Tastefully Simple offer a wide selection of convenient, easy-to-prepare foods designed to help people spend less time in the kitchen and more time enjoying the rest of their lives. I loved everything about the party experience, loved sharing food with everyone and it was the perfect way for me to make extra money part time. Having a full time job I need flexibility and Tastefully Simple gave that
to me and so much more. I'm new to the organization and have the passion, drive and desire to share great food with awesome people and have lots of fun while doing it! If you like to laugh, eat and hang out with friends, you're going to LOVE Tastefully Simple - that's what our home parties are all about! It's grocery shopping the way it should be - you try before you buy surrounded by friends AND with a drink in your hand. We taste about 20 different items from our 50+ item product line, and there's something new to taste every month. Plus, when you're done shopping, we'll deliver the groceries right to your door! If, after you've hosted or attended a fabulous taste testing party, you think, "I could do what she does!” you're right. Being a Tastefully Simple consultant is, well, magical. What other "job" is so flexible and fun with unlimited income potential? Seriously, think about it: You can work part-time hours and earn $20-$25 an hour – You just don’t get that anywhere else. Just think $100 + in ONE NIGHT! And no worries about losing a job, layoffs or pay cuts … We only sell to people who eat – talk about job security. Plus you pick the nights you "work" and you get to laugh and have a ball doing it. WHAT ARE YOU WAITING FOR? You should be calling me right now! Whether you're looking to learn more about the company, shop, book a party or join my team, enjoy your visit to my website. And, when you're through, contact me - I'm ready to help you get what you want from Tastefully Simple. Your Tastefully Simple Consultant,