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**Top Strategies for a Successful Retirement**

Achieving a financially secure retirement is rare, with only a small percentage of people managing to retire comfortably on 100% of their savings. The key to success lies in carefully planning and executing a comprehensive financial strategy. Here are the essential steps:

1. **Time Management**
Start early and maximize the power of compound interest. The more time you give your investments to grow, the better your chances of reaching your retirement goals.

2. **Accurate Future Value Estimation**
Understand and estimate your future financial needs correctly. This involves calculating the cost of living, inflation, healthcare, and other essential expenses you will face in retirement.

3. **Consistent Contributions**
Make regular, disciplined contributions to assets that can be liquidated in the future. Prioritize retirement accounts, savings, and investments that will grow over time.

4. **Risk Mitigation**
Prepare for unexpected events by having proper risk management systems in place:
- **Health Issues:** Ensure adequate health insurance and emergency savings.
- **Premature Death:** Invest in life insurance and estate planning.
- **Legal Challenges:** Protect your assets with legal strategies.
- **Divorce:** Plan for potential financial impacts with preemptive measures.

5. **Inflation Protection**
Build an inflation hedge into your retirement plan to maintain your purchasing power over time. This could include investments in stocks, real estate, or inflation-protected securities.

6. **Tax-Advantaged Strategies**
Take advantage of tax loopholes and tax-advantaged accounts, such as IRAs and 401(k)s, to minimize your tax burden during retirement.

7. **Ongoing Education**
Stay competitive in the job market by pursuing education and training. This can increase your earning potential and provide opportunities during the retirement transition period.

8. **Family Support Structure**
Leverage family support to reduce costs associated with education, buying a first home, healthcare, and childcare. This can help preserve your savings for retirement.

9. **Minimize Retirement Expenses**
Reduce your retirement income needs by eliminating or minimizing major expenses:
- **No House Payment:** Pay off your mortgage before retiring.
- **No Chronic Healthcare Costs:** Manage your health to reduce long-term costs.
- **No Unplanned Financial Burdens:** Avoid unexpected judgments or financial responsibilities, such as supporting unplanned children, in-laws, or grandchildren.
- **Controlled Transportation Costs:** Budget for manageable transportation expenses.

10. **Ensure Sufficient Income**
Throughout your working years and into retirement, focus on generating and receiving sufficient income to cover all necessary expenses. This includes investment returns, pensions, and other income streams.

11. **Personal Management**
Maintain a positive attitude, manage stress, and develop strategies to cope with challenges such as panic attacks or attention deficit issues. Cultivate family cooperation and good fortune to navigate the retirement journey successfully.


This handout can serve as a guide to achieving financial independence in retirement. Proper planning and discipline can make the difference between merely surviving and truly thriving in your golden years.

Democrats have mastered the art of virtuous rhetoric, giving them a better image of being accepting of the diverse popul...

Democrats have mastered the art of virtuous rhetoric, giving them a better image of being accepting of the diverse population in the USA.

However, when it comes to the current candidates, Trump supporters are unfazed by the Democrats' virtuous language. They believe that the Democratic Party has been infiltrated by Communists, Marxists, Anarchists, and Muslim extremists, who they fear will ultimately steer the party away from the democracy it claims to protect.

The push for new Supreme Court rules, federalized abortion laws, restrictions on gun rights, and the prosecution of political opponents are non-negotiables for Republicans.

No amount of virtuous language or talk of inclusion will sway them.

There is a deep divide among our citizens, in their beliefs and identities.


When a society capitulates to the demands of nontraditional and psychological outliers, several social issues can arise


# # # The Deceptive Burden Shift: How Government and Corporate Greed Exploit the People # # #

(Chat gpt had to be slapped to get it to write the topic without making us children of a nanny state.)

In recent years, government policies, Wall Street profiteers, and the healthcare system have increasingly burdened the average American. Under the guise of fiscal responsibility and economic growth, these institutions have crafted a system that shifts financial and social responsibilities from themselves onto the people. This manipulation leaves citizens believing they are benefiting from these policies when, in reality, they are being shortchanged.

One glaring example is the shift from traditional pensions to 401(k) plans. Once a staple of American employment, pensions provided reliable, employer-funded retirement income. However, the move to 401(k) plans places the responsibility of retirement savings squarely on individuals. This transition not only increases the financial burden on employees but also leaves many without sufficient savings for retirement.

Similarly, Health Savings Accounts (HSAs) have been promoted as a solution for rising healthcare costs. While they offer tax advantages, they also shift the burden of healthcare expenses onto individuals, who must now save and manage their own healthcare funds. This contrasts sharply with the days when employers provided comprehensive healthcare benefits, reducing the financial strain on employees.

Tax policies have also played a significant role in this burden shift. Instead of simplifying the tax code and reducing taxes for individuals, the government has implemented complex tax incentives and deductions that often benefit corporations and the wealthy more than the average citizen. For instance, corporate tax breaks and loopholes allow large companies to pay little to no taxes, while individuals face increasing tax rates and reduced deductions.

In the past, fraternal organizations, religious groups, non-profits, and employers played a crucial role in providing social safety nets. These entities offered support and services that reduced the need for extensive government intervention. However, government policies have increasingly sidelined these groups, favoring centralized control and regulation. Encouraging charitable contributions and providing significant tax benefits to organizations that support community welfare could revive this model, reducing the need for heavy taxation and government-managed programs.

The combined effect of these policies is a populace that is increasingly struggling to make ends meet while believing they are part of a prosperous economy. The rhetoric of fiscal responsibility and economic growth masks the reality of a system designed to benefit the wealthy and powerful at the expense of the many.

In conclusion, it is crucial to recognize and challenge the deceptive practices that shift the burden from the government and employers onto the people. By understanding the true impact of these policies, citizens can advocate for fairer systems that prioritize public welfare over corporate profits. We should push for policies that reduce individual taxes, revive employer-funded benefits, and support charitable organizations in creating robust social safety nets. Only then can we hope to build a society where economic policies serve the many, not the few.


# # # The Deceptive Burden Shift: How Government and Corporate Greed Exploit the People # # #

In recent years, the relationship between government policies, Wall Street profiteers, and the healthcare system has increasingly burdened the average American. Under the guise of fiscal responsibility and economic growth, these institutions have crafted a system that shifts financial and social responsibilities from themselves onto the people. This manipulation leaves citizens believing they are benefiting from these policies when, in reality, they are being shortchanged.

One glaring example is the implementation of regressive tax policies. These taxes disproportionately impact lower and middle-income earners, pushing them to find ways to reduce their taxable income. While marketed as incentives for economic efficiency, these policies effectively force people to bear more financial strain, reducing their disposable income and overall quality of life.

The healthcare system is another arena where this exploitation is evident. Instead of providing universal healthcare, the government has allowed a privatized system that prioritizes profit over patient care. As a result, individuals face skyrocketing medical costs and insurance premiums, diverting financial responsibility from the government and employers to the patients themselves. Studies have shown that medical debt is a leading cause of bankruptcy in the United States, highlighting the severe consequences of this burden shift.

Furthermore, the influence of Wall Street has led to policies that favor corporate interests over public welfare. The deregulation of financial markets and the reduction of corporate taxes have enabled companies to maximize profits at the expense of worker rights and benefits. While corporations and their wealthy executives thrive, the average worker sees stagnating wages and dwindling benefits, widening the income inequality gap.

The combined effect of these policies is a populace that is increasingly struggling to make ends meet while believing they are part of a prosperous economy. The rhetoric of fiscal responsibility and economic growth masks the reality of a system designed to benefit the wealthy and powerful at the expense of the many.

In conclusion, it is crucial to recognize and challenge the deceptive practices that shift the burden from the government and employers onto the people. By understanding the true impact of these policies, citizens can advocate for fairer systems that prioritize public welfare over corporate profits. Only then can we hope to build a society where economic policies serve the many, not the few.


# # # Laws of Man vs. Laws of God: A Comparative Analysis Through Christian, Catholic, and Mormon Scriptures # # # (a Chat GPT Query)

The dichotomy between the laws of man and the laws of God has been a central theme in theological and philosophical discourse throughout history. While human laws are crafted by societies to maintain order and justice, divine laws are believed to be eternal and universal principles set by God. This essay explores this distinction through the lens of Christian, Catholic, and Mormon scriptures, highlighting the interplay and conflicts between these two sets of laws.

# # # # Christian Perspective # # #
In Christian theology, the distinction between the laws of man and the laws of God is clearly articulated in the Bible. One prominent example is found in the New Testament, where Jesus addresses this issue. In Matthew 22:21, Jesus says, "Render to Caesar the things that are Caesar's, and to God the things that are God's." This statement encapsulates the idea that while Christians should obey earthly authorities, their ultimate allegiance is to God's commandments.

The Apostle Paul further elaborates on this in Romans 13:1-2, where he writes, "Let every person be subject to the governing authorities. For there is no authority except from God, and those that exist have been instituted by God. Therefore whoever resists the authorities resists what God has appointed, and those who resist will incur judgment." Here, Paul acknowledges the legitimacy of human laws but also implies that these laws are subordinate to God's higher moral order.

# # # # Catholic Perspective # # #
Catholic teaching builds upon the general Christian perspective with a more structured approach to the relationship between divine and human laws. The Catechism of the Catholic Church emphasizes that human laws must be rooted in natural law, which reflects God's eternal law. In Catholic thought, natural law is accessible through human reason and provides a foundation for creating just human laws.

St. Thomas Aquinas, a preeminent Catholic theologian, extensively discusses this relationship in his work, "Summa Theologica." Aquinas argues that human laws are just when they are derived from natural law, which in turn is grounded in divine law. He writes, "Every human law has just so much of the nature of law as it is derived from the law of nature. But if in any point it deflects from the law of nature, it is no longer a law but a perversion of law" (Summa Theologica, I-II, Q. 95, Art. 2).

A historical example is the Catholic Church's stance on social justice issues. The Church's opposition to unjust human laws, such as those supporting slavery or discriminatory practices, is rooted in its commitment to the inherent dignity of every person as revealed by divine law.

# # # # Mormon Perspective # # #
The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (LDS), commonly known as the Mormon Church, offers additional insights into the relationship between human and divine laws. The Doctrine and Covenants, one of the LDS Church's canonical texts, provides explicit guidance on this matter. In Doctrine and Covenants 58:21, it states, "Let no man break the laws of the land, for he that keepeth the laws of God hath no need to break the laws of the land." This suggests that obedience to God's laws inherently includes respecting and upholding just human laws.

However, the LDS scriptures also recognize situations where divine law may take precedence over human law. For instance, in Doctrine and Covenants 98:4-10, it instructs members to seek for righteous leaders and just laws but also acknowledges the possibility of human laws that are contrary to God's commandments. In such cases, members are counseled to adhere to divine principles.

A significant historical example within the LDS tradition is the early church's practice of polygamy. Initially, polygamy was practiced based on what was believed to be divine revelation to Joseph Smith, the founder of the LDS Church. This practice conflicted with the laws of the United States, leading to significant legal and social challenges. Eventually, the church officially discontinued the practice in 1890 through a declaration known as the Manifesto, demonstrating a shift to align more closely with prevailing human laws.

# # # # Conclusion # # #
The interplay between the laws of man and the laws of God is a complex and multifaceted issue within Christian, Catholic, and Mormon teachings. While there is a general consensus that human laws should reflect divine principles, there are also clear guidelines for when divine law must take precedence. Christian scriptures emphasize obedience to both sets of laws, with ultimate allegiance to God. Catholic teaching stresses the harmony between natural law and just human laws, while also advocating for social justice based on divine principles. The Mormon perspective underscores the importance of adhering to divine commandments while respecting just human laws, with historical examples illustrating the challenges and resolutions in navigating these sometimes conflicting demands.

In conclusion, the relationship between human and divine laws remains a dynamic and evolving discourse within these religious traditions, continually seeking a balance between earthly governance and eternal principles.

Stock market hitting new highs again.  The closing prices for the Dow Jones Industrial Average (DJIA) over the past 30 d...

Stock market hitting new highs again.

The closing prices for the Dow Jones Industrial Average (DJIA) over the past 30 days have shown considerable fluctuation. Here are some key points from the data:

- **July 22, 2024**: 40,438.82
- **July 19, 2024**: 40,287.53
- **July 18, 2024**: 40,665.02
- **July 17, 2024**: 41,198.08
- **July 16, 2024**: 40,954.48
- **July 15, 2024**: 40,211.72
- **July 12, 2024**: 40,000.90
- **July 11, 2024**: 39,753.75
- **July 10, 2024**: 39,721.36

The index has generally been on an upward trend over the past month, with a notable peak on July 17, 2024 [[❞]](https://www.investing.com/indices/us-30-historical-data) [[❞]](https://au.finance.yahoo.com/quote/%5EDJI/history/) [[❞]](https://fred.stlouisfed.org/series/DJIA/). For a detailed view of all closing prices within the last 30 days, you can refer to the historical data sections on financial websites like Investing.com or Yahoo Finance.

Get free historical data for the Dow Jones.


Speach matters.....
"Rhetoric as Currency: Book review CGPT

Hoover, Roosevelt, and the Great Depression" by Davis W. Houck examines how rhetoric and communication strategies influenced public perception and policy during the Great Depression. Houck compares the rhetorical styles of Herbert Hoover and Franklin D. Roosevelt, highlighting how their speeches and public addresses shaped economic policies and affected their political fortunes. The book argues that Roosevelt's effective use of rhetoric helped him gain public support and implement New Deal programs, while Hoover's less persuasive communication contributed to his political downfall.

In "Rhetoric as Currency," Davis W. Houck provides several key examples to illustrate his analysis of Hoover's and Roosevelt's rhetorical strategies:

1. **Hoover's Addresses**:
- **Inaugural Address (1929)**: Hoover's speech focused on optimism and the promise of continued prosperity, which became difficult to reconcile with the onset of the Great Depression.
- **Speeches during the Depression**: Hoover often emphasized self-reliance and voluntary cooperation, which failed to resonate with a populace increasingly desperate for direct government intervention.

2. **Roosevelt's Addresses**:
- **First Inaugural Address (1933)**: Roosevelt famously declared, "the only thing we have to fear is fear itself," using his speech to instill confidence and rally the nation behind his New Deal agenda.
- **Fireside Chats**: Roosevelt's series of radio addresses directly communicated with the American people, explaining his policies in a straightforward and reassuring manner. These chats helped build public support for his programs and reassured citizens during uncertain times.

These examples demonstrate how Roosevelt's effective use of rhetoric played a crucial role in gaining public trust and implementing his policies, contrasting sharply with Hoover's less effective communication.

**Ideological Perceptions in Political Discourse**In today's polarized political landscape, it has become increasingly e...

**Ideological Perceptions in Political Discourse**

In today's polarized political landscape, it has become increasingly evident that one's ideology profoundly influences their perception of political figures. This is not merely a matter of different opinions but rather a fundamental divergence in what individuals consider positive or negative traits in a candidate. When examining the public and corporate lives of figures like Joe Biden and Donald Trump, one may quickly realize that what one group views as flaws, another may see as virtues, and vice versa.

To illustrate, consider creating a "T" chart to list the positives and negatives of both Biden and Trump. Supporters of Biden might highlight his lengthy career in public service and numerous charitable actions as key positives, viewing these as indicative of dedication and altruism. Conversely, they might see Trump’s background in corporate service and business dealings as negatives, criticizing his approach to governance and ethical standards. Trump supporters, however, often perceive his business acumen and outsider status as major strengths, arguing that his approach is exactly what is needed to "drain the swamp" of politics-as-usual, while they might view Biden’s long tenure in government as evidence of ineffectiveness and entrenchment in a problematic system.

This ideological split reveals a deeper issue in contemporary discourse: the lack of a shared baseline for evaluating what is good or bad. Historically, societies have operated with relatively consistent moral and ethical frameworks, but today's world is characterized by significant flux in these baselines. Examples abound in modern debates:
- The legacy of historical figures like Christopher Columbus can be seen as either that of a pioneering explorer or a perpetrator of colonial atrocities.
- The founding of the United States is alternately portrayed as a triumph of brave settlers seeking religious freedom or as a nation built on the exploitation and suffering of enslaved individuals.
- Views on the treatment of Native Americans range from narratives of provided opportunities to condemnations of systemic wrongdoings.
- There is an ongoing debate over whether the U.S. is fundamentally a Judeo-Christian nation or a secular state, and whether the Ten Commandments should serve as a universal moral guide.
- Issues like prayer in public schools, the legalization of ma*****na, and the relative merits of democracy versus socialism further illustrate the divide.
- Questions about the nature of morality, the difference between equal and equitable rights, and the acceptability of various social practices are no longer universally answered by a common moral compass but are instead subject to individual ethical interpretations.

The erosion of these shared baselines means that debates often devolve into mutual incomprehension and conflict. What was once clear-cut and widely accepted is now up for continuous re-evaluation and contestation. This state of flux in moral and ethical standards contributes to the confusion and discord prevalent in contemporary society.

Thus, the question of who is the better candidate between Biden and Trump cannot be definitively answered in an objective sense. It is fundamentally dependent on one's personal values and ideological leanings. Unless individuals commit to a larger, shared set of principles or values, these evaluations remain inherently subjective. As a result, political allegiance often reflects deeper, personal commitments to certain values and worldviews rather than purely rational assessments of candidates' merits.

In conclusion, the ideological lenses through which we view political candidates not only shape our perceptions but also highlight the necessity for clearer, shared baselines in societal values and ethics. Without these, political discourse remains fragmented, and consensus becomes increasingly elusive.

Low cost high calorie meals are served daily at Sam's Club.

Low cost high calorie meals are served daily at Sam's Club.


Dihydrogen Monoxide is?


Attention friends!

Another fascinating equation is that

Also 02/02/2020 is in a few hours as of this post.
Did you notice that 02022020
reads the same both forwards and backwards?

Read the first 50 pages and be amazed at how educated the university leaders of Europe were back in the 1600's. I am gla...

Read the first 50 pages and be amazed at how educated the university leaders of Europe were back in the 1600's. I am glad these ancient books are being preserved.

Zion National Park has mind altering grottos where nature is oblivious to its worshipers. I never tire of its beauty.

Zion National Park has mind altering grottos where nature is oblivious to its worshipers. I never tire of its beauty.

Enjoy a short YouTube video I made of the Gilbert fishing lake at the riparian. https://youtu.be/6TZTtloN3YE

Enjoy a short YouTube video I made of the Gilbert fishing lake at the riparian. https://youtu.be/6TZTtloN3YE

Take a stroll over the foot bridge.

In Mesa AZ there might be commandment or city ordinance that one has to ride a scooter or an iron clad bike if you pass ...

In Mesa AZ there might be commandment or city ordinance that one has to ride a scooter or an iron clad bike if you pass through. They are everywhere. The sad part is that even though Uber and Lyft own most of them you can get a rideshare car for less. I can't really rate the system yet. I have seen people injured and others riding down the street with a second one in tow for battery reasons, I think. I will get back to you on all of this. Give me your thoughts. Is this a nationwide phenomenon?

I give this public library in Gilbert AZ some high  marks for size, aesthetics, selection, layout, ambience, and surroun...

I give this public library in Gilbert AZ some high marks for size, aesthetics, selection, layout, ambience, and surroundings. I will provide a quick review of the nature park that is adjacent the facility soon. The location and other details are provided In the following link: https://mcldaz.org/custom/branches/southeast/

MyReview of a high level Homeless encampment in Moreno Valley, CA. Enjoy!!   https://youtu.be/6pVyRHKM36U👍

MyReview of a high level Homeless encampment in Moreno Valley, CA. Enjoy!! https://youtu.be/6pVyRHKM36U👍

Suburban Living by the Homeless. Moreno Valley Camp Review 1.



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