NER is kicking off the Fall 2024 planting season this year with seed biopriming. We had successful results Fall 2023 and Spring 2024 with seed priming and are looking forward to the Fall/Winter growing season.
🌱 Seed biopriming is a process for establishing soil microbial populations to create a symbiotic relationship between the seedling and the soil microbes. The seed is coated before planting with beneficial microbial species including multiple strains of bacteria and fungal species, as well as low levels of bioavailable micronutrients.
🌱 Successful establishment of a flourishing rhizosphere has proven to be the most efficient and cost-effective way to increase soil microbial populations even in the off season with cover crops
🌱 Every trial over 2 seasons validates increased seed emergence and seedling vigor.
🌱 For the cost of a cup of coffee, you can prime an acre of seed.
🌱 The efficiency of applied nutrition or pesticides is driven by soil microbes.