Ulysse Tour Uzbekistan

Ulysse Tour Uzbekistan Our doors are always open for enthusiasts who are eager to discover the beauties of Uzbekistan.


В этот светлый праздник весны и обновления, желаем Вам от всей души добра, тепла, благополучия семейного! Пусть дом будет полон радости и счастья! С весенним праздником Навруз!

Аральское море.Это приключенческое путешествие по бездорожью с остановками в местах, тесно связанными с историей соленог...

Аральское море.
Это приключенческое путешествие по бездорожью с остановками в местах, тесно связанными с историей соленого озера.
Не так давно Аральское море было большим соленым озером с волнами высотой 7 метров. К сожалению, по ряду причин оно сильно уменьшилось, и в результате появилось дно озера. Это важная проблема для мировой экологии. Люди со всех уголков земли прилагают усилия для возрождения Аральского моря. Между тем, огромная территория, покрытая белыми узорами соли, выглядит впечатляюще и вызывает большой интерес у путешественников.

Тур к Аральскому Морю - это активный отдых, который включает в себя поездки на джипах, пикники на природе, ночлег в юртовом лагере и остановки в самых живописных местах, чтобы запечатлеть всю красоту местности на фотографиях. В поездке вы увидите заброшенные корабли, застрявшие на суше, которые когда-то бороздили по необъятному озеру. Также вы проедете через небольшие деревни, где будет возможность встретиться с местными жителями. Поскольку путешествие к Аральскому морю можно совершить только через Нукус, столицу Каракалпакстана, у вас будет прекрасная возможность одновременно взглянуть на исторические места города.

Посетив Аральское море, вы не останетесь равнодушными к истории исчезновения самого большого озера в Центральной Азии.

   May your Christmas be filled with the true miracles and meaning of this Merry time. May the joy and peace of Christma...

May your Christmas be filled with the true miracles and meaning of this Merry time. May the joy and peace of Christmas be with you all through the New Year. Wishing you a season of blessings from heaven above. May your world be filled with warmth and good cheer this Holy season, we wish you a joy-filled Christmas.🌲

Uzbekistan-pearl of sandsToday it is a strong and purposeful state, while still inexperienced by tourists. Therefore, pe...

Uzbekistan-pearl of sands

Today it is a strong and purposeful state, while still inexperienced by tourists. Therefore, people are unusually hospitable and welcome here. About the hospitality of Uzbeks are legends. But, as they say, it is better to see once than hear a hundred times. That is why most of the reviews about Uzbekistan are the most positive. Uzbekistan managed to preserve their ancient fortresses, monuments, mosques, madrasa in perfect condition. As if frozen in time, they mounted with their eastern beauty and bright skillful architecture.

Aujourd'hui, c'est un état fort et déterminé, tout en restant inexpérimenté par les touristes. Par conséquent, les gens sont inhabituellement hospitaliers et accueillent ici. À propos de l'hospitalité des Ouzbeks sont des légendes. Mais, comme on dit, il est préférable de voir une fois que d'entendre cent fois. C'est pourquoi la plupart des critiques d'Ouzbékistan sont les plus positives. Ouzbékistan a réussi à préserver leurs anciens forteresses, monuments, mosquées, madrasa en parfait état. Comme si gelé dans le temps, ils montaient avec leur beauté orientale et leur architecture habile.

Heute ist es ein starker und zweckmäßiger Zustand, während es von Touristen immer noch unerfahren ist. Daher sind die Menschen ungewöhnlich gastfreundlich und willkommen hier willkommen. Über die Gastfreundschaft von Usbeken sind Legenden. Aber wie sie sagen, ist es besser, einmal zu sehen, als hundertmal zu hören. Deshalb sind die meisten Bewertungen von Usbekistan am positivsten. Usbekistan schaffte es, ihre alten Festungen, Denkmäler, Moscheen, Madrasa in einwandfreiem Zustand zu erhalten. Als ob in der Zeit eingefroren, montierten sie mit ihrer östlichen Schönheit und ihrer hell geschicktem Architektur.

Due to the variety of landscapes presented in the biosphere reserve (mountains, steppe, desert, etc.), this area is dist...

Due to the variety of landscapes presented in the biosphere reserve (mountains, steppe, desert, etc.), this area is distinguished by a special variety of bird species

Among other things, in the Nurata Mountains, tourists will have a good opportunity, especially in spring and autumn, to see the real "Kup-kary" - a traditional game with the participation of horses. This archaic performance will be unforgettable for every visitor.
The distinctive lifestyle of the local population offers a one-of-a-kind opportunity to get acquainted with ancient handicrafts and feel like a part of the daily life of the Tajik highlanders. A visit to an old water mill, a silk farm or a traditional musical instrument maker is one of the many possibilities for a tourist offer in the area.
In the guest houses of the Nurata Mountains, tourists will have the opportunity not only to observe, but also to take a direct part in the spinning, weaving or production of multi-colored felt carpets.

In spring and autumn, holidays become one of the components of rural life. Held on special occasions such as weddings or Navruz, the mesmerizing riders' kup-kary games are the highlight of the program not only for visiting guests. The Uzbek name "kup - kary" (literally translated - "the work of many people") is "ulak". In Russian, the game is also called "goat".

"Kup - kary" is the most widespread type of equestrian sport not only for Tajiks and Uzbeks, but also for other neighboring peoples - Kazakhs, Kyrgyz, Afghans, Karakalpaks and Turkmens. Everyone calls the game in their own way, but, despite some differences, its essence is the same: to take possession of the carcass of a goat full of salt and deliver it to the finish line.

The most popular "kup - kary" happens during large weddings. Traditionally, weddings in the republic take place mainly in late autumn (after the harvest), or in early spring (before the main agricultural work). Guests come from the nearest neighborhood and distant places. The prizes include camels, horses, bulls, goats, carpets, fabric cuts, household items and even cars.

Game rules: Riders are not allowed to jump towards the spectators. It is forbidden for outsiders to serve the goat carcass from the ground. The player must not run the horse over a bent rider. It is also forbidden to dump the rider who has captured the trophy from the horse, and to pull the carcass from the player's back.
The Nurata Mountains offer a very rich variety of routes for tourism lovers. Along with easy walks in the mountains, on foot, on horse or donkey, the diversity of the region also offers the possibility of multi-day tours of varying degrees of difficulty (from easy tours to medium difficulty tours). Various natural and cultural monuments (ancient rock paintings - petroglyphs, ruins of fortresses, settlements, mosques, etc.), stories about the historical significance of Nuratau, will not leave anyone indifferent. One of the additional tourist attractions in the region is the possibility of observing the endemic Severtsov ram, the species with the smallest number of its kind. Trips to the Kyzyl K*m desert to the nearby Aydar-Kul lake, the opportunity to swim in it, ride a boat, complement the variety of services available in this area.

Of particular interest is the huge species diversity of birds inhabiting the territory of the Nuratau-Kyzylkum Biosphere Reserve. Those who love to observe the feathered representatives of the fauna will get an unforgettable impression of what they see, the rest will be able to enjoy their singing in the gardens of the guest houses

Ulysse tour  # Hayot Ekotourism🌲Горы Нуратау - прекрасное место для любителей экологического и сельского туризма, хайкин...

Ulysse tour # Hayot Ekotourism🌲
Горы Нуратау - прекрасное место для любителей экологического и сельского туризма, хайкинга, конного, вело-, мото- и автотуризма. Это живописный зеленый уголок в удалении от больших городов, на самой границе пустыни Кызылкум. Семейные гостевые дома в горных кишлаках Фаришского района приглашают для отдыха и экскурсий. Вас ждут новые яркие впечатления, незабываемый отдых в прохладе тенистого сада, наполненного пением соловьев и журчанием горной речки, удивительный мир дикой природы и старинные горные селения, где все несет на себе отпечаток многовековой истории и самобытной культуры. На Ваш выбор маршруты различного уровня сложности, увлекательные походы в горах, автомобильные экскурсии к озеру Айдаркуль, посещение уникального памятника природы «Биота восточная» и древних наскальных рисунков.

Mountains Nuratau is a great place for fans of ecological and rural tourism, Hayking, horse, cycling, motorcycle and autotourism. This is a picturesque green corner in a distance from large cities, on the very border of the desert Kyzylkum. Family guest houses in the mountain villages of the Farish district are invited to relax and excursions. New bright impressions are waiting for you, an unforgettable vacation in the coolness of a shady garden, filled with singing Soloviev and the murmur of the mountain river, the amazing world of wildlife and ancient mountain village, where everything carries a mn imprint Your choice of routes of various levels of complexity, exciting hiking in the mountains, car excursions to Lake Aydarkul, visiting the unique monument of the nature of the "Biot East" and ancient rock paintings.

ULYSSE TOUR Travel Agency объявляет открытие летнего сезона “HELI NATURE” Вертолётные Туры 2020 по Узбекистану!Мы пригла...

ULYSSE TOUR Travel Agency объявляет открытие летнего сезона “HELI NATURE” Вертолётные Туры 2020 по Узбекистану!

Мы приглашаем всех Вас, а также уважаемых иностранных гостей на борт вертолета, чтобы отправиться в увлекательное однодневное путешествие по горам Тянь-Шань.

Каждые выходные осуществляются вертолетные туры по следующим направлениям: система озёр Ихначкуль, Коксу и Плато Пулатхан.

Это уникальный шанс за считанные минуты оказаться на горных вершинах, где царствует первозданная природа. Полет на вертолете, величественные ландшафты, аромат горных трав, озера с кристально чистой водой, свежий воздух – все это непременно найдет отклик в Вашем сердце и поспособствует приливу энергии и вдохновения.

Успейте забронировать места на июнь месяц.

Звоните нам по номеру +99871 150-1060 или +99897 155-3030.

Примечание: ULYSSE TOUR также организует индивидуальные вертолетные туры.

«Ulysse Tour» is an International Travel Agency that operates even during the Covid-19 pandemic. We carry on working for...

«Ulysse Tour» is an International Travel Agency that operates even during the Covid-19 pandemic. We carry on working for 24/7 online and always available for any assistance you need.
Today we introduce you to our team, which wholeheartedly stays with our dearest guests - and looks forward to seeing you soon and making all types of trips around our beautiful and majestic country with you!
About the wide range and availability of tours for your future journeys full of adventures and unforgettable moments, you can find on our official website www.ulyssetour.com

We hope to see you soon,
Sincerely yours
Ulysse Tour Team


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Успехов и процветания!

How to cook UZBEK PALOV???🍲  Wash the rice 🍚 under the tap until clear, cover with cold water 🚰 and let it soaks for a w...

How to cook UZBEK PALOV???

🍲 Wash the rice 🍚 under the tap until clear, cover with cold water 🚰 and let it soaks for a while. Cut the meat 🥩 with bones into match-box pieces.

Cut the carrots 🥕🥕into 0.5×0.5 cm thick sticks. Slice onions into thin rings or half-rings. Clean heads of garlic from the remains of roots and dirt.
🍲 Heat oil in the cattle🧫, deep-fry meat 🥩 until golden-brown, in 3-4 batches. Fry the onions until golden, add meat to the cattle, stir well to prevent onion from burning. Add carrot 🥕🥕, stir from time to time, until it starts to wilt and browns a little (15-20 min). Add 2/3 of the cumin — rub it in your palms a little to release flavor, stir gentliy to keep carrot from broking.

🍲 Lower gas to moderate, pour hot water 🚰 just to cover all the goods, add salt 🧂and let it simmer for 4️⃣0️⃣ min to 1.5 hours until almost all water evaporate and meat became tender and juicy. Add salt to make the water a bit over-salted. Do not stir.

🍲 Turn gas to max. Drain rice 🍚 well, place it on top the meat and vegs in one layer, stick the garlic, and carefully pour boiling water over it (place a spoon or ladle on top of the rice to keep the rice layer from washaway). Cover the rice with about 1.5 cm of water, let it boil.

🍲 When water will go down the rice, reduce the gas a bit, keeping it boils rapidly. Check when it will evaporate and absorb into rice completely — rice should remain rather al dente. Make a holes in the rice to the bottom of a vessel to check the water level.
Carefully mix rice 🥣 with meat and carrots, if the rice tastes a bit blind add some salt🧂, mix. Reduce gas to absolute min, cover tightly with the lid and let it steam 3️⃣0️⃣ minutes. Pile the plov on a big warmed plate 🍽 and serve with garlic, chilies and plain thinly sliced tomato-sweet onions-chili-salt salad🥗.

Tour to our magnificent City - Bukhara, is'nt only a visit to ancient monuments🕌, but also interesting master classes🎨🧫....

Tour to our magnificent City - Bukhara, is'nt only a visit to ancient monuments🕌, but also interesting master classes🎨🧫.

More information about us on website 🌐 ulyssetour.com
Email 📨 [email protected]

Contact us:
☎️ +998 78 150 10 60
📲 +998 97 155 30 30

Для наших гостей из ближнего зарубежья «Навруз Тур» 2020Ташкент 🔹 Самарканд 🔸Бухара 🔹 Ташкент🌸Навруз 🌸ассоциируется с пр...

Для наших гостей из ближнего зарубежья «Навруз Тур» 2020
Ташкент 🔹 Самарканд 🔸Бухара 🔹 Ташкент

🌸Навруз 🌸ассоциируется с пробуждением природы после долгого зимнего сна🌤и является самым теплым🌞 и любимым праздником в Узбекистане🇺🇿.
У Вас будет возможность поучаствовать в народных гуляниях 🎭🤹🏻‍♂️, почувствовать атмосферу праздника 💐"Прихода весны"💐, стать зрителем импровизированных концертов 🤹🏻‍♀️, устраиваемых на улицах и площадях города. Вы посетите знаменитые архитектурные ансамбли 🕌и крепости 🏛, отведаете самую вкусные блюда узбекской кухни🍧🍵🍲.

В стоимость тура входит:
✳️ Транспорт и трансферы на весь маршрут (Ташкент - Самарканд - Бухара - Ташкент) по программе🚙🚌
✳️ Все встречи и проводы в аэропорту и на вокзале🤗
✳️ ЖД билеты на поезда Ташкент – Самарканд / Самарканд – Бухара / Бухара - Ташкент🚄
✳️ Размещение в комфортабельных гостиницах 3* в двухместных номерах🛌
✳️ Питание: завтрак в отелях☕️🍮🍳
✳️ Местные гиды-экскурсоводы в городах на время экскурсии по программе🤠
✳️ Входные билеты на все объекты🎫🕌🕍

📌Бронируйте тур уже сейчас!

Наши телефоны:
☎️ +998 78 150 10 60
📲 +998 97 155 30 30

Больше информации на нашем веб-сайте🌐 ulyssetour.com
Почта 📨 [email protected]

Добро пожаловать в Узбекистан 🇺🇿 !

How our tourists are spending their time?In case you're wondering, we've prepared for you small set of photos,  📸Сity № ...

How our tourists are spending their time?
In case you're wondering, we've prepared for you small set of photos, 📸
Сity № 1 - Tashkent.


Contact us:
☎️ +998 78 150 10 60
📲 +998 97 155 30 30

More information about us on website 🌐 ulyssetour.com
Email 📨 [email protected]


Ullysse Toet Travel Agency runs tours to the Fergana Valley (as part of Extended Tour To Uzbekistan)


Contact us:
☎️ +998 78 150 10 60
📲 +998 97 155 30 30

More information about us on website 🌐 ulyssetour.com
Email 📨 [email protected]

Rishtan is the most famous and oldest centers of ceramics 🧫 in Uzbekistan🇺🇿!The main pottery 🧫 workroom of Central Asia ...

Rishtan is the most famous and oldest centers of ceramics 🧫 in Uzbekistan🇺🇿!

The main pottery 🧫 workroom of Central Asia is located in the Fergana Valley🗺.

By its age, it is also considered one of the oldest Central Asian cities located in the territory of the Silk Road 🐫🐫🐫.

The history of producing ceramics here goes back to the 7️⃣th century. In the late 1️⃣9️⃣th – early 2️⃣0️⃣th centuries, almost all the population of Rishton were potters.

Its clay is suitable for making the whole variety of ceramic goods and the repertoire of ornamental patterns in the Rishton ceramics is one of the richest.

Today, over 2000 craftsmen use both traditional techniques and modern machinery to produce over 5 million items per year.

The traditional design has a blue-green 🎨glaze, called “iskor”.

💠 You can book tour with a visit to Rishtan!

Contact us:
☎️ +998 78 150 10 60
📲 +998 91 655 17 81

More information about us on website 🌐 ulyssetour.com
Email 📨 [email protected]

Welcome to Uzbekistan!

Usbekistan istein orientalisches Märchen🕌Usbekistan ist ein sehr wunderschönes Land mit toller Kultur!📌 Die beste Zeit u...

Usbekistan istein orientalisches Märchen🕌

Usbekistan ist ein sehr wunderschönes Land mit toller Kultur!
📌 Die beste Zeit um nach Usbekistan anzureisen ist der Frühling und Herbst.
📌 Jedes Jahr finden viele interessante Festivals, internationale Ausstellungen statt.

In unserem Tour werden Sie 4 Städte besichtigen:

💎 die Hauptstadt von Usbekistan - Taschkent;
💎 die Perle des Ostens – Samarkand;
💎 die Heilige Stadt - Buchara;
💎 die Museumsstadt - Chiwa;

🧿 Alle Transfers und Alle Roadtrips mit einem SUV Auto 🚙
🧿 Inlandsflug Taschkent – Urgentsch 🛫
🧿 Zugfahrkarten Samarkand – Taschkent 🚅
🧿 Halfpension (Abendessen von 2. bis 7. Tag) 🍲🍛
🧿 Unterbringung im Doppel/Zweibettzimmer 🛏 , inklusive Frühstück ☕️🥪🧁
🧿 Reiseleiter 🚶🏻‍♂️👀 👣
🧿Eintrittskarten für die Sehenswürdigkeiten 🕌 in Сhiwa, Buсhara, Samarkand, Taschkent.

The British Telegraph included Uzbekistan 🇺🇿in the list of tourist attractive countries 🗺 without coronavirusThe famous ...

The British Telegraph included Uzbekistan 🇺🇿in the list of tourist attractive countries 🗺 without coronavirus

The famous British newspaper The Telegraph 📰 included Uzbekistan🇺🇿 in the list of 19 countries without a coronavirus that are worth to visit.

“This complicated country, which about the size of Spain, delivers flashes of brilliance and immense beauty, according to Telegraph Travel writer Sara Wheeler. Three of the Silk Road’s great cities (Bukhara, Khiva, and Samarkand) are in modern Uzbekistan, as is the Tian Shan mountain range”, - the author writes.

This spring Ulysse Tour invites you to our country🕌

Contact us:
☎️ +998 78 150 10 60
📲 +998 97 155 30 30

More information about us on website 🌐 ulyssetour.com
Email 📨 [email protected]

Welcome to Uzbekistan!

ITB Berlin 2️⃣0️⃣2️⃣0️⃣  🇩🇪 is cancelled for the first time in 54 years ‼️Due to the rapid spread of the new coronavirus...

ITB Berlin 2️⃣0️⃣2️⃣0️⃣ 🇩🇪 is cancelled for the first time in 54 years ‼️

Due to the rapid spread of the new coronavirus🦠(COVID-19) the Federal Ministry of Health and the Federal Ministry of Economics have stated their opinion that ITB Berlin be cancelled🚫.

Dr. Christian Göke, CEO of Messe Berlin GmbH, said: ”With more than 10,000 exhibitors from over 180 countries🗺 ITB Berlin 🇩🇪 is extremely important for the world’s tourism industry. We take our responsibility for the health and safety of our visitors, exhibitors and employees very seriously. It is with a heavy heart that we must now come to terms with the cancellation of ITB Berlin 2️⃣0️⃣2️⃣0️⃣ 🇩🇪.”

"Ulysse Tour" Travel Agency profoundly regrets that ITB Berlin 2️⃣0️⃣2️⃣0️⃣ 🇩🇪 will not take place.

We look forward to see you next year at the World's Leading Travel Trade Show!




🗓 Duration: 8 days, 7 nights

⚜️ TASHKENT is amazing city embodies the modern 🏙 elegance of many other capitals of the world; at the same time, as an oriental city🕌. Tashkent has its own unique regional identity.
You'll have a city tour along the old part (Khazrati Imam Complex XV - XVI cc., Kukeldash Madrasah XVI c., etc.) and modern part of Tashkent (Amir Temur and Independence Square, Monument of Courage, etc.)

⚜️ KHIVA isn't only a city, it's a very ancient open-air museum, which was included in the UNESCO World Heritage List🔖.
You'll have walking city tour 👣👀🗣 in Ichan Kala (inner old town of the city), Kunya-Ark Castle (XVI-XVI), Juma Mosque (X) and have dinner at the residence of Khiva Khan with classic national music show.

⚜️ During the tour you will visit BUKHARA - 1 of the most ancient cities of Uzbekistan, which was mentioned in a holy book "Avesto"📖.
You'll start trip from the visit Samanid Mausoleum (9th - 10th cc.), Chashma-Ayub mausoleum (12 – 16th cc), Bolo-Hauz complex (18 – 20th cc.), etc.
In addition to visiting historical places, we have exciting excursion items: Tea drinking 🍵at Akbar’s House, dinner and fashion show 👯‍♂️in restaurant.

⚜️ On his way 🚙 to the pearl of the Eastern Muslim World - SAMARKAND, you'll visit the workshop of the famous potter in Gijduvan and have Masterclass on uzbek national pottery🧫.
After that, уou'll have full day trip around the Capital of Tamerlane 🚶🏼‍♂️🚶🏻‍♀️🗺. Visit Guri Emir – Tamerlane’s Tomb (XIV-XV), Registan Square and other architectural complexes. Also уou'll visit carpet factory, where you will see the process of carpet-making.

Please contact us for more information❕

☎️ +998 78 150 10 60
📲 +998 97 155 30 30

Email 📨 [email protected]

Our website 🌐 ulyssetour.com

Heli-boarding and Heli-skiing Tour in Uzbekistan 2020 🚁🏂⛷Western Tien Shan has excellent conditions for Heliskiing🎿. Our...

Heli-boarding and Heli-skiing Tour in Uzbekistan 2020 🚁🏂⛷

Western Tien Shan has excellent conditions for Heliskiing🎿. Our helicopter🚁 allows skiers and snowboarders to quickly reach the cherished peaks of the wild mountains🏔, which previously seemed inaccessible and which cannot be quickly climbed in any other way.
This transboundary object🌁 is part of the Central Asian mountain system Tien Shan - one of the seven largest mountain ranges in the world. The height of various sections of the western Tien Shan varies from 700 to 4503 meters.
This object is replete with diverse landscapes, which are characterized by extremely rich biodiversity. In 2016, this place was included in the UNESCO World Heritage list of natural sites in Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan and Kyrgyzstan.

📌 TWIN/DBL room accommodation in 4* hotel
📌 Trip to Chimgan mountains and back on MI-8 helicopter with 2 accompanying guides and 1 avalanche guide
📌 6.5 flight hours of helicopter
📌 Full board service: breakfasts, lunches (lunch boxes) and dinners
📌 Accompanying 2 English speaking Heli-skiing guides and 1 avalanche guide
📌 Transport (depends on the number of travellers) and driver services
📌 All needed permission for heli-skiing in mountain area

Contact us:
☎️ +998 78 150 10 60
📲 +998 97 155 30 30

Additional info about Heli Skiing in Uzbekistan is available on the link below:
🌐 http://www.ulyssetour.com/EN/heliski/heli_skiing_in_uzbekistan

Email 📨 [email protected]

ITB Berlin - THE tourism event of the year!!!In the period from 4 to 8 March 2020 you have an opportunity to visit this ...

ITB Berlin - THE tourism event of the year!!!

In the period from 4 to 8 March 2020 you have an opportunity to visit this ITB Berlin, meet the main representatives of “Ulysse Tour Travel Agency”, get the information you are interested in, and familiarize yourself with the tour-programs.

Come visit us at The World´s Leading Travel Trade Show!!!

Our website 🌐 ulyssetour.com

Email 📨 [email protected]

Fair for Leisure and Travel in Munich (f.re.e ) - it is one of the most popular consumer exhibitions in southern Germany...

Fair for Leisure and Travel in Munich (f.re.e ) - it is one of the most popular consumer exhibitions in southern Germany and now presents everything related to travel and recreation in all of its diversity.

Ulysse Tour participates at f.re.e and presents special Tours To Uzbekistan 🇺🇿

📌 Please meet us at Hall A4. 527

More information about us on website 🌐 ulyssetour.com

Email 📨 [email protected]

The Spring Festival of Navruz🇺🇿 💐💐💐 Tashkent - Bukhara – Samarkand 8days/7nightsThe festival of Navruz celebrated on the...

The Spring Festival of Navruz🇺🇿 💐💐💐

Tashkent - Bukhara – Samarkand

The festival of Navruz celebrated on the vernal equinox, on the 21st of March 🗓
It starts with traditional games🤹🏻‍♂️🤼‍♀️, music 🎼and drama performances 🎭, street art and colourful fairs, joyful traditional dances💃, various activities for children and adults 👨‍👩‍👧‍👦, lavishly set tables with the savoriest festive dishes, including a ritual meal sumalak (a wheat bran pudding) cooked exclusively for Navruz celebrations and thus available for tasting only once a year.

Come and join to celebrate the nation's signature event❕
Make it a spring to remember❕

✅ double or twin accommodation in hotels🛌+☕️🍮
✅ 6 dinners in restaurants / cafes / traditional houses🍝
✅ vehicles for itineraries/train tickets 🚐🚈
✅ meeting and seeing off 🤗
✅ es**rt English or German-speaking guide 🇩🇪🇬🇧
✅ city tour in Tashkent, Bukhara, and Samarkand🗣👀👣
✅ Wine degustation in Samarkand 🍷🍷


(*for the group of 7-9 pax double or twin accommodation)

Our website 🌐 ulyssetour.com

Email 📨 [email protected]

In the anticipation of the launch of new regular direct flight Tashkent - Munich - Tashkent, which starts from April 202...

In the anticipation of the launch of new regular direct flight Tashkent - Munich - Tashkent, which starts from April 2020 Ulysse Tour together with Uzbekistan Airways are participating at Die Reise und Frezeitmesse 2020 in Munich, Bavaria. 🇩🇪

Please find us at Hall A4. 527
19-23 February
📍Messe Munich

  2020Meet us at TourEst - the biggest tourism fair in Estonia 🇪🇪 Our booth No. is A12Looking forward to seeing on our b...


Meet us at TourEst - the biggest tourism fair in Estonia 🇪🇪

Our booth No. is A12

Looking forward to seeing on our booth!

 The 27th International Travel Trade Fair “Balttour 2020”Ulysse Tour is always working on expanding its geography of cli...

The 27th International Travel Trade Fair “Balttour 2020”

Ulysse Tour is always working on expanding its geography of clients. 🌎
This time we participated at Balttour - the largest tourism fair in the Baltic region.

It has been a very successful fair and we proudly demonstrated the tourism potential of Uzbekistan and services of our company.

Next stop is Tallinn! 🇪🇪 Meet us there.

Uzbek ikat (the fabric pattern) is hitting the the collection of designer Franck Sorbier at High Fashion Week in Paris 😍...

Uzbek ikat (the fabric pattern) is hitting the the collection of designer Franck Sorbier at High Fashion Week in Paris 😍

Source link: Myday

Meet us at FITUR* between 23d and 26th of January⠀*FITUR: INTERNATIONALTOURISM TRADE FAIRIN MADRIDIt is the global meeti...

Meet us at FITUR* between 23d and 26th of January

It is the global meeting point for tourism professionals and the leading trade fair for inbound and outbound markets in Latin America. At its staging, FITUR broke all previous participation records with 10,487 companies from 165 countries and regions, 142,642 trade visitors and 110,848 visitors from the general public.

@ Madrid, Spain

Jacob Laukaitis, thank you very much for the video you made about Uzbekistan! Most of the videos show primarily local at...

Jacob Laukaitis, thank you very much for the video you made about Uzbekistan! Most of the videos show primarily local attractions, while yours also reveals important information about the history and culture of our country, which is very precise and interesting to listen to. We are pleased that with such a wonderful content, people from all over the world are able to get a general idea about Uzbekistan.

We invite all adventure seekers and travelers to visit the main hubs of the Great Silk Road, such as Samarkand, Bukhara and Khiva, to feel the power of ancient times and get inspired by the atmosphere of the East.

Thanks for taking the time to watch the video, you legend! Help me spread the word about the beautiful country of Uzbekistan by sharing this video on your so...


Dear travelers and adventurers,

We wish you a joy-filled Christmas season!

May your holidays be spent in good cheers and unforgettable moments. Have a great time this Christmas and throughout the coming New Year!



The video reveals Khiva and Bukhara from a completely different perspective. Thanks to the professionals, the real life locations look just like the perfect scenery for Aladdin fairy tale. The local color is presented at its best.

Enjoy watching the mix of ancient and modern!

Video source: Devinsupertramp


Uzbekistan is a truly unique country, known for its bright sun and warm weather. However, there is still room for winter! In addition, the Tien Shan Mountains offer great opportunities for sports.

Thanks to the Amirsoy Mountain Resort, starting from December 21, all winter sports enthusiasts will be able to get the most out of snowboarding and skiing due to all the latest facilities and equipment offered by the resort.

Welcome to Uzbekistan,
Welcome to Amirsoy Resort!


Amirsoy Mountain Resort Grand Opening

Date: December 21, 2019
Location: Chimgan Mountains

Amirsoy Resort is a unique all-season mountain resort in Uzbekistan that meets international standards of comfort, quality and safety.
The resort is located on an area of 900 hectares in one of the most beautiful and picturesque places in the western part of the Tien Shan Mountains, only 65 kilometers away from the capital.

An exciting entertainment program will take place on the opening day. All visitors will be greeted by hosts and a DJ. People will be able to rent all the necessary equipment for snowboarding and skiing, check out brand new lifts and hit the slopes full of fluffy snow powder. In addition, there will be access to the tubing zone. Food spots will operate throughout the territory of the resort, so don’t miss the chance to enjoy a cup of hot chocolate on the top of the mountain!

Welcome to Winter Season 2019/2020 at Amirsoy Resort!

Приглашаем Вас на БЕСПЛАТНЫЙ СЕМИНАР И КОНСУЛЬТАЦИЮ С ВРАЧАМИ ИЗ КОРЕИ!📆 05 декабря 2019С 09:00 до 12:00 будет проходить...


📆 05 декабря 2019

С 09:00 до 12:00 будет проходить семинар по медицинскому туризму для врачей и представителей мед учреждений Узбекистана, практикующих в области ортопедии, грудной, кардио-сосудистой, а также пластической хирургии.

С 13:00 до 18:00 врачи из Кореи будут проводить осмотр и консультировать всех желающих по вопросам, связанным с ортопедией, грудной, кардио-сосудистой и пластической хирургией.

Когда? Уже завтра, 5 декабря
Где? В клинике IXmed Clinic по адресу: Мирзо-Улугбекский район, ул. Равнак, дом 21

☎️ Все подобности по телефонам: +90 912 0301, +94 685 2549, +90 994 7139


71 Nukus Street

Opening Hours

Monday 09:00 - 18:00
Tuesday 09:00 - 18:00
Wednesday 09:00 - 18:00
Thursday 09:00 - 18:00
Friday 09:00 - 18:00
Saturday 10:00 - 14:00


+99878 1501060


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Since 2010, we arrange tours all over sunny Uzbekistan and other countries of Central Asia. Annually, more than 1000 travelers trust ULYSSE TOUR Travel Agency and enjoy our services.

Uzbekistan is a hospitable land with noble history and magnificent landscapes. We are always ready to unfold the map of this beautiful country and lead you towards unforgettable adventures.

We offer rich variety of tours suitable for any taste:

Thematic Experiences:

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