My dear page followers. Thank you for being loyal, and that i could not have responded earlier. I am to change my career path, by studying psychology to become a Counsellor, which i've always wanted to. I've one very Special person to thank, and that is my Doctor who has encouraged me to take up study, which will be a great help for my pain management (which I suffer from).
Upon graduation, two years hence, I would like to specialize in pain management, divorce, dying, and the aftermath, which is bereavement. These are the main tribulations which people find difficult to come to terms. I hope to help them to the best of my ability and from my testimur.
You can also view some of my photos which i took in Siem Reap, Cambodia. When time permits, ill also post my East Europe ones as well. ATM, its STUDY, STUDY, READING & READING. And, all very interesting. GOOD LUCK AND BEST WISHES. TILL YOU HEAR FROM ME. Thank you.