Waiting for winter on Lake O' the Pines
Pelicans on one end, gulls on the other at Lakeside Park ahead of the front that is bringing us winter weather!
As pelicans woke this morning, a young eagle hung out in one of their favorite trees as ducks flew by - just another day in the life on Lake O' the Pines! Lakeside Park is just one of the many great places around the lake where you can experience the beauty of East Texas.
Christmas Eve 2024 Storm System
And here it comes! The clouds are unbelievably blue toward Brushy Creek, and the sight is just breathtaking.
The rain has moved on for now and Lake O’ the Pines is like a gorgeous mirror after the sun set. A heavy veil of fog is moving in - head out to Brushy Creek Park 6-9 tonight for a boost of Christmas cheer!
Pelicans wake up in Lakeside Park
The lake level is getting low enough now for American White Pelicans to roost inside Lakeside Park, and that's great news for anyone who wants to see them! A large pod bedded down last night and headed out for a day of fishing on Lake O' the Pines. #riverbendoutfitters #fishing #lake.o.the.pines.texas #myetx #friendsoflotp #islandviewrv
Last day of November 2024
On the last day of November and the coldest day of this season at 29 degrees, Lake O' the Pines couldn't be more beautiful. Looking toward Island View from Lakeside Park, the palette in the sky was like a calming medley.
Storm Front Moving In over Lake O' the Pines
And here it is, right now, coming over Island View. We are so thankful to have no one on the water! The air in the strong wind is already cooler!
Listen for the Loon!
The sky was amazing this morning before sunrise on Lake O' the Pines. Listen for the loon!
From Backwater Jack's launch this morning 10/26/24
As we move into full-on fall, it's fun to document the color changes. Every year is unique, and every year is soothingly beautiful in East Texas.
American Avocets at Lakeside Park Beach
Last night after sunset, twenty American Avocets were wading the waters of Lakeside Park along with Killdeer, Greater Yellowlegs, and other shorebirds. It's a beautiful life on Lake O' the Pines, just waiting for the next surprise!
This October day in East Texas couldn't be any more beautiful!
On the way out from the Big Cypress Bayou tonight, signs of drought and higher levels are apparent. Has anyone seen the movie "Caddo Lake"?