Dark Skies and tranquility really define so much of the Sky Islands and the Sierra Madre, but that's all under threat with the proposed expansion of zones for military manouvers, vastly lowered ceilings for exercises (from 30,000 ft to 10,000ft), expanded windows of operation (24hrs), introduction of faster, louder jet fighters, and the new and improved command center slated for . Recently, Air Force pilots said their mission was best accomlished with slower A-10 , but (in it's inextricably cozy relationship with the weapons makers) has told the military what's best for them. Discounting of course, that the next war will probably be waged through social media's disinformation and propoganda. Still, don't sit this one out. Let your voice be heard. https://www.detritus.net/steev/AFAccountability/AirForceExpansion-Laikenv6.mp4