Good morning. Hope everyone is having a BLESSED day. Too often we take for granted people in our lives. Our spouses. I, for one, need to express my love for and pride for my wife, Kim. I don't say it enough. Now I want the world to know that I LOVE my wife and am very proud of what she has accomplished. The love she has for others is a blessing. I need to remember the following:
Ephesians 5:25 Husbands, love your wives, even as Christ also loved the church, and gave himself for it;
I need to make sure that she never doubts this. Take the time to say I love you. Take the time for a little together time, in this busy world. I have been told a little hug here, holding hands, and a peck means a lot.
Men, let's not take our wives for granted.
Kim, I Love you.