⭐️ As I sit in my office and send my final emails and make final payments due in 2024 I can’t help but to reflect on such an amazing year 2024 has been.
❤️ Thank you to everyone who has trusted me to plan your trips and has come back over and over again and sent your friends and family my way and shared my posts.
⭐️ Let’s have some fun with some numbers for 2024:
🎉 $2.4 million in traveled sales
💍 15 destination weddings
🌴 539 bookings
⭐️ 1672 people traveled
🌴 Top Destination in 2024:
🏝️ Beaches Turks and Caicos
🌴 Sandals Dunns River
🏰 Disney World
🌴 Hyatt Ziva Cap Cana
🏝️ Aruba
❤️ It has been once again a record breaking year for me with winning multiple awards and being able to travel to some amazing destinations to receive them. I couldn’t do any of this without any of you so THANK YOU!!
🥂 Cheers to more amazing trips in 2025!
⭐️ I will be in and out of the office thru January 2nd celebration the holidays with my husband and our dogs in our first Christmas in our new home and making some memories. It may take me a little bit longer to respond to messages and emails.
📩[email protected]