Introducing the New "Vermont Outdoors" Mobile App
We are excited to share the news about our new Vermont Outdoors mobile app, now available for iPhones in the Apple App Store and
for Android phones on Google Play. The app encourages you to find new places to hunt, fish, trap and view wildlife. Users can find fishing access areas and wildlife management areas, report fish and wildlife violations, review hunting and fishing regulations, and stay up-to-date on COVID-19 guidance.
This project was paid for with federal funds from the Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security (CARES) stimulus to enhance outdoor recreational opportunities. Other CARES funded projects completed by the department included improvements to boat ramps and other water access points, wildlife management area roads, parking areas and informational signage.
We hope this app will enhance your outdoor experience and allow you to continue to enjoy the outdoors is a safe and socially distanced manner.
Vermont Fish & Wildlife Fish Vermont Vermont Outdoor Guide Association Vermont Tourism Vermont Agency of Natural Resources Vermont Traditions Coalition Vermont Federation of Sportsmen's Clubs Inc. Vermont Game Warden Association