Hello all its been a great summer! Fall is here, kids back in school.
We would like to offer a free plumbing service! That's right, FREE!
Here's what I want to offer: advice. Sounds cheezy but its not. Everyone seems to know someone who knows a little about plumbing, enough to make them possibly dangerous...so why not call a real Professional? Because they only want your money? NO!
We want to help. In this economy we all need to save money everywhere we can so there are a lot of do it yourself stores etc out there, who don't always sell or have the knowledge you actually need...trust me, I KNOW!
So if your'e going to start a project or are in the middle of one...
Call Me! I will advise you on excellent parts, and tools and what you may be in for. Free service is available via phone or text during free time between jobs or after hours. I would rather help you save your money on little projects so when you really need a plumber it will be more affordable!
I also advise on jobs degree of difficulty. There are things that if you don't know what to look for, you may miss a crucial part of your project install and further damage can occur! Like toilets...not plumbing calculus but not as beginner for the layperson as you'd think...trust me i re do a lot mistakes! So call me!
And plumbing fixtures...cheaper is NOT better or cost effective.
Lastly, SAFETY!
At no point do I recommend installing a water heater by none other than a QUALIFIED Service Professional!!! You've got natural gas, flame, and carbon monoxide... CALL ME!
There are alot of materials out there in stores that don't meet code requirements that are substandard.
So, allow me to be your plumber! Pass my number or this page on to friends etc.