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Tribal Teachings Matses Peruvian Kambo Practitioner Training

After facilitating another Kambo ceremony, I'm beginning to realize they teach me just as much if not more as the people...

After facilitating another Kambo ceremony, I'm beginning to realize they teach me just as much if not more as the people undergoing them.

One of the participants gave me some homework before this ceremony and sent me a great 11-minute documentary on YouTube called "Kambo Documentary: How Frog Medicine Saves Lives." One of the topics discusses how scientists are studying it because it's the only known antibiotic that bacteria can't develop resistance to. While part of me is glad for this research because it adds a legitimacy to the medicine, the other part was worried. There's this unknown quality of Kambo that academics will never understand.

During ceremonies, I can often visibly see participants working through something. Then at the end they'll share, "stuff came up." While purging toxins is great for our physical and mental health, it's not uncommon for unresolved issues to surface for healing (e.g. if we're angry at someone, an old trauma, a bad memory and the list goes on). One would think during such an intense process, things like this would be the last thing on your mind. But I've seen and experienced it time and time again.

Even if the pharmaceutical industry ever does find a way to safely administer this medicine in a capsule form I'd not only worry about what else they're putting in it but also they'd lose the spirit of the frog. There are some things in this world that can't be explained by reasonable measure and it's a shame our society can't ever seem to leave well enough alone or respect other customs and traditions. To get the full benefits, Kambo is meant to be administered by the way of the tribes.


I facilitated my first couples Kambo ceremony.Which got me thinking of a conversation I had with someone who also wanted...

I facilitated my first couples Kambo ceremony.

Which got me thinking of a conversation I had with someone who also wanted to do one -- and I'll be facilitating for him in two days (2 ceremonies, for 2 people, 2 days a part 🤔). He told me he wanted to do a Kambo ceremony with someone he was interested in pretty early on in their relationship.

I thought this was great as I've figured if I'm in one again, I'd do the same.

I never understood our dating or marriage customs. For the former, we're pressured to impress the other person. Spending money on unnecessary things. And putting forth only our good qualities.

For weddings, we're expected to spend an extravagant amount of cash on a ceremony which is a situation that'll never happen with them again. Don't forget overpriced (due to artificial scarcity) pieces of jewelry and formal clothing you really won't be wearing that much.

But how often do these scenarios occur after that? I don't think this prepares couples for the reality of life or situations that'll actually happen.

That's why I'm impressed with people who go this route. By being honest and saying this is who I am, this is where I'm at and this is what I'm working on.

The people who met me when I was at a low point and stood by me anyway have become some of my closest friends now. I'd have to imagine it's the same with a significant other.

If we live long enough we'll get old, we'll get sick, we're going to become less attractive and no matter what we'll die.

From my observation: find the person who'll be there for you, pushes you to be healthy and wants you to heal from the things that are making you suffer. Not the one who's expecting an endless supply of fairytale endings.

Oh, and based on how the ceremony went both during and after, I'd say my assessment was correct.


One of the best parts of going on a healing journey is when you get to a point where you can tell you've made real progr...

One of the best parts of going on a healing journey is when you get to a point where you can tell you've made real progress.

The big mark for me was one year in.

I made a complete 180. So much so, I didn't even recognize the person I was before. Which definitely lead to confusion on where to go from there and how to deal with shame and regret, among other things.

Another pivotal moment, has been this year. Because it's the one where the new people I've met on my quest, have seen how much I've changed (again) from last year to now.

This is certainty not something I embarked on to seek approval. But I do admit, it is nice to get recognition on the improvements I've made. The way I see it, if people are taking the time to comment on it, the changes must be noticeable.

When my friends ask, "What have you been doing"? I get excited to share with them.

It's no secret, that Kambo is one of the modalities that really helped heal me on every level (mentally, physically, emotionally, even spiritually) and turned my life around.

So when one of my best friends -- and a person who's inspired me to keep going multiple times -- reached out last week and wanted me to serve it to her, it was an honor.

I know how intimidating it can seem initially. It's a very intense experience for roughly 10-40 minutes. I can tell you the best practitioners still get nervous before they do it. It's actually a good thing, to respect the medicine like that.

But afterward, without fail, people see why I recommend it so much. There's no better medicine to help you with what you're going through.

While the initial stages of what I set forth on were selfish since I had to focus on myself, the desired result of this work is to be of service and help others. I'm grateful that it's started to happen 🙏


Facilitated my first Kambo double-header and thankfully they went great!But a lot of memories have flooded over me latel...

Facilitated my first Kambo double-header and thankfully they went great!

But a lot of memories have flooded over me lately of back when I started using this medicine.

It was a real Wild West show then.

There were people receiving it on bathroom floors, going to large -- what I refer to as "assembly line" -- ceremonies without adequate supervision and a practitioner seeing how many gates he could put on his friend before he passed out.

This wasn't even ancient history. We're talking about 2 years ago.

Fortunately, despite the healing and consciousness communities tendency to attract their fair share of intensity junkies, there's been a shift this year and many discussions about responsibility and getting back in touch with the spirit of the medicine along with the tribes have surfaced. We also saw the worst offenders be pushed away or forced to operate out in the shadows.

My friend even put it in perspective when he said, "those bad practitioners had their role. They brought it to everyone's attention." He's right. If you ask most facilitators whom their first ceremony was with, it was with a crazy one.

I've heard from the beginning Kambo is a medicine of integrity. If you have pure intentions, it can help you achieve what you thought was impossible. Synchronicitically, I just read this quote on a sponsored link when logging in: "Kambo is one of the strongest anti-inflammatory, anti-depressant, analgesic substances in the world." But for those coming in with bad intentions, whether they know it or not and are either applying or receiving it, they end up being punished.

In Western culture we think we get away with pulling fast ones (even though we ultimately don't) so it's hard for us to grasp plants and medicines having an intelligence.

I assure you they do.


I have been fortunate enough to be able to facilitate some great Kambo ceremonies lately and this one was no exception.W...

I have been fortunate enough to be able to facilitate some great Kambo ceremonies lately and this one was no exception.

Was actually an honor to serve a brother I've worked alongside doing sacred masculine work.

Here I'm administering Sananga eye drops.

These are usually given at the end of the ceremony and a lot of newcomers have a love-hate relationship with them.

They hate the fact that they burn with the intensity of pretty much nothing else they've ever experienced before.

But they love the benefits which can include help with farsightedness, near-sightedness, astigmatism and glaucoma.

Mentally they help treat depression, anxiety and addiction as well.

As it works its way down and makes its way into the system it has anti-cancer properties too.

Personally, after using them twice a week for 2-3 months I didn't need glasses to read anymore.

I am grateful for the people I've been able to introduce Kambo to and who've had amazing results. I'm really getting a l...

I am grateful for the people I've been able to introduce Kambo to and who've had amazing results. I'm really getting a lot out of being of service.

I mentioned diseases it can help with the other day but it also has many other benefits.

Mentally it's good for depression, anxiety and PTSD.

Physically it's also great with weight loss. In fact the one common share after ceremonies I've heard is everyone seems to notice a change in their diet.

Spiritually it's traditionally used by the Matses tribe to clear "panema" which roughly translates to bad luck.

If you're not having success with Western medicine I highly recommend doing research on some of the traditional ones.


Applying Kambo gates.I was initially interested in learning how to administer it because not only did I see the positive...

Applying Kambo gates.

I was initially interested in learning how to administer it because not only did I see the positive mental and physical effects it had on me, but when I sat in circle I'd hear these amazing firsthand stories of how it had helped others.

One guy (who had done it around twenty times which admittedly is a lot) had gone from HIV positive to negative, a young woman got her moon cycle back after losing it because of using birth control almost a decade earlier and another person -- who later became a practitioner and has gone on record with this -- had her colon cancer disappear. This is just a small sample.

Since then, I've heard similar testimonials like this.

While these are only what other people have shared, one thing I do know for sure is that Kambo can't do all the work for the person and it should always be accompanied with lifestyle changes afterward.

It'll give you the strength to let go of habits that no longer serve you but the ultimate choice is up to you.


Much gratitude for being able to facilitate Kambo at this small group ceremony. The participants were so dedicated they ...

Much gratitude for being able to facilitate Kambo at this small group ceremony. The participants were so dedicated they even prepared traditional Caicuma to drink.

All practitioners seem to disagree about all aspects of this medicine from contraindications to what it's main purpose is. Some regard it as the be-all end-all.

To me, I think it's the best impetus you can utilize to start making necessary changes in your life. From eating healthier, getting out of a rut, healing deep past traumas or just changing how you view yourself.

Kambo is what gave me the strength to go on a journey that otherwise would have been impossible for me. To face things that were difficult to face.

Memories of my early ceremonies flooded over me and I was elated to get to share these experiences with others.

One aspect that's universally agreed on is it's an intense medicine that's not for everyone at this moment. However, to those it's called to, I love being able to be a part of their process and get to share in all the benefits that it brought to me.


First step of applying Kambo: making light burns with a tamishi vine.                             🐸                     ...

First step of applying Kambo: making light burns with a tamishi vine.


Administering Rapé (pronounced ha-PAY) also commonly known as “Nu-nu” or “Nene” by the Matses tribe.⁣ ⁣ It's "a sacred a...

Administering Rapé (pronounced ha-PAY) also commonly known as “Nu-nu” or “Nene” by the Matses tribe.⁣ ⁣ It's "a sacred and legal herbal s***f said to heighten the awareness and senses, clear and align your mind, instinct, intuition and help promote cleansing of the body and soul."⁣

***f -nu ***co

My last day in Peru. It was a bittersweet moment. I saw both ends of the spectrum on this trip. The part of the healing ...

My last day in Peru. It was a bittersweet moment. I saw both ends of the spectrum on this trip. The part of the healing business I wish I didn't know about -- especially what seems like an endless exploitation of the indigenous people -- and the part that made me want to do it in the first place. Probably the most important realization I had is that in many ways life down here seems more natural than back "home." Now that I remembered why I was so drawn to Kambo in the first place, I look forward to serving it with integrity and being able to help others heal in a way they might not have been able to otherwise. Aho 🙏

During a discussion on Kambo the practitioner asked one of my group members if they ever had it applied to their spine. ...

During a discussion on Kambo the practitioner asked one of my group members if they ever had it applied to their spine. He affirmed, "that's when the shifts started happening." I thought about this and was a little nervous because I heard the burn marks can hurt more there. But on my last day I decided to go for it.

Sure enough they are a little more painful than the arm or chest. The medicine can also vary on how intense it can be in this area.

For me, it was gentle but still very cleansing. Then... "the shift" happened.

For half of last year I was told my heart chakra had a block off and on. This blew the lid clean off and kept it that way. Nothing else was able to.

Thank you Los Cielos for the best Kambo ceremony I've had yet. You've created a great place of healing, treat the tribes with dignity on every level and have shown me how to administer the medicine with integrity.

Last but certainly not least, gracias medicina 🙏


While taking some time for myself and being introspective, I looked under the table and on the other side I see Freddy -...

While taking some time for myself and being introspective, I looked under the table and on the other side I see Freddy -- one of the baby monkeys who lives there -- also deep in thought.

Was he a reflection of me and the journey I had been on?

I don't know.

But after that he started rolling around and playing.

A good lesson on how no matter what you're going through or how busy you are, don't forget to enjoy the process.

🐒 💯 ❤️

By now you're probably wondering what am I doing naked in a tree all covered in clay. But the real question is why aren'...

By now you're probably wondering what am I doing naked in a tree all covered in clay. But the real question is why aren't YOU naked in a tree all covered in clay? This clay detox not only refreshed and recharged me physically and mentally but is one of the best ways to remove toxins out there. The only catch was we had to walk about a mile into the jungle to shovel it into a bucket then take turns carrying it out.

**e **einnature

After weeks of getting beat up by the jungle, Los Cielos was a godsend. Each day we'd take a plant bath that among other...

After weeks of getting beat up by the jungle, Los Cielos was a godsend. Each day we'd take a plant bath that among other things really helped quickly heal mosquito and chigger bites. At the end of the week, we capped it off with a flower bath.

🌺 🌸 🌹

Panoramic view of the greenhouse at Los Cielos.Not only was the area peaceful and relaxing but it was also inspiring to ...

Panoramic view of the greenhouse at Los Cielos.

Not only was the area peaceful and relaxing but it was also inspiring to see people grow their own food and medicine.

A member of our group said Peru will vote on whether to allow GMOs in their country soon. I hope they see the result of our mistake before doing that. They still have real food. You can even taste the difference between it and what is labeled "organic" for us.


A flower on a beautiful bobinsana tree at Los Cielos.It's generally used in dieta to open and heal the heart, increase e...

A flower on a beautiful bobinsana tree at Los Cielos.

It's generally used in dieta to open and heal the heart, increase empathy, strengthen one’s connection with nature and provide spiritual grounding.

Bobinsana produces lucid and colorful visionary dreams. Medically it's used as a heart tonic, stimulant and energizer.

Unfortunately, I didn't get to heal with it this time around but am putting it out there that I'd like to work with bobinsana in the future.

While going through the photos of my training I thought why the hell did I take a picture of a dilapidated bridge?! But ...

While going through the photos of my training I thought why the hell did I take a picture of a dilapidated bridge?! But looking back, I realized it was the perfect metaphor for both the trip itself and my healing journey as a whole.

It was a difficult year in terms of confronting old issues I needed to deal with head-on, facing uncertainty and finding purpose.

Many times I felt like turning back and giving up. It was a daunting trek that at first sight didn't seem possible or worth it.

But I crossed that bridge here. And I'm continuing to cross that bridge in life.

The Matses apply Kambo a lot differently than ceremonies back in the States. The most noticeable difference was the actu...

The Matses apply Kambo a lot differently than ceremonies back in the States. The most noticeable difference was the actual size of the dots. The marks generally are small, which people here tend to prefer, especially those interested in minimalizing scarring. But the tribe members put on dots the size of bullet holes. On top of that, they are far from stingy and really cake on the medicine. So I found one of their dots is equal to 2-3 of those I was used to.

🌸 🐸

One of the most surprising things about my trip was the prevalence of motorcars (three-wheeled motorcycle taxis) as the ...

One of the most surprising things about my trip was the prevalence of motorcars (three-wheeled motorcycle taxis) as the main mode of transportation in the city.

They are affordable to take and get good gas (which is very expensive there) mileage. But judging by the air quality, they are a big source of pollution.

This was right after I landed at my final destination in Peru and right before my Kambo practitioner training started.I ...

This was right after I landed at my final destination in Peru and right before my Kambo practitioner training started.

I would learn how to serve Kambo, a medicine I truly believe has amazing healing properties, directly from the Matses tribe.

The idiom "The Law of the Jungle" can be overused and sound cheesy. But believe me, there's a reason why someone came up with it.

This trip changed me in ways I don't even know yet.

But I have certainly developed an even greater respect for the medicine, the indigenous tribes and the natural healing field in general. An impressive feat considering it was already incredibly high.

After I finish integrating, I'm really looking forward to continuing to serve others with purpose and integrity by sharing my new skill with those who'll need it!


Matses tribe jungle workers.                           🐸

Matses tribe jungle workers.


Matses warriors pose.                           🐸

Matses warriors pose.


Luis Dunu Jimenez Dësi also known as Lucho from the Matses tribe telling a story to a work group.                       ...

Luis Dunu Jimenez Dësi also known as Lucho from the Matses tribe telling a story to a work group.


Activities for the Matses boys.                           🐸

Activities for the Matses boys.


Matses brotherhood.                           🐸

Matses brotherhood.


A Matses villager woodworking.                           🐸

A Matses villager woodworking.


A path heading out of the Matses village.                           🐸

A path heading out of the Matses village.


The sun setting on the Matses village.                           🐸

The sun setting on the Matses village.


A Matses tribe work crew.                           🐸

A Matses tribe work crew.




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