As the world becomes increasingly inter-connected and employers move to “global” operating models, the highest demand is now for job candidates with industry knowledge combined with international experience, and foreign language skills. Despite reports on job shortages, projections indicate that in 5 years the global demand for qualified staff will exceed available talent. To compete in the future
workforce, candidates must have "global" experience and an international perspective, whether they want to work overseas or in the U.S. Young professionals are actively seeking effective tools to connect to global employers as early as possible, even while still in college. GPS provides candidates with access to employer hiring criteria and qualifications in order to customize class schedules and curricula to produce attractive job seekers. GPS is an online professional matching service that connects global employers to a pool of diverse and highly qualified candidates from around the world that have a unique combination of subject area expertise (e.g. chemical engineering), international experience, and foreign language and culture proficiency. We connect employers to candidates with zero to four years of job experience for permanent, part-time and internship job positions. GPS solicits comprehensive data from employers that have expanding global hiring needs. Examples of ideal candidates for our job-matching service are the Russian-speaking chemical engineer, the Mandarin-speaking accounting major, or the Farsi-speaking cyber security major. During our solicitation of criteria, we gather company requirements around a candidate’s technical skills, desired characteristics for a strong cultural fit, academic performance, inter-cultural proficiencies, and global capabilities.