We're expanding! Stay tuned for more information! #glackenproperties #Ashford #mtrainier
We bet you could check off more than a few vacation "musts" in Lake Havasu! There is a little something for everyone here. ☀️🚤 #glackenproperties #vacationmusts #bookdirect
Choose happiness. 🧡 #glackenproperties #Eldorado #bookdirect #lakehavasucityaz
In honor of the balloon festival this weekend, here are a few of our photos from the past. 😍 #glackenproperties #balloonfestival #Eldorado #lakehavasuoasis #vacationrentals
It was so awesome to catch the Dixie Belle cruising through the channel last time we were in Havasu! #glackenproperties
We had a great time watching the Lake Havasu Classic Outboard Championships this morning! Havasu hosts some pretty awesome events all year long. We highly recommend checking out Go Lake Havasu for event information when you visit! #glackenproperties #golakehavasu #lakehavasuclassicoutboardchampionships