AMA District 16 Off Road

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AMA District 16 Off Road page for AMA District 16 Enduro


Questions have come up recently regarding, specifically, the first enduro on our schedule, the Sand Goblin. The Sand Goblin is an Enduro. Not a Sprint Enduro, or a CC Enduro. As such, it requires lights and license plates on your motorcycle. There are no youth classes for this enduro, as it may or ,may not traverse public highways, which require the rider to posses a valid drivers license, and have a bike that has current license plates.

The Saturday before the Sand Goblin, is a family enduro called the Sand Bo**er. The Sand Bo**er is NOT a points paying event.

In our supplemental rules, its states that:
"If you host an enduro, the following classes are required, including the youth classes:
50cc/E-Bike Beginner, 50cc/E-Bike Senior, 65cc, 85cc/Supermini (All youth classes must have a closed course enduro)
AA, A, B, C, 30, +40, +50, +60 and Vintage."

Please take note that ALL youth classes must have a closed course enduro. The Sand Goblin IS NOT a closed course Enduro, so it is not mandatory, nor can they, have youth classes.

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Here are the supplemental rules.

Here are the supplemental rules.

Hello Off Road community!The 2025 schedule have been posted on the District 16 website, and available for downloading. T...

Hello Off Road community!

The 2025 schedule have been posted on the District 16 website, and available for downloading. The supplemental rules have just been approved through the AMA and will be posted and available through the website soon. I will also post them here in a second post.

I have also reviewed the 2025 AMA rule book, and the only change, or addition, is a section dedicated to Sprint Enduros, whereas in the 2024 rule book, it was a short section within the Enduro Meets section.

The 2025 rule book can be downloaded from the AMA website at


I recommend everyone download a copy, and review it.

A carefully considered rulebook is essential to any racing series. Without a clear set of universally accepted rules and regulations, there is nothing to guide fair and even competition. Since 1924, the primary objective of the American Motorcyclist Association with regard to racing rules has remain...


Just a reminder for those interested, tomorrow night is the last Off Road Round Table call for this year!! 7:00pm zoom call, Wednesday 10-16-2024

November is the banquet and December is the holidays, we will resume in January 2025!

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Happy Monday ridership!
What a great year 2024 has been! 25 days until the banquet! Where has the year gone. Below I posted the agenda for the banquet weekend.

I believe 2025 will be a better year than 2024 was, some good changes coming for the new season.

I posted a survey a few weeks back, and it has trended 65-70 percent towards separate venues for next year. With separate venues, it would mean, for example, an Enduro series where most of the enduros are both D23 and D17, a 6 plus hours drive for some, albeit they are great enduros!

As we roll into the banquet weekend, I would like everyone to keep an open mind. We have a great District in a great state.
I would like to share an experience I had recently. 2 weekends ago. I ventured to the UP to ride at Porterfield Lake and Bass Lake. I have ridden there since the early 90’s, and generally with no other riders in the area. This year, we arrived with a couple vehicles in the parking area. As we unloaded more arrived. 9 vehicles total, with 17 riders. What caught my eye were the license plates. 3 differing states, Maryland, Delaware and New Jersey. Why from so far? As we got to talking with these guys, they love riding in the UP! They drive 17 hours to ride where we live. They had told us as of this year, there are no longer any places to ride in the state of Maryland. The clubs in that state will no longer hold events due to the restrictions imposed by the state. Unless you have access to huge tracts of private land, you can’t ride there, public land is off limits. So they drive 17 hours to ride. Several of them discussed coming back the following week for the Sandstormers hard enduro.

Let’s keep open minds and try new things. Nothing is written in stone, and everything is negotiable. As I had said above, we live in a great state, with a great District, let’s try to make it the greatest District!

See you at the banquet!


3:00 Set up in Awards Hall
6:30-7:30 Rider Voice – Banyan Room
8:00-10:00 Flat Track – Banyan Room
8:00-10:00 MX – Cypress Room
9:00 Meet & Greet-Volcano Bar


9:00-10:30 Off Road Meeting-Cypress Room
9:00-10:30 Road Meeting – Guava Room
9:00-10:30 Trials Meeting – Guava Room
9:00-10:30 Hillclimb Meeting – Guava Room
11:00-4:00 General Meeting – Ballroom
5:30-6:30 Pizza Party
7:00-9:00 Awards Presentation
10:00 Angels of Dirt Showing

9:00-12:00 Board Meeting – Ironwood Room

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District Banquet is coming quick!! Don't wait to long!

District Banquet is coming quick!! Don't wait to long!

Don't miss the last Off Road event of this year!!!!!!See below for additional information!!!! Sign up link is below!!!La...

Don't miss the last Off Road event of this year!!!!!!

See below for additional information!!!! Sign up link is below!!!

Last off-road race of the season🏁
🎃Get your halloween costumes & candy ready🎃
*information posted on our page*
⭐️Sign up link: ⭐️
🛑Online sign up is required for the event no in person sign up just rider check in
⭐️All riders must have ama and district 16 cards. Those can both be purchased online and will not be sold at the track.
❌No pit bikes
❌No Fires
• Gates open 3:00pm-10:00pm
‼️*Possible rider check-in in evening.
‼️Rider check-in: 7:30am-12:00pm
•Gate fee: $10/person
🏁Race schedule🏁
8:45-9:15am: 50cc & 50cc beginner
9:45-10:45am: 85cc, 65cc (1 hour race)
11:15- 12:45pm C,+50, Vintage, Women’s, Sportsman/trail rider
1:30-3:30pm- AA,A,B, +30 classes, +40 classes (2 hour race)

LiveLaps cloud scoring. Score your event or competition in realtime with our complete scoring system.

Here are the results of the below survey at this point.

Here are the results of the below survey at this point.

12 days to the last event of the 2024 season!!! Dyracuse Park, hosted by the Rapid Angels, September 29th!!Registration ...

12 days to the last event of the 2024 season!!! Dyracuse Park, hosted by the Rapid Angels, September 29th!!

Registration is open!! It has been a busy season everyone!! Make this a big event to round out the year!

1047 County Rd O, Nekoosa, WI 54457

Additional information to follow!!!


Hello Off Road community! I just posted the survey discussed in the prior post on the 2025 Off Road schedule venue. It is untitled. I hope it works. If it is not, respond as such.

Thanks everyone!

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Happy Wednesday Off Road Group!
We are about 58 days away from the 2024 Banquet and Awards, schedules for next season and any supplemental rule changes.

As has happened in past years, most discussions, plans and concerns take place on the banquet weekend, I would like to, going forward, address them earlier. This past August, and every month going forward, there will be round table discussions held, via zoom calls, on the 3rd Wednesday of every month at 7:00pm. Those that are interested in attending should send me their email so I can get the invite out to you. For the rest of 2024, there are 2 meetings, September and October, scheduled, with discussions on whether to have the call in November and December, or have it re-start in January 2025.

Race Schedule - 2025
Review of last years schedule vs next years schedule. With 14 events, it was a very busy season. There were many that would like to reduce the amount of events, or change the venue. I have listed a few options below. The quantity of events is based on both 2024 events, and the addition of 2 enduros from D17, however, all of this is open for discussion and nothing has been confirmed.
1. Keep the venue, GP’s, HS and Enduros as all inclusive as in 2024, keeping the same amount of events
2. Keep the venue, GP’s, HS and Enduros as all inclusive as in 2024, reducing the amount of events
3. Split the venue so each style is a stand alone series
a. GP series – 5 races
b. HS Series – 6 race series
c. Enduro series –5-6 race series
Due to land issues, The enduro series would need to include 4 enduros from neighboring districts – 2 from D23, 2 from D17

Everyone is aware of the scoring issues;
• no internet service at many of the venues causing poor scoring results and delays in corrections
• Delays in updates to the scoring file
• Multiple scoring platforms: Live Laps, Moto Tally, Track side, hand scoring
To address the internet issue, I reached out to Patrick at Live Laps to see if we can use the Live Laps program to score events without the need for the internet, and yes we can. That will help at the event level with immediate scoring at the event for those promoters and clubs that use Live Laps To alleviate the scoring file currently in use, I would suggest to use Patrick’s service to ensure all events are uploaded to the same location in the same format.
There is more to discuss from an ex*****on standpoint, however, that is why I started the round table calls.

Class changes, additions, etc
• Electric bikes in the 50cc class – There is new information from the AMA regarding this
• Adding a “MOM’s class that would run at the time the 85’s and 65’s run, after the 65's
These are just some ideas, changes, concerns, ideas, and there most likely are many more.
I will work on setting up a “survey monkey” type of survey for the schedule venue changes, as that may get the best results.

If anyone has ideas, suggestions, concerns, etc, please respond, and/or send me your email address and please join the round table calls.

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Registration for the Duquette Enduro is open!!!

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Happy Monday Off Road Community! Next weekend marks round 13 for our series with the Straight Arrow Enduro riders hosting the 55th annual Duquette Moose Run Enduro! All the information below can also be found on the Straight Arrow Enduro Riders website.
Additional information will be posted when available!

AUGUST 17th & 18th, 2024
Online Sign Up Strongly Encouraged
The Straight Arrow Enduro Riders run the annual Duquette / Moose Run Enduro. It starts in the town of Duquette MN, about 30 miles south of Duluth on scenic MN Highway 23. The Enduro is a long course through Minnesota’s Nemadji State Forest and Douglas County WI, featuring trails that vary from fast two-tracks to tight singletrack, with an overall distance of 60 – 75 miles.

We use the START CONTROL FORMAT, just like the National Enduro Series. No timing keeping equipment is needed, you are scored by your ability to get your best times in the tests. This makes it a good first Enduro, yet it’s still a challenge for Enduro veterans. It’s got a well-deserved reputation as a fun ride for all skill levels.

Saturday, August 17th Youth Enduro Race Info:
Race / Sign-Up Location: Youth Enduro Start Map
Sign Up:
50 Jr/Sr: 10:00am-11:30am
65/85jr/85sr/Girls: 10:00am-1:00pm
Arrive anytime, the parking area is public land.
Entry Fees: $20 (All Classes)
Trail Boss: Todd Lofstrom
New This Year:
FREE Event T-Shirt for All Registered Racers. Extra Event shirts for sale.
Podium and Trophies for 1st, 2nd and 3rd in all classes.
Concessions FOR SALE to Racers and their families.
(Pulled Pork, Hot Dogs, Sides, Fruit, Snacks, Water and Sports Drinks)

50 Jr / 50 Sr / Youth Beginner:
50 Junior, Senior and Youth Beginner class Racers meeting at 11:30am. Race Key time at 12:00pm. Awards at approximately 1:40pm.

1.5 mile course. Racers will be scored on 4 individual laps. Racers will start 1 minute apart and be timed. Fastest combined time on 4 laps wins. Racers are encouraged to take all 4 laps with minimal breaks.

50cc Racers may pre ride the course after registering until 10:30am. Racers may continue to trail ride course after all racers have completed their race until event closing. Parents must monitor their racers before and after racing.
65 / 85 Jr / 85 Sr / Girls:
65/85jr/85Sr/Girls Racers meeting at 1:00pm. Race key time at 1:30pm. Awards at race completion.
Race will be a restart format just like Sundays Main race. Racers will be given a scorecard to duct tape to their front fender.

65 riders will have two tests (a test is a timed or scored section) and one transfer section that is not timed or scored for a total of approximately 15 miles. Racers may have a break between tests depending on their speed.

85jr/85sr/Girls riders will run 65 course two times for a total of 4 tests and 30 miles. 85 riders will come back to the Straight Arrow Parking lot after 15 miles to refuel. Bring extra gas. Slower racers may be limited to 2 tests for safety and time constraints.

The transfer section includes an ATV trail that will be closed off with workers at all entrance points. Observers or parents may reach the transfer section and beginning of second test by ATV or mountain bike.

All trails used during event will be closed to the general public. Sweep riders will be riding course during the race for the safety of the racers.

Other Requirements:
AMA Membership
AMA District Membership (Any District)
No spark arrestor required.
No Sound Test

AMA and District 23 membership registration available at Signup, but we STRONGLY encourage you to sign up online in advance.

AMA Membership – $49 individual, $29 youth, $20 one day. We encourage you to please sign up online in advance: AMA Join
D23 Membership – $50 @ Event Signup, $45 via ARMCA @ D23 website

The Moose Run Youth Enduro is an AMA sanctioned, AMA District 23 and AMA District 16 points-paying event. You must be a member of both the AMA and an AMA district (any district) to enter. All applicable rules and regulations apply. Signup forms will be available for the AMA, D23 and D16 at registration.

Sunday, August 18th Main Enduro Race Info
Trail Boss: Kasey Schroeder
Online Pre Registration Strongly Encouraged!

2024 RIDER ROUTE SHEET (Will Update When Posted)



Note the MN Hwy 23 bridge is closed at Banning. Take Exit 191 for Sandstone, and follow the DETOUR back to Hwy 23 to get to Duquette!

Event Dates / Times:
Youth Enduro – Saturday, August 17th
Main Enduro – Sunday, August 18th

Saturday August, 17th:
7:00am – Main Enduro Campground Open To All Racers ($10 Per Site) – Jack E Berger Park
10:00am – Youth Enduro Signup At Youth Enduro Start (See Youth Enduro Page for Details)
6:00pm – 8:00pm – Main Enduro Signup, Duquette, MN – Jack E Berger Park
7:00pm – 8:00pm – Free S’mores for kids – Near Pavilion
8:00pm – Enduro Workers / Volunteers Meeting – Duquette Town Hall

Sunday August 18th:
7:00am – 9:00am – Main Enduro Signup, Duquette, MN – Jack E Berger Park
7:00am – 8:00am – Sound Check – Near Pavilion
8:30am – Riders Meeting / National Anthem – Near Pavilion
8:45am – Gas Trailer(s) Depart from Pavilion- Gas Stop Location
9:00am – Key Time / Main Enduro Start Time – Northernmost End of Jackie Berger Park
11:00am – BINGO! Grab a dauber, head to the Pavilion (Win: Gear, Swag, and Gift Cards!)
2:00pm – Racers “Late Lunch” at Jackie Berger – In Pavilion
2:00pm – 3:00pm – Scoring (We will do our best to be as fast as we can) – In Pavilion
3:00pm – 4:00pm – Trophies & Podium – In Pavilion

Fees & Event Details:
Main Enduro Entry Fee – $50 (Online Pre-registration Rate) $60 (In-Person)
Camping Saturday Night: $10 per site
No Gate Fees Sunday

FREE Event T-Shirts for ALL Registered Racers – Extras for purchase.
FREE Event Photography by: 1Hundred Photo
FREE Racers “Late Lunch” at Park Pavilion (Free for Racers – Others can purchase)
FREE S’mores for Camping Families Saturday night
FREE Cold Water at Gas Stop
MOTO BINGO at the Park Pavilion during main race ($10 for 5 Cards)

Non-Oxy 91 Octane Gas, Groceries, Hot/Cold Deli, Hardware and Much More available at Duquette General Store

There is little to no cell service in Duquette for many service providers. The Duquette General Store has WIFI for customers.

Course Details:
Key Time is 9:00am
Race Course = 58 miles
Total Mileage = 79 Miles
Longest Leg = 32.05 Miles (Gas Available Before, 32.05 miles per tank needed)
Shortened course for C Riders
Enduro Start (Follow Park Road to North End) – Jack E Berger Park
Gas Trailer(s) Provided (Must have gas cans on trailer by 8:45am)
Riders visit the same remote Gas Stop twice: – Gas Stop Location

The first and last transfer crosses 23, we will have crossing guards. USE CAUTION!
DO NOT RACE down the dirt road (Erickson Road). Speed limit is 25mph. Respect our neighbors.
This is a restart format Enduro. Take it easy on the transfer sections and roads.
NO spectators, pit crews or fans allowed at Checks.
Spectators, pit crews and fans allowed at the Gas Stop
Stay with your bike if you have any issues. We will have sweep riders and Clean-up Crews.
EMT’s from Kerrick will be staging on the course.

Other Requirements:
AMA Membership
AMA District Membership
Spark arrestor

AMA and District 23 membership registration available at Signup, but we STRONGLY encourage you to sign up online in advance.

AMA Membership – $49 individual, $29 youth, $20 one day. We encourage you to please sign up online in advance: AMA Join
D23 Membership – $50 @ Event Signup, $45 via ARMCA @ D23 website

The Moose Run Enduro is an AMA sanctioned, AMA District 23 and AMA District 16 points-paying event. You must be a member of both the AMA and a local AMA district (any district) to enter. All applicable rules and regulations apply. Signup forms will be available for the AMA, D23 and D16 at registration.

Important Minor Information:
Minor participants under the age of 18 must have a parent or legal guardian present at all times.

Mini Rider
A minor release form must be signed by BOTH parents, the participants and witnessed at registration or you may present a notarized Minor Release and Waiver. If you bring a signed waiver it must have all pages printed , be filled out completely, signed by both parents or guardians and be notarized.

— or —
The accompanying parent or guardian may present a Minor Annual Release Verification Card. To obtain an annual release, download and print all pages. Both parents need to sign the form, have it notarized and submitted to the AMA. The AMA will then issue the minor a card. It will require some time to process so plan ahead if needed. Directions are on the first page of the form.

Directions From Minnesota:

I35 north to the Askov/Finlayson exit (MN Highway 23 east). Turn right and go northeast about 25 miles to Duquette. – Jackie Berger Memorial Park

Directions From Wisconsin:
Wisconsin Highway 35 north of Danbury to BB (Patzau). In Patzau, turn left onto the Patzau/Foxboro Road. At State Line Road, jog left then right. Follow MN County 8 through Holyoke to MN Hiway 23. Left on MN23 ~ 7 miles to Duquette. – Jackie Berger Memorial Park

Our Youth Enduro is located in the North Eastern portion of Nemadji within Douglas County, WI. – Map to Youth Enduro Start

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Round 12 of our Off Road Series is coming up on August 4th. The Boulder Alley Harescrambles  put on by the UP Sandstorme...

Round 12 of our Off Road Series is coming up on August 4th. The Boulder Alley Harescrambles put on by the UP Sandstormers, will be in Republic Michigan.

An important reminder: The location of this event is in the Eastern Time Zone. All the times are EST.

Registration is currently open through Live Laps:

What to expect:
Riders can expect a tight, technical and rocky woods loop combined with the 1-mile moto track.

GPS Coordinates to event: 46.3788271, -87.9923317

Additional details:
Gate fee $10/vehicle.
Rusting camping available starting Saturday at 3PM Eastern.
Fun rodeo style racing Saturday evening.
Food vendor on site for Sunday.

And a reminder on the EST time zone.


The Mora Enduro is this weekend. This is a dual district event, that is put on by the Norseman MC in District 23. Also be aware this is a 2 day event, with the kids enduro on Saturday, and the adult enduro on Sunday. The information below is right from the Norseman MC website, so you can visit that site as well.
Please pay attention to the class structure used for this event, D23 has a much larger ridership, thus they offer many more classes. Please do you best to choose a class that would match what you would ride for District 16.

Mora Enduro
July 21, 2024
Trail Boss: Peter Nickel 763-360-8224

Youth Enduro
July 20, 2024
Trail Boss Joe Martinson 763-587-1702

The Mora Enduro is held in the Snake River State Forest and has been for over 65 years.

2023 Main Enduro Results

Mora Enduro 7/21/2024
Pre-entered riders will receive their riding packet as they drive into the gate. Pre-entered riders will be required to show their AMA and District cards and sign the AMA liability waiver before receiving their riding packet. No need to stand in the signup line. You must have current AMA and District cards to pre-enter.

AMA and District signup will be available, but it is strongly recommended that you have them in advance of the Enduro.
The following link is the signup link:

If you have any questions please e-mail [email protected]

2024 Online D23 Competition Membership $45.00 online $50.00 at the event
2024 AMA Membership New/Re-new $49.00
2024 Annual Release
The Main Enduro will be a straight up restart Enduro, with no time keeping required. Anyone who enjoys and loves challenging single track Enduro trail, and wants the challenge of an enduring course, will enjoy every minute of their day.

AMA district 16 Wisconsin and Upper MichiganThe Mora Enduro is legendary and is the longest running Enduro in Minnesota. With a long history and reputation, our goal is to keep the legend going.

All of the trails are in a closed State Forest area, and the only time anyone has a chance to ride some of the best Enduro trail in the upper Midwest is on the "MORA" legendary Enduro weekend.

AMA district 22 Iowa**You MUST be an AMA and District member to participate in Norsemen events. Get more information on requirements.

AMA Membership is $49.00 for individual, $29.00 for Youth and $20.00 for a One Day. We encourage you to get that paperwork in advance. AMA JOIN

2024 Micro & Macro Class riders
The Norsemen Motorcycle Club is paying all rider entries for the District 23 50 cc Jr. and Sr. riders for all Norsemen events in 2024. This includes Mora Enduro and Trollhaugen Hare Scrambles.

If you ride the D23 50 cc Jr. and Sr. riders your entry fee is free!

July 20 Mini start is 2483 Imperial Street, Mora MN, follow the arrows from Highway 65.

July 21 Main Event start Highway 65 approximately 16 miles north of Mora. Turn east on County Road 82 (Woodland); go east 4 miles and turn left (north) on Olympic Street. Go 2 miles north and turn right (east) on 380th Avenue. Go 2.2 miles to the start. Follow the arrows from Highway 65.
Youth online signup is requested and highly recommended
There will be in-person signup before both the youth event and the main event

Main 46.129701, -93.191792
Key Time:
Youth Enduro 50 cc Jr. and Sr. Classes Saturday 1:00 p.m.
Youth Enduro 65 cc 7-11, 85 cc 7-15 & Girls Classes Saturday 2:00 p.m.
Main event Sunday 9:00 a.m.
Click HERE for information on AMA District 23 Classes

Main event will consist of approximately 50 ground miles.
50 cc Jr. and Sr. course is 1.6 miles
65 cc 7-11, 85 cc 7-15 & Girls course is 5.5 miles
A good mix of flat and rolling hills mixed with a few rocks. Mora Enduro utilizes some of the most pristine single track trails in the state. These trails can only be ridden during this event.

AMA card, parent present with minors (racing or spectating)
District card
US Forestry Service Approved spark arrestor
Entry Fee:
$55.00 Main Enduro
$20.00 Micro & Macro Enduro FREE
$25.00 PeeWee, Premier, Girls Enduro
$15.00 X-Rider Class *Limitations apply see additional rules for this exhibition class
With current AMA and District 23 cards.

Primitive camping is available at the main Enduro start.
Area Lodging
Rosehaven Bed & Breakfast Mora, MN 320-679-8999
New Mora Motel Mora, MN 320-679-0235
Americinn Mora, MN 320-679-5700
Riverview Resort Mora, MN 320-679-3275


Happy Friday Off Road! Round 10 of our series is upon us!

Below the times, which have not changed, laps, and first lap starting order:

50Sr - 6 laps
50Jr - 4 laps

85cc - 6 laps
65cc - 5 laps

AA - 9 laps
A - 8 laps
B - 6 laps
+30 - 6 laps
+40 - 6 laps
+50 - 6 laps
C - 6 laps
+60 - 6 laps
Vintage - 6 laps
Women - 6 laps
Trail Rider - 6 laps
Electric - 6 laps



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