We are Ed and Laurie Essex. Since you’ve wandered onto this page you must want to know about us and how Good Ideas For Life got started. Here is our story...
Ed comes from a retail and construction management background. Laurie is a licensed healthcare professional and certified horse trainer. We have been planning our lifestyle change for the last few years and are currently in the process of fi
nishing our off grid home in the Okanogan Highlands in Eastern Washington State. While we both enjoy a modern lifestyle, it just seems that in the pursuit of convenience we have lost our way in some respects. We have lost faith in our food sources and we are using more natural resources than we need to. This is an exciting time of opportunity to change that. There are so many things we can do to make a difference for the planet and ourselves. We aren’t here to tell you how to live your life, but rather to offer ideas that may appeal to your values for living in the twenty-first century. That is where the idea of Good Ideas For Life came from. We learned a lot along the road of life and from our transition to a simpler, more cost effective life. Sharing what we learned just seemed like a natural thing to do and Good Ideas For Life was born. You can make changes for the better, no matter where you live. We have done a lot of research the past few years and hope that some of these ideas will benefit your everyday life choices. Thank you for your interest and please let us know if we can help simplify or improve your life choices in some way.