I have been wondering about them for years. Wondering if the ghost stories you hear were true or even if there was some truth behind them. It really made me wonder after my grandfather past and I was visited by him in a dream. OR was it just a dream? That was 1977 and you still really didn’t talk about it… at less “normal” people didn’t. I believe that things happen for a reason, there is a life a
fter death and that the over loved ones are looking in on us and here to help if we need it, even after they have passed. Then the television shows started and it got me really wanting to do something more than wondering about it. My daughter, Jenny, and I would watch the shows and be fascinated in them. We started talking about going to some of the events after a while and wanting to do investigating ourselves, but there was always some reason we couldn’t. When my Dad became ill we would spend time at my parent’s house taking care of him and my Mom. While we were there, of course, we would watch paranormal shows. My Dad started talking to me about ghosts at my great aunt’s home that he saw when he was growing up! I am not crazy and we should do this. After he passed, we were taking care of Mom. Then we learned about an event here in the Twin Cities, PARASOTA 2010, by Brandy Green from GHI. So, we took a little time off for ourselves and went to it. We loved learning about the paranormal and investigating. We were able to really getting investigating this year and love it, even though we have been told by my hubby to “Get A Life!”
We are not experts, but are continuing to learn and explore more and more. It is a rewarding experience when things happen around you that cannot be explained.