For my birthday I will prepare 100 pnut butter and chocolate chip sandwich kits.
We will hand out water, hot cider and chocolate packs and instant oatmeal at Cuddy Park.
I have 2 friends and volunteers from a local ministry to help. Praise God for giving me this opportunity!
My birthday wish to help provide 1000 meals for the homeless in Anchorage this winter. Also, help another 20 stay warm.
20 new sleeping bags $1480
40 x 48 oz jars of Jiffy Peanut Butter $160
1000 packs of hot chocolate $120
1000 packs instant oatmeal $200
1000 qt size Baggies $60
1000 Hot Cider Packs $120
100 loafs of bread $200
1000 waters 250
$2610 total
If you'd like to help call me, text me, Instant Messenger or reply in Facebook.
I do it from my heart and am NOT a charity for tax purposes. 100% of your support will feed or warm the homeless.
Costco has a few bucks off most of the food items so I want to stock up to cover the winter.