Content Spotlight: Gas Appliance Inspection Training
Ensure employees can safely inspect and light gas appliances!
This virtual reality (VR) home inspection training assesses appliance installers, mechanics, and gas field workers to inspect multiple types of gas appliances to determine if they are safe to be lit after a meter change out or new gas turn on. Employees will be able to safely practice and demonstrate their training knowledge to identify appliance safety concerns, perform appropriate testing, and if safe, use proper procedures for lighting the gas burner on each appliance.
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Content Spotlight: Low Voltage Rescue
Keep workers safe with this realistic way to assess low voltage rescue!
Supplementing a low voltage rescue training program with a virtual reality assessment is a proven way to improve safety outcomes and ensure that workers are truly prepared to handle an electrocution emergency in the workplace. This virtual low voltage rescue assessment is used in coordination with a refresher low voltage rescue course online to assess and accredit employees on low voltage rescue.
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Content Spotlight: Ladder Safety
Ensure worker safety when using ladders in the workplace!
This online ladder safety training provides employees with the ability to practice ladder safety in a hazard-free virtual environment. Trainees will receive a non-trade oriented task, such as hanging a sign, or changing a lightbulb and proceed to evaluate the work area for potential hazards, determine the type of ladder needed, do a ladder inspection, and proceed to perform the task. The training assesses employees on their placement, and avoiding OSHA ladder hazards, such as reaching or leaning.
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Content Spotlight: Adult and Infant CPR Training
Keep corporate safety teams confident to perform adult and infant CPR in an emergency!
PIXO VR CPR Training provides corporate first responders with an immersive virtual reality (VR) experience for reviewing and demonstrating their CPR knowledge and skills. The VR evaluation uses a virtual overlay over a real world CPR mannequin for greater realism and a hands on approach. This training includes area survey, victim evaluation, emergency contact, and correctly performing CPR on adults or infants.
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Content Spotlight: Gas Appliance Inspection Training
Ensure employees can safely inspect and light gas appliances!
This virtual reality (VR) home inspection training assesses appliance installers, mechanics, and gas field workers to inspect multiple types of gas appliances to determine if they are safe to be lit after a meter change out or new gas turn on. Employees will be able to safely practice and demonstrate their training knowledge to identify appliance safety concerns, perform appropriate testing, and if safe, use proper procedures for lighting the gas burner on each appliance.
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Content Spotlight: First Responder Operations (Hazmat)
Prepare first responders to confidently handle tanker and trailer emergencies!
Each year, tens of thousands of incidents involving hazardous materials (HazMat) occur on public roads and highways due to vehicle accidents. For first responders, realistic training for these emergencies is critical to preventing death or serious injury. This VR first responder Hazmat training provides an immersive, life-like experience where responder teams can learn and practice Hazmat identification and response at the scene of a tractor trailer accident. The training can be single user or used simultaneously by a team.
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Diversity Training Is Hard—VR Makes It Possible:
Content Spotlight: Low Voltage Rescue
Keep workers safe with this realistic way to assess low voltage rescue!
Supplementing a low voltage rescue training program with a virtual reality assessment is a proven way to improve safety outcomes and ensure that workers are truly prepared to handle an electrocution emergency in the workplace. This virtual low voltage rescue assessment is used in coordination with a refresher low voltage rescue course online to assess and accredit employees on low voltage rescue.
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VR Can Be Used To Improve Employee Wellness:
Content Spotlight: Ladder Safety
Ensure worker safety when using ladders in the workplace!
This online ladder safety training provides employees with the ability to practice ladder safety in a hazard-free virtual environment. Trainees will receive a non-trade oriented task, such as hanging a sign, or changing a lightbulb and proceed to evaluate the work area for potential hazards, determine the type of ladder needed, do a ladder inspection, and proceed to perform the task. The training assesses employees on their placement, and avoiding OSHA ladder hazards, such as reaching or leaning.
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Content Spotlight: Adult and Infant CPR Training
Keep corporate safety teams confident to perform adult and infant CPR in an emergency!
PIXO VR CPR Training provides corporate first responders with an immersive virtual reality (VR) experience for reviewing and demonstrating their CPR knowledge and skills. The VR evaluation uses a virtual overlay over a real world CPR mannequin for greater realism and a hands on approach. This training includes area survey, victim evaluation, emergency contact, and correctly performing CPR on adults or infants.
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