Why should you go to Ha Long Bay
Ha Long Bay is probably the most popular tourist destination within Vietnam, and it is not that difficult to see why. There are a large number of small islands clustered around the bay, with sheer cliffs ideal for adventure-seeking climbers and beautiful sandy beaches, as well as tons of interesting activities such as kayaking and helicopter rides. The less adventurous folk can simply relax on lovely cruise boats with large sails (traditional sampan rig style). Adventure, natural beauty, and classy accommodations are what draw the crowd to Halong Bay.
Ha Long Bay was first listed as a UNESCO World Heritage Site in 1994, in recognition of its outstanding, universal aesthetic value. In 2000 the World Heritage Committee additionally recognized Ha Long Bay for its outstanding geological and geomorphological value. Hence Ha Long Bay is twice granted World Heritage status for a reason: It is really that picturesque. The trademark emerald green water and 3,000 islands of towering limestone are worth your visit. Sometimes you really need to believe the hype.
Halong Bay is one of the most amazing places you would go to on planet earth because it’s all natural and there is nothing additive or artificial involved with it. The stunning karst outcroppings in Ha Long are made of 3000 years of chemical reactions between limestone and dripping water. If the scenic rock scene takes such a long time to develop, it deserves your visit. Beware that you will witness the amazingly changing, dynamic landscape.