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Physics Assignment help

Electrostatic force and electrostatic field

Electrostatic charges
Electrostatic field
Electrostatic potential and flux

Current Electricity

Electric current and resistance
Electric measurement
Heating effects of current
Chemical effects of current
Thermoelectric effects of current

Magnetic effects of current

Magnetic field due to current
Forces on charged particles in electric and magnetic fields
Magnets and earth's magnetism
Classification of magnetic materials

Electromagnetic induction and alternating current

Electromagnetic induction
Transient currents and alternating currents
Electrical drives

Wave optics and ray optics

Huygens’s principle and interference
Diffraction and polarization
Reflection of light
Refraction of light
Dispersion of light
Optical Instruments

Dual nature of matter and radiation

Dual nature of matter and radiation

Atomic Nucleus


Solids and semiconductor devices

Conductors, Insulators and semiconductors
Semiconductor devices
Logic gates

Principles of communication

Principles of communication



Mathematical tools

Mathematical tools

Physical world and measurement

Systems of units
Measurement of length, mass and time
Dimensional analysis
Errors and measurements


Uniform Motion
Uniformly accelerated motion
Motion in a plane

Laws of Motion

Newton's laws of motion

Work, energy and power
Motion of system of particles and rigid body

Centre of mass and rotational mechanics
Moment of inertia



Mechanics of solids and liquids

Liquids at rest
Liquids in motion

Heat and Thermodynamics

Thermometry, thermal expansion and specific heat
Kinetic theory of gases
Transfer of heat


Chemistry Assignment help
Topics we help on
Qualitative Analysis

Confidence Interval for Mean & Proportions
Nomenclature of Inorganic Compounds


Inter Molecular Force
Lewis Structure-VSEPR Theory-Shapes of Molecular Models

Chemical Kinetics
Concentration of Solution: Molarity, Molality and Normality

Clausius-Clapeyron Equation
Nomenclature of Organic Compounds

Fundamentals of Organic Chemistry
Balancing the Chemical Equation by Ion-Electron Method or Redox Method

Classification of Chemical Reactions
Chemistry of Transition Elements

Coordination Chemistry
Molecular and Empirical Formula of Organic and Inorganic Compounds

Gas Laws, Charles Law, Boyle's Law, Ideal and Real Gas Equation
Periodic Properties of Elements

Substitution and Elimination Reaction
Thermo Chemistry

Chemical Equilibrium
Rate Law, Order and Molecularity

Nuclear Chemistry
Fundamentals of Inorganic Chemistry

Chemistry of Representative Elements
Isomerism in Organic and Inorganic Compounds

Electronic Configuration of Elements
Parametric Equations

Biology Assignment help

Topics we help on

Digestive System

Cell Biology

Endocrine System

Molecular Biology

Reproductive system



Metabolic Pathways




Nucleic acids




Central Dogma



Species Concept

Enzymes and Enzyme Kinetics




Cell Signaling

Root System

Cell Organelles

TCA Cycle

Cell Cycle and Cell Division

Urea Cycle

Mendelian Genetics
Cellular Transport

Electron Transport Chain

Protein Kinesis

Clinical Biochemistry

Immunity and Immune Cells
Cell Communication

Physiology of the Body

Cell adhesion

Morphological Study of Plants


Shoot System

Food chain


Biological Control
Complement Systems

Purines and Pyrimidines

Symbiotic Nitrogen Fixation
Histocompatability Complex

Diseases of the Immune System


Anatomy of the Body

Geologic Eras
Food Web

Human Genome Project

Circulatory System


Excretory System

Plant Hormones

Respiratory System
Origin of Life

Transgenic Plants

Immune System
Nervous System


Cardiovascular System

Isolating Mechanisms

Molecular Cycle

Prokaryotes and Eukaryotes

Mathematics Assignment help

Topics we help on
Polar Co-ordinates

Area in Polar Coordinates
Solving Systems of Equations

Systems of Inequalities
Quadratic Equations

Matrices and System of Equations
The Determinant of a Square Matrix

Cramer’s Rule

Rate of Change

Measurement of Speed
Finding Limits Graphically

Higher Order Derivatives
Rolle’s Theorem and Mean Value Theorem

Concavity and Second Derivative Test
Limits at Infinity

Indefinite Integration
Definite Integration

Integration by Substitution
Area of a Region Between Two Curves

Volume by Shell Method and Disc Method
Integration by Parts

Trigonometric Integration
Differential Equations

Slope Fields
Growth and Decay

System of Differential Equations
Parametric Equations

Complex Numbers
The Inverse of a Square Matrix

Functions and Their Graphs

Evaluating Limits Analytically
Increasing and Decreasing Functions

Newton’s Method
Finding Area Using Integration

Numerical Integration

Partial Fractions
Separation of Variables

Second Order Differential Equations
Accounting Assignment Help

Journal T- Accounts Ledger Posting Raw - Materials Contribution Closing Entries

Finance Assignment Help

Topics we help on
Price of Bond

Real Rate
Current Yield

Nominal Rate
Yield To Maturity

Rate of Return

Dividend Yield

Period Rate
Dividend Discount Model

Degree of Combined Leverage
No-Growth Dividend Discount Model

Ratio Analysis
Constant-Growth Dividend Discount Model

Return On Assets
Expected Rate of Return

Net Present Value

Average Inventory
Internal Rate of Return

Inventory Turnover
Profitability Index

Accounts Receivable Collection Period
Equivalent Annual cost

Fixed Assets Turnover
Cash Flows From Operations

Cash Budget
Degree of Operating Leverage

Growth Rate for Stock
Degree of Financial Leverage

After Tax Cost of Debt
Financial Break Even

Discounted Payback
Cost of Equity

Accounting Rate of Return
Cost of Debt

Dividend Payout Ratio
Cost of Preferred Stock

Debt To Equity Ratio
Weighted average cost of capital

Market/ Book Ratio
Cost of Capital

Flow To Equity Approach
CAPM Model

Balanced Scorecard
Beta of Stock

Metrics For Monitoring
Portfolio Rate Of Return

Z- Score
Present Value

Annuities - Present and Future Values
Future Value

Company Valuation
Time Value of Money

Types of Bonds
Simple and Compounding Problems

Election of Number of Minority Directors
Portfolio Return

Portfolio Risk
Capital Asset Pricing and Arbitrage Pricing Theory

Analysis & Valuation of Debt: Bond Pricing
Equity Valuation

Fundamental Analysis and Technical Analysis
Profitability Ratios

Liquidity Ratios
External Funding Requirements

Price Earnings Ratio
Capital Budget Problems

Valuation Problems
Selection of investment

Merger Beta Valuations
Amortization Schedule For Loan

Interest Rates And Bonds Prices Problems
Interpretation of Stock Quotes

Average Cost of Capital
Multiple Choice Finance Problems

Value of Share of Merged Firm
Time Line For Project's Cash Flows

Personal Finance
Floatation Cost

Equity/Bond Cost with Floatation Cost
Mutually Exclusive Projects

Independent Projects


Dividends - Residual Theory
Stock Dividends

Cash Dividends
Repurchase or Dividend Payment

Capital Budgeting in Foreign Subsidiaries

Portfolio Diversification
Bond Yields

Probability and Probability Distributions
Characteristics of Probability Distributions

Some Important Probability Distributions
Monte Carlo simulation and EVT

Nature and Scope of Econometrics
Estimation and Hypothesis Testing

The Two‐Variable Model: Hypothesis Testing
Linear Regression

Multiple Regression
Bond Prices, Discount Factors, and Arbitrage

Bond Prices, Spot Rates, and Forward Rates
Yield to Maturity

Generalizations and Curve Fitting
One‐Factor Measures of Price Sensitivity

Measures of Price Sensitivity Based on Parallel
Key Rate and Bucket Exposures

The Science of Term Structure Models
Foreign Exchange Risk

Determination of Forward and Futures Prices
Hedging Strategies using Futures

Interest Rate Futures
Commodity Forwards and Futures

A Firm‐Wide Approach to Risk Management
Identifying and Managing Cash Flow Exposures

Properties of stock options

Trading Strategies Involving Options
Binomial Trees

The Black–Scholes–Merton model
Option Greek Letters

Exotic options
Volatility smiles

A Firm‐Wide Approach to Risk Management
Identifying and Managing Cash Flow Exposures

The Demand and Supply for Derivatives Products
VaR Methods

VaR Mapping
Stress testing

Quantifying Volatility in VaR Models
External and Internal Ratings,

Default Risk: Quantitative Methodologies
Loss Given Default

Loan Portfolios and Expected Loss
Unexpected Loss

Portfolio Effects: Risk Contributions and Unexpected Losses
Credit Risk Portfolio Models

Credit Risk Management and Strategic Capital Allocation
Credit Risks and Credit Derivatives

Measuring and Marking Counterparty Risk
Economic Capital for Counterparty Credit Risk

Counterparty Risk Management- Legal issues
Synthetic Structures

Credit Risk: Individual Loan Risk
Sovereign Risk

Legal Issues Measuring and Managing Credit Risk

Extending the VaR Approach to Operational Risk
Operational VaR: a Closed‐Form
Approximation. LDA at Work
Aligning Basel II Operational Risk and Sarbanes Oxley

Technology and Other Operational Risks
Model Risk

Enterprise Risk Management
Investors and Risk Management

Creating Value with Risk Management
Capital Allocation and Performance Measurement

Identifying, Measuring, and Monitoring Liquidity Risk
Basel Committee on Banking Supervision

Case Studies
The Capital Asset Pricing Model

Performance Analysis
Portfolio Risk: Analytical Methods

VaR and Risk Budgeting in Investment Management
Hedge Funds

Economics Assignment Help

Topics we help on

Perfect Competitive Market Structure
Opportunity Cost

Monopoly and Price Discrimination
Production Possibility Frontier

Monopolistic Competition
Marginal Analysis

Use of Calculus in Economic Problems

Game Theory
Indifference Curve Analysis

Output Maximization or Cost Minimization
Utility Maximization

Profit Maximization
Lagrangean Techniques

Investment Decisions
Equilibrium Concept

Gross Domestic Product (GDP) Measurements
Substitution Effect and Income Effect

Concepts of Revenue & Profits

Variable Cost & Fixed Cost

Balance of Payments
NPV & IRR Analysis

Trade Balance
Fiscal Policies

Exchange Rate
Multiplier Concepts

Gain from Trade
Budget Deficits

Terms of Trade
Public Debt

Bonds & Securities
Government Policies

Federal Reserve
Labor Markets

Basic Estimation Techniques
Wage Discrimination

Estimation - Cost & Production
Managerial Decisions for Firms with Market Power

Strategic Decision making in Oligopoly Markets
Demand Forecasting

Minimization Problems

Least Cost Combination
Engel Curve

Pareto Optimality
Behavior of Firms

Demand Estimation & Forecasting
Price Controls

Price Ceiling
Taxes - Incidence & Impact

Production Function
Pricing & Output Decision under Different Market Structures

Break Even Analysis
Money Market

Quantity Theory of Money
Keynesian Theory of Money

Monetary Standards
Velocity of Money

Transaction Demand for Money
Liquidity Preference Theory

Money Multiplier
Require Reserves

Keynesian Vs Monetarism
Savings, Investment, Interest rate

Estimation - OLS Method
Type I, Type II Error

Statistical Significance of Variables
R - Square , Overall Significance

Problems of Estimation
Log - Log models

Labor Demand - Derived Demand
Determination of Equilibrium Wage & Employment

Nominal & Real wages
Minimum wages

Marginal Revenue Product of Labor
Human Capital

Duality Theory
Imperfect Competition and Market Structure

Competitive Theories of International Trade

Taxes and Quantitative Restrictions in Traditional Trade Models and International Factor Movements
Money Supply

Business Cycles
Import Quota

Export Subsidy
Recession or Expansion of the Economy

Exercise Tax
Income Tax

Consumer Price Index

Nominal & Real Interest Rate
Present Discount Value

Aggregate Demand & Aggregate Supply Analysis
IS & LM Models

Aggregate Expenditure
Full Employment Output

Real GDP & Potential GDP
Monetary Polices

National Income Accounting
Theory of Consumer Behavior

Managerial Decisions in Competitive Markets
Decision Under Risk & Uncertainty

Maximization Problems
Partial Derivatives

Demand, Supply - Market Equilibrium
Consumer Theory

Price Floors
Cost, Revenue & Profits

Pricing Methods
Fisher's Equation of Exchange

Money Supply - Price Level
Speculative Demand for Money

Deposit Multiplier - Deposit Creation by Banking System
Testing of Hypothesis

T - test, F - test
Log - Linear Models

Labor Supply
Labor - Leisure Choice

Marginal Productivity Theory of Income Distribution
Theory of Revealed Preference

Commercial Policy
Statistics Assignment Help

Topics we help on

Graphs & Diagrams

Confidence Interval for Mean & Proportions

Random Variables - Discrete & Continuous Distributions

Binomial & Poisson Distribution
Time Series

Quality control - R-chart - p-chart - Mean chart
Exponential Smoothing

Probability - Conditional Probability - Bayes' Theorem
Sampling Distribution

Moment Generating Function - Central Limit Theorem
Point Estimate & Interval Estimate

Normal, Uniform & Exponential Distribution
Chi-Square Test – Independence of Attributes

F-test - ANOVA
Distributions - Bernoulli


Multiple Regression
Statistical Methods for Quality Control

Sampling Distribution
Non Parametric Tests

Analysis of Variance
Correlation Analysis

Regression Analysis
Descriptive Statistics

Moving Averages

Sampling Techniques
Estimation Theory

Testing of Hypothesis - Mean and Proportion Test
Data Analysis

Numerical Methods

Goodness-of-Fit Test
Inferential Statistics

Management Assignment Help
Financial management
Human Resource management
Operations Management
English Assignment Help
Reading skills
Writing skills
Essay writing
History Assignment Help
Geography Assignment Help
Paper writing Help




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