Happy New Year! Well done everyone!👏👏👏👏
How about we skip all of the January punishment and regret this year.
How about we don’t promise to be better, thinner, more disciplined.
How about we look at our slightly larger selves and accept that this is the way, every year.
And it’s totally ok.
Maybe this year, we should not tell ourselves what we ‘should’ be doing and instead we should commend ourselves for being here at all...
We should congratulate ourselves for fighting so hard throughout this diabolical year, for facing our demons in the lockdown and for handling the waves and waves of bad news and change.
We have been through so much.
Give yourself a pat on the back and if you must resolve to do anything for the new year, resolve to enjoy every minute of your life whenever you can.
Live more in the moment.
This year has shown us that the world can change overnight. We can only rely on a few things: our friends, our family and our courage.
Who knows what next year will bring, so be kind to yourself little one.
You have done well.
Maybe this year we should just say ‘well done’ at the stroke of midnight.
Well done to us all.
Each and every one.
Donna Ashworth
Author of ‘To The Women’ and ‘History Will Remember When The World Stopped’
Image Daria Shevtosa