I thought it would be fun to share some fun facts about me.
*I am the tallest of my parents children 😊 I am 4'11.
*When I'm not being a travel specialist, I am a Paralegal.
*When I was a child I wanted to be a school teacher.
*I LOVE my jobs. I treat all of my clients like I would have wanted one to treat my mom. When you work with me, you get all of me!
*My first car was yellow.
*My favorite colors are yellow and pink. Imagine a yellow car with pink polka dots?? You would know that is me-lol.
*I've had the same license plate (CINDRLA) since I bought my first car in 1988.
*I am completely terrified of spiders and fire.
*I am no longer terrified to fly in a plane-I used to have to take medication to fly. I've come a long way!!!
*I met my husband on a bowling league. We hung a sign from the bowling alley at our wedding, it read "First there was bowling, then you came along!"
*I spent my first several years living in Rock Hall, Maryland. If you have never been, I recommend you go. It is a great little town.
*Mom of four (the best job ever!!) amazing adults 🩷💙🩷🩷
*My biggest baby was 9 pounds, my smallest was 4 pounds 13 oz.
*I wanted six children. God wanted me to have four. He won.
*I got my sweet baby, Crimson 🐾🦮, from a bar.
*I took my son to the police station when he was in first grade for stealing a penny. He and his sisters still give me grief for doing so.
*I love my family and friends hard.
*I have a motorcycle license! Much better being in the driver's seat.
*I am blessed to have a bonus daughter. I love this girl as much as if I gave birth to her myself, and am beyond thankful her mom shares her with me.
*Places on my bucket list that have not been checked off include visiting Sicily, the Panama Canal, Greece, Hawaii and Ireland.
*I lost my mom three and half years ago, to a fall. The grief and pain never goes away, you just learn to live with it.
*I spend as much time as I can with my dad. Every day that he wakes up is a true gift to my family and I.
*If I could write my future, I will retire living at the beach.
*I firmly believe that God always has a plan.
If I've missed anything you want to know, ask away!
I am beyond blessed to have met so many of you, most of whom I consider friends. Thank you for trusting me, no words will ever express my gratitude.