Thx for signing up on our web site.
If you have not done so, please do so that when we have a start date and further info, we can be sure to contact you in a timely manner
By doing this you will automatically get the updates as soon as they are released and before the general public.
The current virus situation has not helped at all in completing the plans necessary to start the service. Most importantly I am sure you all are following safe and secure protocols to protect yourselves.
The start date is not confirmed yet.
We expect it will be sometime in Spring 2021. There is the possibility we may not be able to take delivery of the vessel until the end of the summer 2021.
we have had a lot of difficulty securing the right vessel for the trip we intend to implement.
the fares for the trip start at $295 per person double occupancy round trip and include a cabin for the trip with private bath and all your food and non-alcoholic beverages.
The one-way trips from Tampa Bay to with Cancun or Progreso / Merida will be 30 hours.
If you take a car it will cost around $150.
We are planning to have some pet friendly cabins so passengers can have their smaller pets stay with them. Larger pets will be in our 24-hr. supervised kennel area. We will have walking areas outside on the ship for dogs.
If you are bringing family the cabins mostly all hold 4 passengers and after the first two passengers, the 3rd and 4th in any cabin will only pay $195 each round trip.
Hope this helps.
I expect to have a start date by March/April 2020 for the start of service in 2021. The first people who will know about the starting dates and when bookings become available will be people like yourselves who have contacted us and put your email address on our list via the website.
Our hope is to have beginning of service by winter / early spring 2021.
Thanks for your patience.
Bruce Nierenberg
United Caribbean Lines
[email protected]
Mobile: 321-427-0332
Skype: Bruce. nierenberg
I apologize for not updating the info on the website regularly. Hopefully things will get sorted out after the virus situation is resolved.