Hello My Friends! I wanted to let you know that I and Q***r Elder Andrew Eli Ramer have created our upcoming online webinar, Q***r Spirits Rising on Saturday March 1 from 1 to 3:30. Andrew is the author of a groundbreaking visionary trilogy that began with “Two Flutes Playing,” continued with “Two Hearts Dancing,” and concludes with the soon-to-be-published “Our Tribe Chanting.” Eli holds a vision of q***r folk as “walks-between people,” a tribe of people with unique gifts and callings to connect, create, nurture, and heal humanity. In our webinar we’ll be exploring his vision, and supporting you in facing the challenges, cultivating the skills, and recognizing the gifts and callings you bring to this challenging moment in human history. The webinar is open to q***r folk and all our wonderful allies. Here's the link: