Hello, Friends!
Attention: I’m shutting down my Chaos & Bloom endeavor. It was such a great experience and I enjoyed working with all of my friends and clients so much (thank you!) but the time has come to fold it up.
Lately, I’ve been using my FB account for more personal and political purposes lately (freedom, equality and justice for all ✊🏻✊🏼✊🏽✊🏾✊🏿) and yet it was never my intent to share this type of content with C&B friends. It feels best to remove the business account to maintain the integrity of my intent with Chaos & Bloom, which was to help you bring order to your chaos, so you have room to bloom. I’ll continue to post organizing-inspired articles here and there, but FB will be a personal space for me from this point forward. I won’t be offended if you peace out ✌️.
I love (love!) organizing, but when it comes to marketing, creating blog posts, networking, spreading the word, branding, working on sales funnels, and everything else that comes with running a small business (albeit a little side business), it didn’t come naturally to me and finding the time in an already busy life had been a big struggle. I work a full-time day job, so when I was hustling and busy several nights a week - stressing about standing up my monthly content calendar and online presence - I was not present with my family. It broke my heart to leave in the evenings and on the weekends when I was already gone 8+ hours day, my kids crying for me to stay. It put a lot of stress on our home life and I felt pulled in yet another direction, this one entirely of my making. So although I love to organize since it sets my mind at ease, and I love organizing for others because it can do the same for them, I need to set it down for now.
I hope that when my kids are grown, I’ll be able to jump back into it. Until then, thank you all for your business, support, and encouragement over these past two years! ❤️