🚢 Parents - You are going to love the return of this Disney Cruise Program!
🎉 Dine and Play is back!
Dine and Play is a great program for parents who would enjoy some adult-only time at dinner while the little ones are having a blast at the kids' clubs.
❓How does Dine and Play work?
Dine and Play is available only for families that have selected the later dining time (around 8:15pm). Once you arrive at the dining room the servers will ask if your children are participating in Dine and Play. If so, you will have about 45 minutes for your children to order their food and eat. Between 9:00pm and 9:15pm, you bring your children to the front of the dining room where you will meet the Youth Activities staff.
Once signed in, the kids will head off to the Oceaneer Club with the staff and you are now ready to take a deep breath and enjoy some dinner conversation or maybe dessert without interruption (remember what that was like before the little ones arrived?).
🤔 A Few Things to Know
🚢 Dine and Play is available to children ages 3 to 10 years old who are registered for The Oceaneer Club/Lab. (Older children can head to the Kids or Teens Clubs at any time as they do not have to be signed in and out.)
🚢 This program is only good for guests with the later dining time.
🚢 If you are eating at a dining room that includes a show, know that the children will miss the show's ending.
If you don't mind the later dining time, I really think the Dine and Play program is the best of two worlds. This offering still allows some time around the dining time with your whole family as well the opportunity for parents to enjoy some adult-only time together.
Ready to enjoy a Disney Cruise❓ Let's get started planning!
🚢 Parents - You will love the return of this Disney Cruise Program!
📧 [email protected]