Life can feel challenging and overwhelming at times. It can also be difficult to talk to others close to you when struggling with something that has been happening in your life. You might be feeling any advice they offer is not really helpful or you may be worried about any judgements they may make. One of the most beneficial things about psychotherapy and counselling is that it provides a safe pl
ace in which it is ok to express all your feelings, where you can be properly heard and listened to without being offered advice or judged. Transactional Analysis (TA) provides a theory of personality, relationships, communication and child development. It looks at how we relate to ourselves and to other people, this enables us to understand how we interact with people in our lives and to see what is happening within our relationships. Although it may not always feel like it we are able to make new choices about how we live our lives. The main philosophy of TA is that everyone has the ability to think and can influence their life by the decisions they make, furthermore any decision can be changed. Individuals are responsible for their behaviour, thoughts and feelings. This means we all have the potential to make new decisions about our lives and to implement positive and lasting changes. Whether you are struggling with something that is impacting your life and want to things to change, looking to better understand your relationships with others or wanting to better understand yourself for personal development this can all be explored within the counselling environment. If you live in Derby, South Derbyshire, Erewash or Amber Valley and feel that that my approach to counselling may be right for you please visit my web site for further information