Please read regarding Alaska beginning to privatize and take recreational and hunting rights away. Not to mention water, salmon, access. This is the beginning of the end.
August 23 is the last day to tell the Alaska Department of Transportation NOT to begin the industrialization of the wild West Susitna region via a 22-mile Trojan horse of a road. DOT is collecting public comments on the first phase of the West Susitna Industrial Access Road project. They claim this 22-mile stretch of the road is for “recreation” — but it is really the start of the 100-mile, publicly-funded private road for mining corporations, which those mining corporations celebrate in their press releases. The State of Alaska has quietly made clear in documents, though not to the public, that the rest of the 100-mile, publicly-funded road to benefit speculative foreign mining corporations would be private.
Everything Alaskan hunters, fishermen, and recreationists could do on the 22-mile road, they can already do. Any hunting, fishing, or recreation off the 22-mile mining road would still require the same equipment.
The State is attempting to develop a giant, publicly-funded mining district that would forever industrialize the West Su region.
This is our opportunity to prevent the privatization and industrialization of our public lands. The West Susitna’s public lands and pristine waters support abundant fish and wildlife populations, fishing, hunting, and recreational opportunities, and a thriving tourism-based economy. This project threatens to repurpose the entire region for industrial development. We encourage you to personalize your comment on the petition listed below.
Tell DOT: No West Su Industrial Access Road
Talkeetna resident Becky Long gets into some of the shortcomings of the West Susitna Industrial Access Road via a letter to the Anchorage Daily News this week, writing
“The [state’s West Susitna project] website has changed at least seven times since July 24. This is right in the middle of the public comment process. Information and maps have disappeared or changed. A real lack of transparency.This is just one example of many other projects pegged by the Legislature and Mat-Su Planning for Transportation, a municipal planning organization.”
Tell DOT: No West Su Industrial Road
A 100-mile-long private road built with taxpayers’ money by an irresponsible state agency is a bad idea, and Alaskans who hunt, fish, and rely on the West Su for their livelihoods are speaking up. Tell Governor Dunleavy to stop funding this wasteful project.