Never stop changing for the better. There is always something you can do to improve your situation and conditions around you. Pray often & take action to do good.
✨The KEY to retraining your brain is showing it more repeating patterns of how you want to think, feel and be, instead of what you’ve been inadvertently conditioning your mind into that’s been hurting you.
It takes awareness & consistency to
take notice of the things that you think of the most, repeatedly, and you’ll begin to see a pattern there.
And once you do, THEN you can purposely start to change the things you think about regularly & start to focus more on what you want, who you want to be and how you want to feel instead.
I often recommend starting each day with 5-10 min of Intentional Focusing practice- this is mental training & visualization to your advantage.
You’ll show your brain a repeating pattern and remember, your brain is a pattern recognition system & whatever patterns you repeatedly expose it to, it will record into the unconscious & create automatic habits.
The more you do this, the more you’ll teach your brain to trust it, because it feels familiar to you.
But this isn’t a fake it until you make it scenario - you really need to quiet down and vividly see it, feel it, smell it & hear it. And your brain will begin to believe it.
You just have to be tenacious with it.
Retrain - Reset - Reclaim Your Brain 🧠