From Sacred Sites Journeys Director Andrea Mikana-Pinkham: 🌟 EGYPT: The Temple of Hathor at Dendera - I took this photo in the crypt in the main temple. The text on the wall panel explains that the main theme is the sun having its last day in the old year and its first morning in the new year. Egyptologists and those who can read hieroglyphs can read this clearly enough: "Resomtus alive with gloss in the sky (and) lives at the day of the New Year celebration". That is in a way the heading of the whole scene.
👉 Here's the complete text of the hieroglyphs on the south wall: Resomtus is alive with gloss in the sky (and) lives at the day of the New Year celebration. He lights up in its house in the night of the child in his nest, by donating the light to the country from the birth bricks. The sky is jubilant, the earth is pleased and the God chapels is glad, when he appears in his chamber in his procession barge at his beautiful celebration of the New Year.
The God with his disk has come to see him. Nehebkau gives him reputation, and the goddess with her disk, with godly body, rejuvenates him in his sanctuary. Tchnt tpjt jnr (probably the goddess Thoeeris, a birth goddess) is content because of her majesty. She praises Re because of him with praise for his Ka, with wine from schfjt (wine area) and meat bits on the altar before him. The "land-of-Atum" Dendera) is prepared with his most distinguished plan, as Hu and Sia are subordinated to him. He may protect the son of Re (empty king cartouche), forever.
👉 The title of the south wall: Bringing of the amuletts (Pektoral) made of gold. Speak: To speak words: This is the protection of your majesty for the celebration, in ktmt gold.
Ihi: Words to speak of Ihi, the great, the son of the Hathor, the noble child with shining plait: I please your heart with glories for your person, and I drive rage out with spells.
King: The king of upper and lower Egypt (cartouche with the name of Ptolemaeus XII.), the son of Re (cartouche with another name of the same king).
👉 Royal edge line: I came to you, to your place (destroyed section). Beautiful one, whose looks are perfect. I have the Amulet of gold (destroyed section) attached with live on the day of the celebration (destroyed section) of your body.
Isis: Words to speak of Isis, the great, the gods mother, lady of jat dj, who stays in Dendera, the beginning with whose arrival the earth began, turquoise skin and lapis lazuli like head.
Harsomtus: Words to speak of Harsomtus, the great god who stays in Dendera. Gold, height: 4 hands. Made of metal the Day barge, the lotos flower from gold (this section is about the statues kept here, which were brought upward (room G)).
Harsomtus: Words to speak of Harsomtus, the great God, who stays in Dendera, the multicolored-feathered who is on the Serech. Gold. Height: 1 cubit. (the falcon on the relief is meant)
Ihy: Words to speak of Ihy, the great, the son of the Hathor, Re in its shape of the great God, who appears with the diadem as a king of jztj (Egypt)and as a master of the Sed festival,: You reign Dendera millionfold from the nhh eternity to the completion of the Djed eternity. Gold. Height: 1 cubit.
Harsomtus: Words to speak of Harsomtus, the great, who stays in Dendera, the living Ba in the Lotus flower of the day barge, whose perfection the two arms of the Djed pillar carry as its seschemw picture, while the Ka's on its knees are with bent arms. Gold. All precious stones, height: 3 hands.
Harsomtus: Words to speak of Harsomtus, the great, who stays in Dendera, who is in the arms of the princes in the night barge, the noble snake, whose chntj statue carries Heh, whose crew carries his perfection in holyness, because of whose Ba the appearing (Hathor) in the sky appeared, whose shape is admired by admirers, who comes as unique, enveloped by his head serpents, with numerous names at the point of chw.n=sn (Gods with relationship with the Hathor), the sechm-picture of Re in the "Land-Of-Atum" Dendera), the father of the Gods, who created everything. Gold, metal, height: 4 hands.
Isis: Words to speak of Isis, the great, mother of the Gods, lady of jat dj, who stays in Dendera, the queen of the rchjt people, with pointed horns.
👉 Edge line of the Gods: Come in peace, servant of his Lord, as the chw djeser priests are subordinated to you, and you protect my throat with your trusty behavior. I have myself pleased about the freshness of your character. Gold. Height: 1 cubit.
👉 Final remarks: As the text proves, there is no question about the contents of the reliefs. The texts describe the pictures as representations of statues, which were kept in these rooms. They give detailed descriptions of their extents and even the used material. A bulb made from gold - well, much light would not shine through it
👉👉 Even if one does not understand the contents of the texts, which admittedly sound rather confusing without previous knowledge, one should perhaps believe this time the Egyptologists or at least accept the mention of the New Year celebrations as the main theme. 👉 Clearly visible is the fact that there is not the smallest suggestion which could justify an interpretation as light bulb in the texts. The function of these rooms was to keep the cult statues which were necessary for the celebrations mentioned. Further references to these absolutely clear circumstances supply the other walls of the rooms, whose texts are not shown here. As found so often, the whole theory is based on the complete neglect of all results of scientific archaeological work. The light bulb thesis is pure fantasy without empirical core, based solely on the "looks like - was then" - method and takes no consideration of any facts - even not to those written in large "letters" right beside it.
💥 Join us for our Sacred Journey to Mystical Egypt, coming up soon: February 23 - March 9, 2025! While at Dendera, you'll have an optional opportunity to explore the crypt and this scene. During our group meditation in the the Birth House of Isis we'll see another depiction of this scene. This temple is the ONLY place in all of Egypt where this is seen! With Andrea Mikana-Pinkham and Mark Amaru Pinkham - Author – teachers of the ancient Egyptian Mystery Teachings with over 30 spiritual pilgrimage tours of Egypt between us! 🌟 We only have a few places left in our smaller group of select like-minded travelers! Registration closes on February 10th. http://www.sacredsitesjourneys.com/Egypt-FebMarch2025/Egypt-FebMarch2025.html