Clean & Sober Greetings, LLC

Clean & Sober Greetings, LLC Our greeting cards serve the substance abuse recovery community. A significant portion of the proceeds from each card are donated to scholarships.

I am Amanda and I am the sibling of an addict. Cindy is my neighbor. I am Cindy and I am the mother of an addict and our story is about wanting to give back. Clean & Sober Greetings, LLC, unfolded from a casual conversation between us, two neighbors who, like so many others discovered that we have very much in common; the anguish of watching our loved ones suffer from substance abuse disease. We t

alked about the constant worry…the constant hope that things would get better…and the constant fear that things could get worse. We are blessed to have so much support, yet the horrible truth is that the more we share our stories, the more we realize how many people share similar experiences with this devastating disease. Through our conversations, we soon realized that we share a common interest of wanting to do more…of wanting to help in some way. What started as a small greeting card project, evolved into what is now Clean & Sober Greetings, LLC. Initially, we thought we would just share our creations with our friends and families, but soon realized that this was a chance to contribute. Our cards are handmade and designed with the intention of bringing light to an otherwise very dark subject. Some are serious, some are humorous, some are even a little silly…but all address the issue of recovery and hope. We are all partners in the fight against alcohol and substance abuse diseases. A significant portion of the proceeds from the sale of these cards will be donated for programs and recovery scholarships.

No secret I love John Oliver ( I mean, I was on his show last August so..)! But last nights show on harm reduction and t...

No secret I love John Oliver ( I mean, I was on his show last August so..)! But last nights show on harm reduction and the incredible way he promoted safe consumption and so many other aspects of harm reduction is going to really have an impact!
Please watch the entire show, SO WORTH IT!!!!

John Oliver discusses why overdoses in the U.S. have been on the rise and what we should, and shouldn’t, be doing to prevent them.Connect with Last Week Toni...

Yesterday was heart wrenching but it sent a message to the Sacklers that just because we were forced to take a settlemen...

Yesterday was heart wrenching but it sent a message to the Sacklers that just because we were forced to take a settlement written entirely for Sackler benefit, we made it clear to the Sacklers we will not let them ride off into a glowing sunset of their own creation.

No more guilty buildings, Sacklers and that goes for the executives who willingly carried out their specific orders and took their bonuses. This DOJ can act and we will keep up the pressure until they undo all the bad decisions of the past and redeem themselves. We need a DOJ for the people, not the elite wealthy.

You poisoned our lives and had the audacity to blame us for dying,” he(Ryan Hampton) said.”

Roughly two dozen gave statements at bankruptcy court hearing attended by Richard, Theresa and David Sackler

Opioid Litigation Settlement Fund PrinciplesWe’ve been working trying to motivate Shapiro in PA to look to today’s impor...

Opioid Litigation Settlement Fund Principles

We’ve been working trying to motivate Shapiro in PA to look to today’s important issues when distributing settlement monies. After states receive their abatement allotment, the AGs determine which state agencies/groups will get the money. Too many are excluding the best practices of truly leveraging these funds for change and I’m not sure enough organized attention is being devoted to this important issue.

Here are some guiding principles
put together by 31 organizations, many which do have power and influence in the states and hopefully, using the efforts of all this legwork will help in influencing how and where these monies are dispersed. What we have found is PA has not indicated transparency in any of its decisions. My guess PA’s approach is representative of most states. This is happening NOW with the 26 billion distributor and J&J settlement with first year’s distributions slated for release in April/May!

This is by far the best guidelines for abatement distribution I’ve seen so far…. If you have better, SHARE!! If not, USE!

Guidelines call for states and local governments to focus on addiction treatment and prevention and to avoid diverting funds to close budget gaps

THIS IS IMPORTANT ! The Sackler family will likely walk because unlike you and me they can afford to manipulate bad law ...

THIS IS IMPORTANT ! The Sackler family will likely walk because unlike you and me they can afford to manipulate bad law ( Purdue bankruptcy) and compliant judges to ensure their freedom from accountability. BUT THEY CAN’T STOP US FROM CONTINUING TO FIGHT FOR JUSTICE!!

It’s time to force the DOJ to pursue the evidence they already have on the architects of the opioid epidemic - The Sackler Cartel

Join parents and loved ones from all over the country in a RALLY on Friday 12/03/21 11am near the DOJ in Washington DC to call on AG Merrick Garland and Deputy AG Lisa Monaco of the DOJ to act on the evidence they already possess and NOT to bury it as was done in 2007 to prosecute the Sacklers.

Danny Strong (HULU Dopesick show runner) will be a guest speaker along with others and Beth Macy (dopesick author) will be there.

Recently disclosed discovery documents, as well as thousands of news articles, many books and documentaries have exposed beyond any doubt the Sackler involvement in the admitted crimes of Purdue Pharma.

Even more damning, the highly respected Attorney General of Massachusetts, Maura Healey publicly stated the DOJ has the evidence and SHOULD bring charges against the Sacklers.
AG Healey’s specific admonishment of the DOJ’s lack of criminal prosecution of the Sackler’s is detailed in the NPR video (minute 9:30) below.

Rally starts 11AM Friday12/03/21

WHERE - meet in courtyard near the DOJ
DOJ address
950 Pennsylvania Avenue NW, Washington, DC 20530

Nearby Starbucks 5 min walk
325 7th St NW #100, Washington, DC 20004

fairfield inn 15 min walk

Parking lot 5 minute walk
650 D street NW, Washington, DC 20004

650 D St NW, Washington, DC 20004


The Gov. Wolf Administration joined the Pennsylvania Harm Reduction Network, members of the General Assembly, and other advocates in support of expanding access to life-saving harm reduction services for individuals struggling with a substance use disorder.


It could have been so different for this judge….but Drain, who became the poster child of all that is wrong with bankruptcy had to go.

The United States Bankruptcy Court for the Southern District of New York announces that Judge Robert D. Drain has declared his intention to retire on June 30, 2022.
Judge Drain joined the Southern District bench in 2002. During his tenure, he has presided over such chapter 11 cases as Loral, RCN, Cornerstone, Refco, Allegiance Telecom, Delphi, Coudert Brothers, Frontier Airlines, Star Tribune, Reader’s Digest, A&P, Hostess Brands, Christian Brothers, Momentive, Cenveo, 21st Century Oncology, Tops, G A&T, Sears, Standard Amusements (Playland), Full Beauty Brands, Sungard, Windstream, Purdue Pharma, Jason Industries, OneWeb, and Frontier Communications. He has served as the court-appointed mediator in a number of chapter 11 cases, including New Page, Cengage, Quicksilver, LightSquared, Molycorp and Breitburn Energy.
Judge Drain is a fellow of the American College of Bankruptcy, a member and board member of the American Bankruptcy Institute, a member of the International Insolvency Institute, a member and former Secretary of the National Conference of Bankruptcy Judges and a founding member and chair of the Judicial Insolvency Network. He is the current chair of the Bankruptcy Judges Advisory Group established through the Administrative Office of the U.S. Courts and was appointed to the FDIC’s Systemic Resolution Advisory Committee through May 1, 2021. He was an adjunct professor for several years at St. John’s University School of Law’s LLM in Bankruptcy Program and currently is an adjunct professor at Pace University School of Law and has lectured and written on numerous bankruptcy-related topics.
Until his retirement date, Judge Drain plans to stay active with cases. Judge Drain’s judicial vacancy will be filled by the Second Circuit.
(212) 668-2870 | HTTP://NYSB.USCOURTS.GOV

“UNSETTLED”  the real story of Purdue Pharma’s bankruptcy.This is the most informative article to date on Ryan Hampton’s...

“UNSETTLED” the real story of Purdue Pharma’s bankruptcy.

This is the most informative article to date on Ryan Hampton’s soon to be released book, “Unsettled” about the Sacklers and Purdue Bankruptcy. And it’s written by a great journalist and author, Patrick Radden Keefe, so be ready for some really surprising and insightful information.

“ In Hampton’s brutal assessment, the bankruptcy was a “bloodbath.”

Unfortunately, it was the innocent harmed public, victims of the opioid crisis perpetrated by Sackler family’s lust for wealth and power.

A new memoir by a victims’ advocate describes a process that seemed fixed from the start.

HINDSIGHT ISN’T ALWAYS PERFECT BUT THIS TIME IT IS!!!The Sacklers convinced many it was time to cut and run, collect wha...


The Sacklers convinced many it was time to cut and run, collect what little money is available and try to do good with it. It’s not an incorrect position but facts bear out it just won’t happen.

First, the Sacklers walk away free to continue their exploitation of innocents, this time with opioids for seven years in Mundipharma and are, as usual, ahead of the rapidly expanding Legal/non legal stimulant market.

Second, the culture of pushing opioids still remains in Purdue Pharma, despite it being put under the control of the states. Remember, Rhodes Pharmaceuticals, part of the Purdue package of bankrupt companies, is flooding the market with generic opioids.

Third, the states will continue to earn money for their treasuries from the sales of its predominantly opioid products. We kept hearing about Purdue’s efforts to develop cancer and other “public benefit” products but so far all we have is Adhansia, their highly potent ADHD med, positioned to capture both legal and diversion markets. Do you really think the states will curb that potential cash cow?


“Ultimately, the communities dealing with the opioid crisis might well have been better off if Drain had been willing to push through a settlement without the Sacklers’ immunity — and without their infusion of money. In addition to litigation accusing the Sacklers of playing a role in marketing OxyContin, a number of attorneys general sued the family for “fraudulent conveyance,” meaning they stand accused of taking money out of the company specifically to shield their assets from the coming litigation. And there appears to be some email evidence to back up that assertion. It is quite likely that had the hundreds of lawsuits aimed at the family been allowed to continue, the Sacklers themselves would have had to file for bankruptcy. In such a scenario, they would most likely have had to surrender much more than $4.5 billion.”

There is only one bankruptcy judge in White Plains, New York: Robert D. Drain, a former bankruptcy lawyer who has been on the bench for nearly two decades. That means,

Please sign our request to the DOJ to file an appeal to stop this bankruptcy settlement and get justice in a forum that ...

Please sign our request to the DOJ to file an appeal to stop this bankruptcy settlement and get justice in a forum that can’t be dominated by the Sacklers. You can sign up your org and also sign as individuals.
It’s easy, takes two minutes and we need you!!

Below is a letter that will be sent to the Department of Justice requesting that they file an immediate appeal to the Purdue Pharma bankruptcy ruling anticipated by Judge Drain. Please read and sign on by 10AM EST Wednesday, September 1. If you have any questions, please reach out to truthpharm@gmai...

Shame on you judge Drain! The choices you are forcing people to make are unconscionable. How dare you hide behind the ex...

Shame on you judge Drain! The choices you are forcing people to make are unconscionable. How dare you hide behind the excuse of wanting to help those suffering from the ravages of a family YOU are freeing from all accountability. There is no hole deep enough for you to crawl into and escape the injustices you are thrusting on millions. You will be remembered as the judge who protected the Sacklers from facing their just due. That is your legacy. We will never forget.

A federal bankruptcy judge is urging the 10 states that oppose a settlement plan with Purdue Pharma to try to work out differences with the OxyContin maker before he issues a ruling next week


 It’s amazing that Drain seems so unaware of the ridiculously unacceptable breadth of the releases given to the Sacklers, non debtors. He acts like the Sackler family and future heirs‘ release from any liabilities from ALL products ( would assume that includes products not even imagined yet) forever is a recent insertion. Not true. These releases have included blatantly prejudicial language that would never withstand scrutiny in appeal since the beginning. Is Judge Drain just getting around to figuring that out at this eleventh hour or is this just drama held until the end to demonstrate Drain is an unbiased judge ( too late)? Is the Davis, Polk bubble around Drain so carefully crafted that he’s not only handpicked, he’s expected to rely on lawyers guaranteed to represent Sackler best interests for his decisions?
Yesterday, Heubner arrogantly reminded us that his firm represents Purdue Pharma, not the Sacklers. Purdue Pharma is a building staffed with overpaid maintenance personnel who, as always, take their marching orders from specific Sacklers. Does he really believe the public isn’t aware of this predetermined theatre passing as a real court proceeding? Has Drain just realized that after his horrific protection of Sacklers, who literally have caused one of the worst human suffering and anguished laden events in our country’s history, he, and he alone, will be the last man standing? He is the scapegoat forever remembered and loathed for what will occur because of his submission to powerful law firms hired by the Sacklers.
This case will be taught in law schools for decades as an example of what not to do as a bankruptcy judge. Worse, Drain’s legacy will be remembered as the judge who allowed himself to be compromised by wealthy criminals and their outrageously paid lawyers. History will not be kind to judge Drain.
To those who gave in to the Sacklers unending pressure and accepted their plan for the sake of their families, we totally understand and empathize. Many have indicated we must move on, accept what is being offered and focus on helping the living heal.
I totally support the right to make those decisions and the huge thought that must have gone into making them. Many of my treasured friends reside in that group, friends I hope to keep because in the end, we are forever United in our pain and sorrow.
But I am not done fighting for one incredibly important reason, my precious son and all those still living who have faced the monster and who deserve to live a future unthreatened by greedy opportunists who will forever know it’s possible to plunder and kill and walk away wealthy, free and with a clear path to new victims. Our excuse is look at what we can do for those needing recovery services. That has merit, of course, but look at the huge potential of lives saved from the pain of needing recovery if we applied Prevention instead of our tradition of disease solutions. And what better Prevention in a greed based country such as ours if we stop the players like the Sacklers in their tracks and make them the example of the public’s strengths?
I believe Drain will confirm this horribly unfair plan and open the floodgates to new and creative ways to exploit citizens but we can’t stop now, can we?
Cynthia, mom

Sent from my iPhone



“The Department of Justice can stop the Sacklers’ abuse of the court system by filing an immediate appeal and preventing these bad actors from using bankruptcy proceedings as a free pass,” said Senator Blumenthal.”

“there is still time for the DOJ to intervene in the case by seeking an immediate direct appeal to the Second Circuit Court of Appeals on the constitutionality of the Plan’s nonconsensual third-party releases”


Special podcast due to timing of a legal case involving Purdue Pharma and the Sacklers: Cynthia Munger, For the past ten years Cynthia has devoted an extraordinary amount of her time to the issues of substance use disease with special focus on Purdue Pharma and the Sackler family and their role in the opioid crisis. With the recent trials and bankruptcy issues, she has been able to compile, maintain and disseminate vital information so that the many victims of opioid abuse are able to get a fair settlement. She knows that is not the case and continues her fight.

In 2019, Cynthia wrote and presented to the Boston Opioid Spoon Conference a paper entitled, “The Web of Conflict.” Cynthia is a listed officer in the Opioid Spoon Project non-profit, one of the five person members of the Purdue Bankruptcy Ad Hoc Committee on Accountability, active member of Friends of Safehouse, Bankruptcy Legislation Editing Committee, POPN, Founding Member of Mentor Program Interim House, and an active supporter of the Sackler Act, among others.

Cynthia was interviewed for an Italian TV opioid special and a major presenter in the soon to be released “Needles in the Hay.” Listen to her story and find out what she suggests you can do to help bring justice.

Listen Now
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“On Tuesday, March 23, the Sackler family relayed to the Purdue Pharma bankruptcy court that it would revoke its proposa...

“On Tuesday, March 23, the Sackler family relayed to the Purdue Pharma bankruptcy court that it would revoke its proposal to contribute $4.28 billion to Purdue Pharma’s bankruptcy plan if the injunction put in place at the beginning of the Purdue Pharma case (which prevented lawsuits against the Sackler family) was lifted.

In response, and to allow negotiations to continue, the bankruptcy court agreed to extend the injunction, which was originally set to expire in April. The SACKLER Act would also limit any such injunctions, going forward, to 90 days.”

The above basically illustrates the iron-fisted control the Sacklers have over the entire Purdue bankruptcy process. This is not the first time the Sacklers have threatened to take their money and leave and each time, the court has capitulated to their demands. It is now apparent that the pittance offered to the individual claimants was always a bribe to keep the harmed public under control.

There are two issues more important to the Sackler family than anything else and this family never does anything without a well conceived purpose and outcome.
It’s one, keeping the litigation against the family holdings at bay during negotiations and two, obtaining liability releases against any future actions that may require disclosure, location and amounts of family assets. Nothing else matters.

Sometimes I wish the public would call the Sackler bluff and see what would really happen. Putting the Sacklers on trial for their civil and criminal acts would send a message that probably would save countless lives in the future.

It always comes down to money, doesn’t it?

On Friday, March 19, 2021, Congressional lawmakers introduced a bill that would amend the U.S. Bankruptcy Code to prohibit bankruptcy judges from

THE SACKLERS ARE GUILTY and ESCAPING AGAIN!!!This is four months old but even more relevant today because it was another...


This is four months old but even more relevant today because it was another planned diversion to make the public believe that justice was being served. It wasn’t and isn’t today. Purdue Pharma has been the planned scapegoat to absorb criminal charges as a means to appease the public since 2009 when the Sacklers opened Rhodes Pharmaceutical to market its opioids. Then In 2010 plans were put in place to create a mirror image of the U.S. internationally and so far so good.
The Sacklers from day one have run their companies with tightly controlled directives and oversight. Released documents have proven that without any doubt. And now we are reaching the end of a very long, heartbreaking and unfair process that will leave the Sacklers wealth intact and worse, the family power intact to continue exploiting the innocent.
Judge Drain won’t help us, that’s been made obvious with every orchestrated decision. Davis, Polk has run the bankruptcy with an iron fist and has been laying the groundwork for the Sackler escape from any accountability for years.
GO TO SACKLERACT.ORG and send a letter or leave a message to me and we’ll get your organization on the support list for the bill. PLEASE, WE NEED YOUR SUPPORT!!

Purdue Pharma LP pleaded guilty to criminal charges over the handling of its addictive prescription painkiller OxyContin, capping a deal with federal prosecutors to resolve an investigation into the drugmaker's role in the U.S. opioid crisis.

𝕋𝕙𝕖 𝔸𝕕𝕕𝕚𝕔𝕥'𝕤 𝕄𝕠𝕞™is excited to announce it's support of THE SACKLER ACT𝙖𝙣𝙙 𝙬𝙚 𝙝𝙤𝙥𝙚 𝙤𝙪𝙧 𝙢𝙚𝙢𝙗𝙚𝙧𝙨 𝙬𝙞𝙡𝙡 𝙧𝙖𝙡𝙡𝙮 𝙩𝙤 𝙨𝙪𝙥𝙥𝙤𝙧𝙩 𝙩𝙝𝙞...

𝕋𝕙𝕖 𝔸𝕕𝕕𝕚𝕔𝕥'𝕤 𝕄𝕠𝕞™
is excited to announce it's support of
𝙖𝙣𝙙 𝙬𝙚 𝙝𝙤𝙥𝙚 𝙤𝙪𝙧 𝙢𝙚𝙢𝙗𝙚𝙧𝙨 𝙬𝙞𝙡𝙡 𝙧𝙖𝙡𝙡𝙮 𝙩𝙤 𝙨𝙪𝙥𝙥𝙤𝙧𝙩 𝙩𝙝𝙞𝙨 𝙘𝙖𝙪𝙨𝙚 𝙩𝙤𝙤.
A Bill in Congress could stop the Sacklers from getting away with shielding their assets.
Democratic Reps. Carolyn Maloney (N.Y.) and Mark DeSaulnier (CA.) unveiled legislation aimed at preventing members of the Sackler family from 𝙚𝙫𝙖𝙙𝙞𝙣𝙜 𝙡𝙖𝙬𝙨𝙪𝙞𝙩𝙨 𝙤𝙫𝙚𝙧 𝙩𝙝𝙚 𝙤𝙥𝙞𝙤𝙞𝙙 𝙘𝙧𝙞𝙨𝙞𝙨 through bankruptcy proceedings.
The “𝙎𝙩𝙤𝙥 𝙎𝙝𝙞𝙚𝙡𝙙𝙞𝙣𝙜 𝘼𝙨𝙨𝙚𝙩𝙨 𝙛𝙧𝙤𝙢 𝘾𝙤𝙧𝙥𝙤𝙧𝙖𝙩𝙚 𝙆𝙣𝙤𝙬𝙣 𝙇𝙞𝙖𝙗𝙞𝙡𝙞𝙩𝙮 𝙗𝙮 𝙀𝙡𝙞𝙢𝙞𝙣𝙖𝙩𝙞𝙣𝙜 𝙉𝙤𝙣-𝘿𝙚𝙗𝙩𝙤𝙧 𝙍𝙚𝙡𝙚𝙖𝙨𝙚𝙨 𝘼𝙘𝙩,” or 𝙎𝘼𝘾𝙆𝙇𝙀𝙍 𝘼𝙘𝙩, would close a loophole to prevent those who have not filed for bankruptcy from being released from lawsuits brought by the federal government, as well as states and local governments in bankruptcy. The harm the Sackler's caused families like ours should not be something they can't loop-hole their way out of.
What You Can Do.
Navigate to the website to 𝙨𝙚𝙣𝙙 𝙖 𝙥𝙧𝙚-𝙬𝙧𝙞𝙩𝙩𝙚𝙣 𝙡𝙚𝙩𝙩𝙚𝙧 (or one of your own) to your representatives. The site does almost all the work for you.
𝐌𝐚𝐤𝐞 𝐬𝐮𝐫𝐞 𝐲𝐨𝐮𝐫 𝐯𝐨𝐢𝐜𝐞 𝐢𝐬 𝐡𝐞𝐚𝐫𝐝 𝐨𝐧 𝐭𝐡𝐢𝐬 𝐢𝐬𝐬𝐮𝐞.
Congress must pass this bill before the Sackler’s case is heard by the judge they personally chose, through loopholes and manipulating the law.
𝐒𝐞𝐧𝐝 𝐚 𝐥𝐞𝐭𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐭𝐨𝐝𝐚𝐲. And then𝐛𝐞 𝐬𝐮𝐫𝐞 𝐭𝐨 𝐬𝐡𝐚𝐫𝐞 on your Facebook timeline and all your social media accounts; twitter, Instagram etc.
Support The Sackler Act Today!
While you’re there be sure to check out “History” it’s a great timeline to catch you up quickly.
History Page

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“The Addict’s Mom” is a group focusing on the mothers of addicted children.


News and analysis on legal developments including litigation filings, case settlements, verdicts, regulation, enforcement, legislation, corporate deals, and business of law.

CT is standing with us regarding the plan and it appears this holds true for other non consenting states.

CT is standing with us regarding the plan and it appears this holds true for other non consenting states.

Attorney General William Tong today expressed disappointment when reacting to the plan Purdue Pharma filed in bankruptcy court.


Do YOU want to sell OXY☠️💀☠️???

Purdue Pharma is trying to force US (the public) to sell the very pill that started the Opioid Epidemic via a PBC - public benefit company.

!! PLEASE act and share this page !!

We ask you to call/email your State Attorney General and U.S. Senators to tell them your personal story and that you ABSOLUTELY oppose a PBC option in the Purdue Pharma Bankruptcy Case.

How is something so PREPOSTEROUS a possibility?
💰MONEY💰 - Purdue Pharma in their Bankruptcy SCAM has convinced some state AG’s that there would be more money for states if they do the PBC as opposed to a forced sale or liquidation of the company.

What is it about our country? We fight masks because we want to be free to harm others if we choose. We refuse vaccinati...

What is it about our country? We fight masks because we want to be free to harm others if we choose. We refuse vaccination for basically the same reasons. And of course we fight the proven concept of overdose prevention sites. why? We don’t believe what works in other countries won’t work here? We are the masters of denial, very likely. We’re afraid OPS will draw “ those addicted people” and lower our neighborhood economic values?! By far the most likely reason. We are a country consumed with distrust of each other, our values and our leaders.

Open Safehouse damnit, see for yourself if it works.

“Some interventions, however, likely remain off the table politically, like Safehouse, a controversial proposal in Philadelphia to establish a supervised injection site, which would allow people who use drugs to do so under medical supervision to prevent overdose.”

With Covid-19 causing so much death, addiction advocates worry the nation’s “other” epidemic has become a second-tier issue in Washington.


I have some questions and would love to hear your thoughts. What do you think about reporters holding key information, that if released when acquired, thousands of people may have not lost their lives? And all because the info was so critical it might overshadow their books? Right now it’s all about Woodward and Covid but there’s another author whom I greatly respect who held onto a 120 page legal document that set forth in painful detail all the criminal acts of the Sacklers and Purdue prior to 2007. It’s a 120 page U.S. attorney prepared indictment request with an abundance of proof (internal documents, victims, witnesses) charging the executives of Purdue and company be indicted based on an abundance of evidence that inevitably would have resulted in prison time.
This isn’t a scoop of some sort, Barry Meier, well known author of Pain Killer, has and holds that indictment document to this day. And he disclosed that fact recently in his webcast!
Fact; the 2007 criminal case against Purdue ended with a whimper, no prison, no admission of guilt and a full liability release, all for the bargain basement price of 600 plus million.
Fact; the DOJ hid the document from the public and members of Congress.
Fact; the document was leaked to Meier and somehow he, as the author, was able to soothe his conscience of the ramifications of such damning data, and kept the secret.
Fact; if he’s worried about protecting witnesses, REDACT their private info, release their declarations. The public is used to reading government controlled docs that look like they came from a WW11 movie set!
Right now the Purdue bankruptcy proceedings are heading to a final settlement and my gut says the Sacklers will walk away completely intact, free of future liability and the claimants who lost so much will be left with selling OXY and little relief payout.
Ok, public? What do you think we should do about this???


Message to Philadelphia
This time it’s not going away. In every society throughout history when the gap between the “haves and have-nots” reaches a level that threatens the survival of masses of citizens, rebellion as a last resort inevitably occurs. And history tells us if there is enough “mass” to consistently replace and continue the rebellion , it will dictate the outcome.
Philly, understand rebellion is not a natural choice for people, but in the case of the encampments it is a necessity to survive decades of refusal to address homelessness (and many other issues for that matter) in our city.
No one is asking for a free ride but everyone is demanding that wages be adjusted commensurate with cost of city living, healthcare becomes a human right and, most important, PHA owned empty homes freed up to house the homeless while our country tries to recover from a poorly managed drug and covid-19 epidemics.
Everyone understands long term solutions must be negotiated, but the rebellion WILL NOT END until The most obvious solution of freeing empty PHA houses is IMMEDIATELY implemented. Bureaucracy should never be an excuse for saving lives.
The ball is in your court, Philly, The demand to free PHA housing is clear, you can stop this and begin the healing process.

Recovery Centers of America

Recovery Centers of America

As our nation continues to use social distancing as a preventive measure to reduce the spread of Covid19, many are wondering how to stay engaged and involved in their long-term recovery during this time.

Attorney General Maura Healey

Keep fighting, Maura Healey. Thank you!!

We need to see Purdue’s offer for what it is and, most importantly, for what it is not. It’s not accountability. It’s not transparency. And it’s not making perpetrators pay. That’s why Massachusetts will continue to aggressively fight on behalf of families affected by this crisis.


Just one Mom’s Opinion

The issue of safe consumption is so hard and for a long time I was against safe consumption-allowing safe drug use, are we crazy? Any drug use is bad, right?
But I don’t believe that anymore because there are situations where hopelessness can overtake any semblance of self worth and dignity and it can be impossible to seek options for recovery when the brain is consumed by the need to use and surrounded by easy access.
Safehouse will be a life saving place of compassion, hope and no judgement. It’s a place of options and paths to recovery, places to live, services and warm hand-off referrals. Most importantly, it’s there because we all know from experience that you can’t dictate when it’s time to seek help but when it happens there has to be a place of love and safety available. We all have the same goals and we need to offer as many options as we can TODAY because all that really matters is a life saved, right?
I’ve come to believe that every avenue of hope and saving lives should be offered and that includes safe consumption. Our drug world is different than even ten years ago and it requires broad and creative thinking. Fentanyl and drug mixing has changed the landscape of overdose and we know that the road to recovery is almost never a one and done, there are often eight, ten, twenty relapses that can occur. The difference today is the drugs simply aren’t as forgiving of relapse—death statistics don’t lie. We have to adjust to today’s ugly realities and open up to one last, incredibly life saving option—Safe Consumption. Who are we to deny a grieving mom who believes, “if there had just been a place of oversight, maybe, just maybe ......,
Cynthia Munger


Wayne, PA



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Our Story

I am Amanda and Cindy is my neighbor and this is our story is about wanting to give back. Clean & Sober Greetings, LLC, unfolded from a casual conversation between us, two neighbors who, like so many others discovered that we have very much in common; the anguish of watching our loved ones suffer from substance abuse disease. We talked about the constant worry…the constant hope that things would get better…and the constant fear that things could get worse. We are blessed to have so much support, yet the horrible truth is that the more we share our stories, the more we realize how many people share similar experiences with this devastating disease. Through our conversations, we soon realized that we share a common interest of wanting to do more…of wanting to help in some way. What started as a small greeting card project, evolved into what is now Clean & Sober Greetings, LLC. Initially, we thought we would just share our creations with our friends and families, but soon realized that this was a chance to contribute. Our cards are handmade and designed with the intention of bringing light to an otherwise very dark subject. Some are serious, some are humorous, some are even a little silly…but all address the issue of recovery and hope. We are all partners in the fight against alcohol and substance abuse diseases. A significant portion of the proceeds from the sale of these cards will be donated for programs and recovery scholarships.

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