About Me:
I did not get here by accident. With humble beginnings as the eldest of 5 children spread across 16 years and nearly 2 decades of customer service focused jobs and careers, it almost seems like becoming a Postpartum Doula was inevitable for me. And yet, it was just recently that I learned that such a thing existed. Imagine my surprise when it dawned on me, after 2 and a half years watch
ing my beautiful daughter grow and thrive, but struggling through postpartum depression myself, that I learned that besides striving to be the best parent that I could possibly be, what made me feel the most useful, most rewarded, and satisfied my passion to help others the most was quietly awaiting my discovery. It was an aha! moment while I was desperately wanting to help my best highschool friend who had just had a baby, but lived 10 hours away from me, by searching for help for new moms online. How had I not heard of this before? The moment that I saw results for postpartum doula services, *I just knew*. This is what I want to do! I then started researching, found www.cappa.net, and my journey has begun. Here, now, I very much look forward to speaking to prospective clients, and can't wait to offer my support and services to you! About My Services from the http://www.cappa.net/postpartum-doula website:
* Provide non-biased emotional, physical, and informational support during the postpartum period
* Encourage the family to seek care that reflects their values and needs
* Model and teach effective communication
* Encourage informed decision making
* Support the physical and emotional healing of the mother
* Provide information on care options and resources for the mother and newborn
* Support and assists with infant feeding
* Educate the family on newborn care and characteristics
* Provide support to the new mother’s partner and/or family
* Assist with household organization
* Refer to healthcare professionals when support requires clinical assessment, a need for prescription, or medical diagnosis