Sunday Soapbox…Sorry I had to talk about this sensitive topic and I’m sure I will get some backlash, but I’m ok with it. There is a movement on social media stating “Maui is Closed”, discouraging anyone from visiting our island as recovers from the worst national disaster I have ever seen. Emotions are indescribable for those that lost loved ones, homes, businesses, and more. But we need to be aware of how we express that emotion so as not to hurt others. We are quick to say all tourists should leave while we mourn. But what we don’t realize is that 50% of our visitor economy still exists and is thriving in South Maui. I am hearing fear in the voices of local people working in the visitor industry that are afraid of being laid off or hours cut if we chase tourists away from our island. Why damage our economy and communities even more by disrupting a monetary flow that is keeping families working, kids going to school, and bills being paid. Are we purposefully trying to get people to have to foreclose on their homes because jobs were lost due to low tourism numbers. I’m a small business owner that is fortunate to exist almost entirely on the local population , but there are others (in Kihei, Kula, Paia, Makawao, Hana) that would be devastated if the tourist stopped coming, essentially creating another covid scenario. What we should be doing is educating each and every one of our guest via inflight PSA announcements. Let them know our people continue to mourn and heal. Let them know to practice aloha and patience with our workers. Let them know we still have aloha for them but would like a little bit more in return as we are all dealing with this tragedy in our own way. I have seen and heard so many well wishes and prayer from outside of Hawaii these last few days. The majority of our guest see the pain we are dealing with. Don’t let the actions of a few destroy our already fragile economy. Yes…Lahaina and West Maui is CLOSED for tourism. Respect our time to deal with this tragedy. Don’t try to sneak in and play tourist there because it is sacred ground. But I truly feel the Maui is still open. Just my two thoughts…I apologize for the long commentary. Aloha.