of every RelationTrip – they’re the product of the SPONTANEITY that make the experience so unique and special. And these unforeseen wrinkles open the door to successfully negotiating challenges – and doing it TOGETHER.⁠

You see, child psychologists see a tremendous benefit here. They’ve found that the normal day-in-the-life of a Family is what they call “process-based”. In other words, life can be very routine and structured much of the time. But Road Trips often call for effectively addressing the challenges that are presented to us in a far less structured environment … like the open road.⁠

When it comes to Travel, you’re simply not going to get this kind of spontaneity – and the “Teachable Moments” that come with them – anywhere else. ⁠

Of course, there’s unmatched adventure and excitement that can be found in many of the DETAILS that accompany these unpredictable developments. And tomorrow, in Chapter Three of “Details & Delays”, I’ll share a number of them that Spence and I personally encountered during our RelationTrips!⁠


Details & Delays – 1⁠

It’s the little DETAILS and the side stories that go with them that truly make your RelationTrip much more than the sum of its parts.⁠

And sometimes, those details emerge during the DELAYS that you’ll inevitably encounter when you’re out and about … and immersed in the unbridled adventure that’s a big part of the open road.⁠

For instance, I remember one trip when Spence was about 8-years-old where we were flying to the west coast for a two-week Road Trip up through California. Well, we were delayed at O’Hare airport for hours and hours. But somehow, it seemed okay…⁠

We played card games.⁠

We made a video.⁠

We even talked about the whole “experience” of being delayed: We batted around all the reasons that planes are delayed. We made up stories about what we thought other people were thinking. We recorded our guesses as to the specific time that we’d step onto the plane and then updated our guesses every half-hour.⁠

The time actually raced by.⁠

And it was only later that I realized that, on some fundamental level, this was one of the main reasons that we were going on these Trip – to experience life TOGETHER.⁠

In Chapter Two of “Details & Delays” later today we’ll take a look at how unexpected glitches in the flow of your RelationTrip become bonding opportunities in and of themselves!⁠


RelationTrips Rewind: “A Guinness World Record! – 3

Spence and I spent more than THREE hours building our LEGO Millipede segment. All these years later, I can vividly recall how much fun we had as layer after layer were completed … trading LEGOS of different colors as we simultaneously traded laughs.

Finally, with a pronounced feeling of accomplishment, we brought our finished Millipede segment over to the turn-in table … where we were rewarded with a completion Certificate … or more appropriately, our LEGO “Certificat d’Accomplissement”!

Then, we were invited to personally transport our Millipede segment to the Holding Area. Spence carried it proudly, unconcerned that it was almost as big as him. Together, we headed out the back of the tent to find…

Dozens more of recently-completed LEGO Millipede segments – each one featuring its own unique design. And adjacent to it all, the starting point of a LONG and WINDING Millipede that stretched as far as the eye could see!

Yes, officially Spence and I were Guinness World Record holders – having made our contribution to the world’s longest LEGO Millipede!

What kind of records will YOU and YOUR Family set on your RelationTrip?!?


RelationTrips Rewind: “A Guinness World Record! – 2

As we approached the Montreal Biodome, the crowds suddenly swelled – hundreds and hundreds of people milling about a group of three or four giant tents standing tall on the grounds of the Biodome.

We entered one of the tents. It was a LEGO lover’s dream come true!

Inside were giant (and I mean GIANT!) warehouse-sized drums containing millions and millions of Lego pieces. Dozens of tables spread out throughout the tent – which was easily the size of a football field.

LEGO Hosts clad in brightly colored uniforms were directing traffic. Check-in was as simple as picking up an instruction sheet from one of the Hosts – which included easy-to-follow blueprints and diagrams detailing how to specifically construct your contribution to the Millipede … filling up your own personal tubs with a mountain of Legos … and finding an open space at one of the myriad of tables to begin assembling your own LEGO masterpiece!

Spence and I loaded up on Legos and found ourselves a working space. We consulted the instructions … and held a brief Strategy Session on the design we’d employ for our custom creation.

Then it was time to get to work!

Later this afternoon, in Chapter Three of this “RelationTrip Rewind”, Spence and I stake our claim to Guinness World Record history!


RelationTrips Rewind: “A Guinness World Record! – 1

As the UNPREDICTABILITY crossroad of the RelationTrips “THREE-WAY INTERSECTION” promises, you just never know what spectacular surprises await you on the road. And sometimes, that comes in the form of something as very, VERY cool as being part of a Guinness World Record!

Spence and I were in Canada on “The Main Event”, our Summer 2004 (and the first-ever International) RelationTrip. We started in Montreal, where we’d get to see the Montreal Expos in their last season north of the border – before they moved to Washington, DC to become the Washington Nationals.

We had a whole afternoon to spend exploring the city before making our way to the Expos night game. Our meanderings took us to the Montreal Biodome, right next to Olympic Stadium…

When we got within a couple of blocks of the Biodome, we unexpectedly came upon an eye-catching poster that touted a one-of-a-kind event. And while most of the poster was in French, the two lines that were in English made it super clear as to what was going on at the Biodome that very afternoon:

“Participate in a Guinness World Record!”

“Help build the longest LEGO Millipede in the world!”

Our mission was clear: Be part of a Guinness World Record! So off we headed to the Biodome to take full advantage of this unplanned opportunity!

More to come in Chapter Two of this “RelationTrip Rewind” later today!


A Legos WORLD RECORD was the surprise awaiting us on our RelationTrip called "The Main Event"!⁠


Road Games – 3

If you asked Spence to name the #1 Road Game in our years and years of RelationTrips, he wouldn’t need to think about it for but a milli-second or two.

It’s “Four-A-Dude”.

And just what is “Four-A-Dude”?? Well, it’s a Road Game that Spence came up with when he was about 10 years old. Simply put, it involves a deck of playing cards … a mini-basketball … a travel suitcase … and combinations of the number FOUR.

If you’re truly interested in ALL of the details with respect to Four-A-Dude’s hilariously complex rulebook, I’d be happy to share them with you. For now, suffice it to say that Four-A-Dude (named so because, according to 10-year-old Spence, it was created “for” a “dude”) quickly became our RelationTrip go-to. All these years later, we continue to pull it out of mothballs every now and then – as ADULTS! – when we’re out on the road together.

Now the key here is not the game itself, nor how brilliant my kid was for inventing it. Truth be known, I highly doubt that Milton Bradley is going to come around asking to license Four-A-Dude any time soon. Much more important is the QUALITY TIME that Spence and I spent creating this silly, wacky game … playing it religiously for years and years … and allowing it to cement its rightful place in the fabric of our RelationTrips history books and, even more important, in our MEMORY banks.

What kinds of Road Games are YOU and YOUR kids going to create and play for the first time on YOUR next RelationTrip?


Road Games – 2

The very first Road Game that Spence and I came up with was called “Bed Ball” – a ridiculously simple concept that came about when, while on the road, we picked up a free inflatable beach ball courtesy of a summer promotion at an A&W restaurant that we had stopped by…

When we got to our motel that night, we inflated the beach ball and began batting it back and forth. Then, Spence suggested that we turn it into a GAME – using the bed as our “court” … and tallying points the same way you would in tennis or volleyball. Of course, there were all sorts of “rules” to be determined over the course of the evening, and then…

“Bed Ball” was born.

From there, Bed Ball became a RelationTrip staple for us. And for years, we played it at least once a day during our travels, and often much more than that! In fact, we shortly introduced Bed Ball “Tournaments” … and then began crowning a Bed Ball Champion for each and every RelationTrip! Make no mistake about – in our world, carrying the Bed Ball title in between Trips became a very prestigious honor.

And therein lies the opportunity – that is, for these Road Games to become a highly-anticipated and regularly-scheduled part of your Road Trips. Establishing them as being unique to your time on the road – and ONLY when you’re on the road – accomplishes just that.

In Chapter Three of “Road Games” later today, we’ll take a look at the Siegel Boys’ mother of all Road Games!


Road Games – 1

Let’s talk about RelationTrips “Road Games”!

There is NO limit to the number and different kinds of CUSTOM games that you and your kids can come up with to play while you’re on the road. From the very start, Spence and I created our own unique (and often wacky) games that we would play specifically on each and every one of our RelationTrips.

The fact that we would ONLY play these games on the road made them extra-special. We just would NOT play them anywhere else. And we knew that, at the end of each journey, we’d put them into “storage” for a few months … and then immediately begin to look forward to when we’d break them out on the next Trip.

Even more important, these were games that we MADE UP – specifically, that Spence had the primary role in creating … and then then tweaking, modifying and updating as the Trips and the years rolled by. It enabled him to really flex his creative muscle … and also take ownership of some fun stuff that became a treasured staple of our time on the road.

What kind of games are we talking about? They can run the gamut – from card games to word games to trivia games to ballgames, and every combination in between. YOU make up the rules … YOU name the game … and YOU bring it to life in whatever fun and inventive ways you like!

In Chapter Two of “Road Games” later this afternoon, we’ll share some ideas on how to make sure that these games rack up significant “mileage” over the course of multiple Road Trips and many, many years!


It was on the "Double Play" RelationTrip that Spence first created the Siegel Boys very own custom version of Fantasy Baseball!⁠

And as with every other RelationTrip Road Game, a Champion was crowned along the way!⁠


Back to the Future-Japanese Style⁠

A real trip down memory lane for me AND a new adventure for Spence ... as we traveled down the East Coast on our "Eastern Rebound" RelationTrip. Spence got to see the place where his Dad worked during college -- before Spence was even born!⁠

What kind of places can YOU show YOUR children on YOUR RelationTrip?⁠


TUMBLEWEEDS EVERYWHERE!!! For these two city boys from Chicago, it was an astonishing sight! ⁠

What kind of spectacular SIGHTS will YOUR family see on YOUR RelationTrip??⁠


On our "Siegels Marching In" RelationTrip to New Orleans, there was plenty of basketball for sure. But what stole the show on this Trip was all of the amazing FOOD! Great food everywhere! Morning, noon, and night!⁠

What spectacular food experiences will YOUR family get to sink their teeth into on YOUR RelationTrip?⁠


The fish just LEAPT right out of the display case at Spence! It's part of the tourist attraction at the Seattle Fish Market! 😲 For a kid, this was a GREAT ADVENTURE! What kind of adventures will you create for YOUR child on YOUR next RelationTrip?⁠


"The creative and personal journey that Jeff and his son have embarked upon gives us a clear vision of what can happen when a parent takes on a responsive, loving, and child-centered approach that is filled with anticipation, adventure, imagination, discovery, and fun. For those who take to heart what Jeff is saying and integrate his teachings into their own lives, the result can be a life-altering experience."⁠

-- Jean Davis, M.A., ⁠RIP
Career Strategist and Former Faculty Member at Northwestern University⁠


After spending his childhood growing up using every vacation and spring break to go on the road with me visiting every National Basketball Association arena and every Major League Baseball stadium in the country, my son Spence has truly experienced all of the USA ... and it has made a big impact on him.⁠

For example, when Spence chose a career, guess what he chose? You got it! Sports Broadcasting! ⁠

The Road Trip has not only made an impact on our relationship -- which was my ultimate goal -- but it also strongly influenced the course of his life, and the many paths he decided to pursue. That's powerful.⁠

What can you do to impact your children's future simply by creating unique Road Trip experiences?⁠

The RelationTrip can be such a powerful tool for parents everywhere!


The RoadTrip became the place where my son and I bonded over the course of his life.⁠

30 National Basketball Association arenas and every Major League Baseball stadium in the country was the breeding ground, not only for great adventures, life-long memories but for a relationship that I could have only dreamed about as a single father.⁠

Now we have an unbreakable bond that developed, you got it, on the outstretched road.⁠

For us, it was sports, for you, it might be music festivals, or historical landmarks, or theme parks, but one thing is for certain...⁠

Road Trips have returned!


CNN Interview - RelationTrips

RelationTrips - A Father-Son Bonding Experience⁠

Parenting can be tricky business. How do you keep the children engaged in a relationship with you, keep their grades up, keep them away from the "bad crowd," keep lines of communication open and honest, maintain loyalty to the family, and all of those hurdles that we, as parents have as challenges?⁠

I stumbled onto a treasure of an idea that soon evolved into an answer for all of those challenges and created an unbreakable bond between my son and myself. ⁠

As a single parent, I needed a way to bond with my son and it started with the "Texas Swing." The Bulls were playing two Texas teams, one in Dallas and one in Houston in the same week. Sports geeks that we were, I saw an opportunity to share an experience with my son so I decided to take him to the games. The experience was such an extraordinary one, we both said, what if we do this again. ⁠

What if we visit every National Basketball Association arena and every Major League Baseball stadium in the country?⁠

So, over the next 10 years of our lives, every summer, winter vacation, spring break, etc. we were off! We planned the trips together and reminisced of the memories after returning home.⁠

This became the breeding ground for a phenomenal relationship with my son over his childhood and teenage years. Our bond became so tight, it could not be broken! ⁠

The Road Trip! It transformed our lives!


“Road Trips aren’t measured by mile markers, but by moments.” ⁠
– Unknown⁠

We keep photos and memorabilia so that we can cherish and remember the moments that we shared together, the times we laughed, the people we met, and the adventures we experienced...TOGETHER!


“Making Memories" – Memorializing Your RelationTrip – 3⁠

Here’s a couple of cool ways to memorialize your RelationTrip that fit the bill as far as serving as ONGOING opportunities to spend time on fun projects together…⁠

During our very first RelationTrip, Spence and I started collecting things – ticket stubs, restaurant menus, scorecards, food wrappers, and every conceivable piece of memorabilia and remembrance in between. Spence was 7 years old at the time, so he was just starting to get into that kid’s mode of “collecting” things.⁠

When we got home, it was a very natural jump to assembling everything we’d collected into a homemade SCRAPBOOK! And that became a regular post-Trip ritual for each and every one of our RelationTrips through the years. Today, those scrapbooks occupy a museum-like place in his bedroom … we pull them out and reference or revisit them regularly.⁠

Then there’s the MAP that Spence started working on well over a decade ago. It’s carefully-plotted and filled with dozens of pushpins – each one representing a SPORTS VENUE that he’s visited – live and in person – over the course of his 27+ years! And the map gets updated regularly – whether Spence has been on the road for weeks or months, it’s among the first things he does when he returns home.⁠

Visually, it’s a striking testament to our years and years of Road Travel and RelationTrips. But much more than that, it’s a cherished reminder of all of the many, many places – and the revered experiences attached to each and every one of them – that have shaped my son’s life!⁠

Our scrapbooks and map just begin to scratch the surface. There’s no doubt that YOU and YOUR Family can come up with all sorts of unique and special ways to memorialize YOUR next RelationTrip.⁠

Remember – it’s all about MAKING MEMORIES!!⁠


“Making Memories" – Memorializing Your RelationTrip – 2⁠

Our home is FILLED with RelationTrips memories.⁠

Wherever we look, there they are – framed photos, framed photo montages, digital picture frames that scroll our pix, photo albums, scrapbooks, souvenirs … and then there’s all of the t-shirts, sweatshirts, jackets, shorts and caps that we regularly wear.⁠

There’s a real good reason for this, besides the fact that it’s a LOT of FUN! And that is, it all serves as a constant reminder of the spectacular times that Spence and I have spent together on the road. And I’m pretty confident that it’ll provide the same kind of reinforcement for you and your kids…⁠

You walk by a framed photo and you SMILE.⁠

You open up a scrapbook that’s sitting on the coffee table and it makes you feel GOOD.⁠

You take a look at that souvenir sitting on your night table and it prompts you to DREAM about the next RelationTrip.⁠

The bottom line it this – you’re constantly reminding your kids (and yourself!) of how great this shared experience was … how MEMORABLE it became. And in doing so, you not only validate all the effort, but you positively reinforce the BONDING as well. ⁠

So load up on those Memory Holders – they’re the materials that you can consistently reference and build on. I’ll share some different ideas for memorializing your RelationTrip memories later today!⁠


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Monday 09:00 - 17:00
Tuesday 09:00 - 17:00
Wednesday 09:00 - 17:00
Thursday 09:00 - 17:00
Friday 09:00 - 17:00




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Our Story

In 2000, the fun-loving, father-son duo of Jeff Siegel and his then seven-year-old son Spence embarked on a spur-of-the-moment vacation that took them across the southwestern tier of National Basketball Association arenas. Shortly thereafter, Siegel formulated a grandiose plan: he and Spence would visit every NBA arena and Major League Baseball park in the United States. What started as a series of hilarious road games and unexpected tours turned into a journey that would change everything for the Siegel and his son. Through their quest, Jeff and Spence have re-imagined the classic road trip and created a new model for family travel – the RelationTrip.