At the end of what has been an incredibly exciting but also tiring work journey of about two weeks, I sat down to relax with my craft groups on Facebook.
Facebook is not too busy to remind me that it was five years ago today that I started down the self-employment journey by registering EOL Consulting Group, Inc as a Florida corporation.
It took me about about a month to make that decision, however it’s one that I will never regret.
Through this venue, I’ve continued to work in what I love, with people I enjoy partnering with and learning from.
God has blessed my family and I with a continued source of income but even more so, a continued source of joy and pride in what I do.
Thank you to all who have made this journey possible, especially my personal Uber Beny Lozano who has fully supported this adventure from day one!
Now on to the next five years of believing that I’m the master of my own time!
Tahití is getting closer!