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This is great. We saved $2,100 per year on Auto Insurance, plus we save on Travel, Shopping and more. And we get paid every week because we share the savings with others. Thank you SHG!"



While our eyes are firmly fixed on the fight for freedom here in Atlanta and in Congress, we can’t ignore the threat posed by the UN Small Arms Treaty.

The United Nations will be holding another ‘working group’ to advance this treaty soon, a treaty designed to disarm America.

Attending these ‘working groups’ is a who’s who of the world’s most brutal regimes.

But make no mistake, the real entity that is driving the momentum for the UN Small Arms Treaty isn’t some Third-World banana republic -- it’s the Communist Chinese!

The Chinese are taking a more aggressive posture with America by the day.

With the largest army on the planet, they are not afraid to flex their political muscle right now, especially with weak and tired Joe Biden in our White House.

In recent meetings before the entire conference, China demanded the United States officially sign on to the UN Small Arms Treaty (the procedural hurdle required before a Senate vote can occur.)

Never forget, it was the Chinese government who murdered over 65,000,000 of its own people last century! The Chinese government is currently ‘re-educating’ (torturing) over 1,000,000 political opponents in internment camps!

But Chinese leader Xi Jinping knows that before he could ever make a move on America, he would need to deal with the fact that unlike China, the American people are not helpless serfs.

In this blessed country, there are over 100 million Americans who proudly own somewhere around 400 million fi****ms! And we’re not going to let any foreign dictator take them from us!

China’s goal with this treaty is to find out exactly which Americans own fi****ms, how many fi****ms are in private hands, and to browbeat the White House into passing legislation to restrict our right to keep and bear arms.

Specifically, the UN Small Arms Treaty would:

>>> Establish a global firearm registry that would track the ‘end user’ of every single rifle, shotgun, and handgun sold in the world through an international database!

>>> Require that any disputes over the implementation or the enforcement of the treaty be adjudicated by an international tribunal of nations!

>>> Establish a clearing house for ‘sample legislation’ that member nations would be expected to use to make sure that national laws comply with the terms of the treaty.

Every single part of this is designed to slowly but surely register and then disarm every single gun owner in America. Of course, with Joe Biden being in China’s pocket, Xi Jinping has a willing partner in this fight.

(Chinese President Xi Jinping is currently torturing over 1,000,000 of his own people, wants America to ratify the UN Small Arms Treaty!)

In fact, Biden has recently announced that he’s made America an official signatory of the UN Small Arms Treaty -- which is the necessary first step for a full ratification vote.

Fight back, sign your petition against this treaty, telling Senators Warnock and Ossoff that if they support this treaty, they can kiss their Senate Majority goodbye in 2025!

Once you’ve signed your petition, I hope you’ll consider making a donation to help Georgia Gun Owners mobilize more gun owners against the UN Small Arms Treaty.

Many gun owners don’t even know that Biden has made America a signatory to this treaty, much less that the UN is actively meeting on this!

We are trying to alert them, and to mobilize them into taking action, but we need your help to do it.

So please make a generous donation today!

For Freedom,

Aaron Dorr
Executive Director
Georgia Gun Owners

P.S. This UN Small Arms treaty is being pushed by the Communist Chinese who hate this country and would love to know exactly which American households possess fi****ms.

But before that can happen, the United States Senate needs to ratify this treaty.

So please tell Senators Warnock and Ossoff to VOTE NO on this ratification vote, or kiss their Senate Majority goodbye, by signing your petition today!

Then please make a donation to help us fight back against the UN Small Arms Treaty today! This is a fight that we absolutely have to win!

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To Join or Donate by Mail/Check Click Here!

Georgia Gun Owners ¡ 1635 Old 41 Hwy., Ste. 112-202, Kennesaw, GA 30152, United States
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The Senate wants to codify Biden’s border crisis
Last year, House Republicans united to pass the strongest border security bill of all time – the Secure the Border Act of 2023 (H.R. 2). Instead of taking up the meaningful policies Congress already passed, the Senate has worked behind closed doors with Secretary Mayorkas to craft an open-borders bargain. The Senate’s bill will do nothing to end this crisis – it will only create bigger loopholes and codify the chaos. The border "crisis" is a crisis not of resources or lack of authority, but rather the result of abuse of the law by President Biden.

We in the House have already passed meaningful policies that would force Biden and Mayorkas to do their jobs. When the Senate wants to get serious, they can come to the table and negotiate with the People’s House to force real change.


How are these "cultural enrichers" getting into our country? The UN and NGOs bring them here, and We the People pay the UN and the NGOs to do it with our tax dollars. More chaos gives those people who are currently in power, who are the ones who are letting these "cultural enrichers" into our country, the chance to gain even more power. Because, when our society crumbles enough, we will gladly surrender our rights to these same people when they promise they will restore order to make us feel safe. Those who surrender their freedoms for safety wind up with neither.
This will happen. This is happening right now. Maybe it's already too late.


I'm going to call you to encourage you to listen to this mind-blowing expose about what is going on in our country, and even in the world guards to censorship and disinformation efforts on the part of the Deep state in not only the United states, but also in the EU countries..

Tucker Carlson () posted at 10:33 AM on Fri, Feb 16, 2024:
Ep. 75 The national security state is the main driver of censorship and election interference in the United States. "What I’m describing is military rule," says Mike Benz. "It’s the inversion of democracy."


Long what it is very important and pleade shsre we need to get thr word out.


How do illegal African fake refugees get to the United States border?

African governments are emptying their jails and giving them one way tickets to Central America with instructions on how to get to the USA and claim asylum in the USA.

We are the dumping ground for the 3rd world now. They are sending the worst of the worst.
8:11 PM ¡ Feb 14, 2024


Undoing the damage caused by the covid shots.


I wanted to pass along my latest update on what I have been doing to fight for you, Texas’ 21st Congressional District, and our country as a whole:

The Senate wants to codify Biden’s border crisis
Last year, House Republicans united to pass the strongest border security bill of all time – the Secure the Border Act of 2023 (H.R. 2). Instead of taking up the meaningful policies Congress already passed, the Senate has worked behind closed doors with Secretary Mayorkas to craft an open-borders bargain. The Senate’s bill will do nothing to end this crisis – it will only create bigger loopholes and codify the chaos. The border "crisis" is a crisis not of resources or lack of authority, but rather the result of abuse of the law by President Biden.

We in the House have already passed meaningful policies that would force Biden and Mayorkas to do their jobs. When the Senate wants to get serious, they can come to the table and negotiate with the People’s House to force real change.


It’s time to FACE the facts …
Free Americans should never live in fear of their government targeting them because of their beliefs. Yet, Biden's Department of Justice has brazenly weaponized the FACE Act against normal, everyday Americans across the political spectrum, simply because they are pro-life.

Most recently, this law was weaponized against a family of pro-lifers who are facing 11 years in prison for praying and singing hymns outside of an abortion center. This must stop – Congress should pass my FACE Act Repeal bill immediately.


Here are some other news stories about what I’ve been up to lately:
• The receipts don't lie. Secretary Mayorkas LIED to Rep. Roy during a congressional hearing
• Chip Roy invokes Dred Scott to slam Supreme Court border ruling
• That should be the rule — ZERO people released into the US
• We're teaching our kids to hate America
• Did Republicans ignore spending option that would save Americans $100 BILLION?
• Democrat witness ADMITS Texas has turnaway authority at the border
• Do states have the right to defend themselves?
• The President has the ability right now the power to stop it
• House GOP must STOP funding a government at WAR with Americans
• I will back Governor Abbott as far as he wants to go
• We have all the power we need NOW to secure the border
If you have any concerns that my office can help out with, please don’t hesitate to call or email through the “email me” portal on my website. If you feel so inclined, you can also just send an old-fashioned letter to my Washington or district offices.

If your friends, relatives, or neighbors would also like to sign up for these weekly updates, they can do so by sending my office a quick email or simply by signing up here. For more up-to-the-minute updates, you can follow my press team on Facebook and Twitter.


Chip Roy
Member of Congress

Hello, Please watch these two videos on hospital protocols and intent to kill.  I attached more videos Shari's Story- A ...


Please watch these two videos on hospital protocols and intent to kill. I attached more videos

Shari's Story- A FormerFedsGroup Interview

HOSPITAL HOLOCAUST Pt 1. The Medical Kidnapping & Murders Happening in USA, 1300+ Cases Documented (

If You or a Loved One need help from being Medically Kidnapped at a Hospital or Senior's Care Home, Go Here to the Covid Humanity Betrayal Memorial Project

Review the 25 Commonalities of Medically Kidnapping and Murdering a Patient for Profit at

To Get Involved in more than 102 Lawsuits Against FDA Death Protocols, Human Rights Violations, Nuremberg Violations, R**e or Torture by Medical Care Provider(s), Hospitals Medically Kidnapping and Murdering Children, Wives, and Husbands from ANY COUNTRY, go to

To Get Involved in the Recall of the Death Shot BioTech Weapons disguised as "Safe and Effective" for "your health" go to

Rumble is your rights management video platform. Host, distribute and monetize all your professional, social and viral video.


Senator, I firmly disagree with the border solution you are now championing. Five hundred thousand illegal aliens per day is still 1.8 million per year too many and represents a figure that is finally unacceptable to most Americans, Democrat and Republican alike. The invasion of our borders needs to be stopped, not merely slightly slowed. However, the Achilles Heel to this foolish proposal of yours is Biden's "willingness to enforce" the law AFTER it is passed. Biden has demonstrated time after time he has no such "willingness to enforce" any and all such laws designed to safeguard our borders from invasion.

Meanwhile Biden would be able to crow (or perhaps more appropriately bray like the jackass he is) that finally he "has fixed" the very border crisis that he caused to happen in the first place. At the same time Biden will use that "fix" as a "fig leaf" to cover the fact that he has consistently ignored all such laws already on the books, laws that would have prevented the ever worsening border crisis from occuring.

Thus Biden and his party have knowingly allowed the ever-growing border crisis to fester during the past three years of his maladministration, while at the same time falsely claiming the border was safe and secure. Yet this "fix" would gloss over this fact, this lie, and might give him and his party, not We the People of America, the political victory in the 2024 elections. Can our way of life endure four more years of this corrupt and mentally deficient president, or his even more hapless vice president should he, as is very likely, finally be found incompetent or dies in office?

Further, although Biden has consistently flouted laws already on the books that would have prevented the crisis he is responsible for, he blames Republicans for HIS failures to enforce those laws. More Democrat politicians than Republican will support this so-called "fix" of yours (and come re-election time you WILL own it) because only Biden and his Party, not the citizens of the United States, will reap the political benefits of this bill.
One final point, where was Biden and the Democrats for the past three years while our borders were being overwhelmed by the insane invasion (of people from all parts of the world, even from countries who hate America) that they allowed and even encouraged? Where were you and other RINOS like you during the past three years when we suffer the inevitable terrorist attacks that Biden's polices have all but guaranteed to happen?

Republicans will once again be blamed for these terrorist attacks because after all, did they not stubbornly refuse, for ten(?) years Biden is now saying, to provide the means so that he could "fix the border" crises. Like Pontius Pilate, Biden thinks his hands will be clean, but will our country survive the actions of a President who Obama famously said f***s up everything he has anything to do with? This statement by Obama is perhaps the only thing that most reasonable Americans agree with Obama about.

After all, Biden is now proclaiming he has "known the border was broken (undefended, and out of control) for the past ten years." It wasn't his fault, he will say, but rather the fault of EVIL ultra rightist MAGA Republicans who time and time again refused to simply give him the "commonsense tools and funding" he had requested from January 20, 2025 forward. He and the Democrats would perhaps win this argument in the court of public opinion, but once again our country (and the Republican Party) would lose.

And the fact that this border"fix" is irrevocably tied to yet another $61 billion boondoggle to Ukraine at a time Biden carelessly lurches the American people ever closer to a nuclear war with both the Russians AND the Chinese. This ever increasing possibility makes your willingness to once again bend the knee to Biden even more odious. You should oppose both of these initiatives, not support them.

For these reasons, I sincerely hope you pay the ultimate price any politician deserves for ignoring the wishes of their constituents: Being Voted Out of Office. By pushing this bill I expect many people will decide you have demonstrated your unsuitability for that office and will properly primary you should you even seek re-election.


blamed for these terrorist attacks because after all, did they not stubbornly refuse, for ten(?) years Biden is now saying, to provide the means so that he could "fix the border" crises. Like Pontius Pilate, Biden thinks his hands will be clean, but will our country survive the actions of a President who Obama famously said f***s up everything he has anything to do with? This statement by Obama is perhaps the only thing that most reasonable Americans agree with Obama about.

After all, Biden is now proclaiming he has "known the border was broken (undefended, and out of control) for the past ten years." It wasn't his fault, he will say, but rather the fault of EVIL ultra rightist MAGA Republicans who time and time again refused to simply give him the "commonsense tools and funding" he had requested from January 20, 2025 forward. He and the Democrats would perhaps win this argument in the court of public opinion, but once again our country (and the Republican Party) would lose.

And the fact that this border"fix" is irrevocably tied to yet another $61 billion boondoggle to Ukraine at a time Biden carelessly lurches the American people ever closer to a nuclear war with both the Russians AND the Chinese. This ever increasing possibility makes your willingness to once again bend the knee to Biden even more odious. You should oppose both of these initiatives, not support them.

For these reasons, I sincerely hope you pay the ultimate price any politician deserves for ignoring the wishes of their constituents: Being Voted Out of Office. By pushing this bill I expect many people will decide you have demonstrated your unsuitability for that office and will properly primary you should you even seek re-election.

Olympic is not the panacea big pharma makes it out to be. In fact is is very dangerous, such that Europe, where the phar...

Olympic is not the panacea big pharma makes it out to be. In fact is is very dangerous, such that Europe, where the pharma company is based, forbids the use of the drug for "weight-loss." If you are considering using this drug, or know someone who is, look into this drug carefully. BIG Pharma is killing us.

"If a fish tank is dirty, you clean the tank. You don’t drug the fish." Calley Means makes the case against Ozempic.


So stop your murdering terroristic Hamas "government" from committing atrocities against Israel. Women were r***d, mutilated and burned alive. Babies were ripped from their mother's wombs. Over two hundred men women and children, including a one year baby were kidnapped.

An invasion of America is being financed by our government and the UN, with a backhand assist by the Communist governmen...

An invasion of America is being financed by our government and the UN, with a backhand assist by the Communist government of China. What is the endgame to this invasio? There are none so blind as those who refuse to see. If We the People do not start seeing the danger this invasion presents to the US, soon it will be too late. Again, there are none so blind, until calamities befall us.

The Tucker Carlson Encounter: Bret Weinstein at the Darien Gap

Bret Weinstein traveled to the Darien Gap to understand who's behind the invasion of our country. His conclusion: “it's not a friendly migration.”

This is great. We saved $2,100 per year on Auto Insurance, plus we save on Travel, Shopping and more. And we get paid every week because we share the savings with others. Thank you SHG!"

Can you refuse a police officer if he demands to see your guns? Well, it depends. Let's look at what might happen at your front door and what might happen if...

This is great. We saved $2,100 per year on Auto Insurance, plus we save on Travel, Shopping and more. And we get paid every week because we share the savings with others. Thank you SHG!"


I am writing to tell you to protect America’s 9,600+ credit unions and community banks by OPPOSING the Durbin-Marshall Credit Card Bill (S. 1838/H.R. 3881).

Local credit unions and community banks play an essential role in serving small businesses on Main Street and hardworking families across the country. These small financial institutions include more than 9,600 bank charters across nearly 77,000 branches, serving roughly 135 million Americans.

So, when credit unions and community banks in all 50 states are opposed to the Durbin-Marshall Credit Card Bill... Congress should pay attention.

If the Durbin-Marshall credit card bill were enacted, it would force an overhaul of the payments landscape at significant systemic cost – a cost ultimately borne by consumers like me and my local financial institutions. Many credit unions and community banks would retreat from card issuance in response. The legislation is poorly conceived and would exclusively benefit corporate mega-stores like Walmart and Target.

Congress should not believe the false claims from retail special interest groups that this bill protects small financial institutions. The same promises were made during the Durbin Amendment debate in 2010, yet small, “exempt” banks saw a quarter of their debit card revenue disappear and fraud costs increased after it became law.

My message to you is simple: on behalf of credit unions and community banks in all 50 states, commit to actively opposing the Durbin-Marshall Credit Card Bill.


I wanted to pass along my latest update on what I have been doing to fight for you, Texas’ 21st Congressional District, and our country as a whole:

Republicans just voted to FUND this
Last week, Republicans teamed up with Democrats to fund a government at war with the American people. From border chaos to a weaponized FBI going after everyday Americans to Biden’s climate cult, Republicans voted to greenlight all the radical policies they campaign against – leaving Americans to hold the bag. This spending bill was a slap in the face to all the Texans I represent who are suffering from Biden’s border crisis. I promise I will continue to fight for you, TX-21, until we secure our border and end the chaos in our state.


Can you guess what else Republicans voted to fund? Click here to watch my full speech on the bill.

This is great. We saved $2,100 per year on Auto Insurance, plus we save on Travel, Shopping and more. And we get paid every week because we share the savings with others. Thank you SHG!"


For many gun owners, our worst fear is someone we love being attacked by a violent criminal and not having access to a gun to protect them.

And as a political organization, we have a similar fear.

Our worst fear in a political fight is needing our best tool, and not being able to reach it.

That’s you.

With big tech censoring everyone from accredited doctors who speak up against the White House narrative, to sitting US Presidents running for re-election, the American people are all too familiar with being silenced by the Left.

And the Left is damn good at waiting until we’re in the heat of political battle to apply the muzzle so we can’t call for reinforcements.

We've experienced this repeatedly as we’ve been deplatformed from our payment processors, email providers, domain hosts, etc…

Thankfully, we at Georgia Gun Owners have worked to keep backup providers on hand but those transitions can take hours, days and even weeks to fully implement!

And this is dangerous, as the victor of a battle to pass pro-gun legislation or crush gun-grabbers can be decided in mere minutes during a committee hearing or a floor vote.

If you recall, the fight for Constitutional Carry was won when GGO members blitzed FORMER State Senator Jeff Mullis as he worked to block SB-319 from having a hearing.

Jeff couldn’t stand the pressure. He moved the bill, and then opted not to run for re-election.

Combining the power of our members and being able to mobilize you all within minutes via text message is what makes you the greatest grassroots force under the Gold Dome!

Which is why we need you to sign up for our breaking text message alerts!

Cell phone carriers now require us to use their legal mumbo jumbo disclaimers for all new members who sign up for our alerts or they’ll block us as “spam.”

And it’s only a matter of time before they see us unhindered by their bureaucracy and try and keep us from contacting our current members unless you’ve agreed to their update terms.

That could happen in the middle of a political battle!

We need to get ahead of them.

Even if you’re already receiving our text messages, it’s vital that you sign up again!

Everyone knows that with the political battle coming with the presidential election in November, the Radical Left is pouring everything into the legislative session in Atlanta to try and push the political tide in their direction.

Not only do we need to fight back against them, but we must score pro-gun victories to do so!

And to do that, we need to be able to contact you immediately when needed.

Sign up today!

For Freedom,

Alex Dorr
Political Director
Georgia Gun Owners




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