@wrexmason, artist and composer with TNMOT AZTRo's Projector 1.5. In addition to mixing during the performance Wrex also performs an opening set for the performance from @ariaztro Tonight's the last night @voxpopuligallery, sliding scale 10-15$, 7pm and 9pm. don't miss this.
#tnmotlife #wrexmason #littleberlin #voxpopuli #phillydance #uwishunu #uwishunuphilly
First Friday @ Practice Gallery
5-9 . 31 E COLUMBIA
Our artists are so excited to see you at the opening for SWING STATE, tomorrow 6-10! This #detail shot from a particularly striking @amyvcousins piece.
#phillyartcollectives #phillyart #free #artcollective #SWINGSTATE #littleberlin
Lindo Yes speaks at the 'Philadelphia, Goddamn' Panel Discussion
Lindo Yes's performance at the conclusion of the moving panel discussion
Philadelphia Goddamn Panel
Poetry reading "The Wallet" by Theodore Harris at the Ra'oof Atelier "Micro Film Festival"
Taji Nahl is a Philadelphia based interdisciplinary artist. For more of his work, check out the page House of Ra'oof.
Theodore Harris is a Philadelphia based multidisciplinary artist. Follow Theodore's work on his page.
Thanks again to everyone who made it out for Taji Nahls @raoof.atelier amazing sculpture and installation for the "Micro Film Festival" last night!
For more of Taji Nahl's work follow @raoof.atelier and check out his page House of Ra'oof.
Special thanks to June Lopez for sound, Theodore Harris for poetry, and Gerardine Aldamar @grrdnldmr for video work!
Class from Tyler viewing #PhiladelphiaGoddamn
@rendawriter for #PhiladphiaGoddamn opening 10/14
#Villus curator Will Owen introducing Rosemary Liss with a passage, followed by Rosemary's statement.
While unfortunately the rest of the september dinner exhibition spots are full, life happens and sometimes spots open up. Please visit littleberlin.org to be added to the waiting list for the next two dinners in this remarkable series.
Thanks everyone who made it out tonight to #Villus for some beautiful & delicious art! Some of us had Tommy Nguyen's "Lady Safeway" for dinner