If your dog runs away the minute he's off leash, or your full flighted bird is always flying away and leaving the room (in the house) there is something wrong with the human/animal relationship. Dogs and birds are both highly social animals--a pack and a flock. My dogs have never had to have a fenced in yard and i've never had to worry about them running away from me if off leash. And my dogs are ALWAYS in the same room as me--their choice.
My bird is fully flighted and could go anywhere in the house, but she choses to spend 80% of her time on my shoulder and the other 20% near me.
With birds, it's about building trust, comfort and enjoyment. They need to believe you are their family. With dogs, this is also true to a great extent, but it goes further--you need to be a strong (and compassionate) leader. If they trust you and respect you as the leader (and love you) they will follow you anywhere.
I'm not saying that you should take your dog for a walk in the city off leash, but if you have the right relationship, an accident of the leash dropping or collar breaking will be no big deal. And you can walk them in the country or on trails without leahes.
I do not reccomend anyone takes their bird outside without a harness, but if you have the right relationship, hopefully a harness malfunction will only be a minor problem because your bird WANTS to be with you.