Our Story
Find fun stuff to do near you, sell tickets to events, and create + share events with your go-to app for local concerts, nightlife, restaurant specials, festivals, date night, and more.
Currently curating in Tampa Bay, St. Pete, Clearwater, Sarasota, Lakeland, Orlando, Daytona, Miami, Ft. Lauderdale, West Palm Beach, Key West, Atlanta, Nashville, Jacksonville, Charlotte, Raleigh, Austin, Dallas, Houston, and San Antonio and their surrounding areas, but available everywhere.
Don't see any events in your location? Give us a little time, we’ll be there soon. In the meantime, feel free to take on your city. All events are user-generated, so go ahead, start creating and sharing your own.
Looking for something fun to do tonight or this weekend? Download UNATION to find out what's going on nearby!
Want a faster and more cost-effective way to sell tickets to an event? Download UNATION to create ticketed events with our new, easy-to-use ticketing feature.
Have an event you are looking to promote? Download UNATION, create an event and share it everywhere. Oh, and don’t forget to make it public so everyone looking for stuff to do in UNATION can find it, too.
Get the UNATION iPhone App here -> bit.ly/1M10avv
Get the UNATION Android App here -> bit.ly/1TClCfX