However you explore Islay and Jura, two wheels, four, two legs, on the land or in the water.. take some inspiration from our website - everything you need to #ExploreIslayJura #Lingerlonger #LoftYourSpirits #Whisky #ScottishIslands #PeatyWhisky #Peat #VositScotlans #WildAboutArgyll
Wouldn’t you love to wake up to this in the morning? Plan a trip to explore Islay and Jura- a world apart but just a journey away. #liftyourspirits #Lingerlonger
Sound on! For months now our soundscape on Islay has included the sound of the barnacle geese as they move from the waters edge to the fields and back again to feed and roost. They’ll soon be off on their incredible journey to Greenland and we’ll welcome them back in October - another unique feature of Islay. #islaytime #IslayandJura #Hebrides
Are you ready for some tranquility? #exploreislayandjura
Get your sparkle back with a visit to Islay and Jura ✨ 🎄 ✨ #liftyourspirits
It’s been a sunshine and a showers kinda Sunday..
When the produce is this fresh you know it's going to taste the best.
Islay and Jura's seafood is as fresh as can be - crab, lobster and langoustine are caught in the clear waters around the islands. Teamed with the plumpest, freshest oysters from the loch at Gruinart you really won't taste better.
Not only will you and your friends or family enjoy a great meal but you'll know the provenance of your food, you'll know the food miles are low and you'll be supporting the local economy and local families - what's not to love?
The only dilemma will be what wine to have with it and what dram to choose for after dinner!
#islaytime #liftyourspirits #Islay #Jura #Holidays #FoodAndDrink #Seafood #Freshfood #Shellfish #Hebrides #Finedining #Fishing
Autumnal feeling in the air.. perfect to make the most of a beautiful Islay day in and around Bridgend and Islay House before the leaves start to fall. #exploreislayjura #visitscotland #wildaboutargyll #southernhebrides #holiday #whisky #whiskyisle #calmacferries #loganair
Learn more about Islay's native flora and fauna.
Save the date: Wednesday July 12 – Wildlife Talk.
This is a chance to find our more about Islay’s wonderful wildlife from Islay Natural History Trust at the nature centre, Port Charlotte, from 7pm. (next door to the Youth Hostel) No charge but donation welcome, suggest £5 adults, £12 family and £2 INHT members.
We're always happy to answer your questions about exploring Islay or Jura so don't hesitate to get in touch with us by sending us a message or emailing [email protected]
One visitor contacted us to let us know they were going to visit Jura but didn't have a car, and they were wanting to know what transport was available when they got there.
There's lots of information about Jura and Islay on our website including details of ferries and transport.
However, here's just a taste of some of the options for getting about on Jura without a car.
You can check the bus timetables - the number 456 bus travelling between Port Feolin and Inverlussa (via Craighouse and Lagg).
There is a Jura tour service you can book to give you a tour
You could take a boat trip round Jura to explore it from the coast
Our how about hiring ebikes on Islay and take those across to travel on if that appeals?
Have fun exploring this stunning island - enjoy the peace and quiet and the deer!
And however you're planning to travel on Jura don't forget this handy online guide. We helped create this Tour of Jura with GeoTourist and it includes points of interest, how to find them, some information and history including photos and an audio guide - it's well worth a read and a listen.
If you need to #liftyourspirits come and visit Islay - a wonderful world of beauty, relaxation, warm welcomes and great memories awaits.
Find out more on our website and don't forget to take a look at our specially curated tours of #Islay and #Jura - these are online guides with a few points of interest along the way, designed to get you round the islands and assist in finding some of the key things to see and do. There's so much more but we believe in #Islaytime and that means taking your time to discover these islands for yourselves. You may come for the whisky but you'll want to stay for so much more.....
We're always happy to answer your questions about exploring Islay or Jura so don't hesitate to get in touch with us by sending us a message or emailing [email protected]
One visitor contacted us to let us know they were going to visit Jura but didn't have a car, and they were wanting to know what transport was available when they got there.
There's lots of information about Jura and Islay on our website including details of ferries and transport.
However, here's just a taste of some of the options for getting about on Jura without a car.
You can check the bus timetables - the number 456 bus travelling between Port Feolin and Inverlussa (via Craighouse and Lagg).
There is a Jura tour service you can book to give you a tour
You could take a boat trip round Jura to explore it from the coast
Our how about hiring ebikes on Islay and take those across to travel on if that appeals?
Have fun exploring this stunning island - enjoy the peace and quiet and the deer!
And however you're planning to travel on Jura don't forget this handy online guide. We helped create this Tour of Jura with GeoTourist and it includes points of interest, how to find them, some information and history including photos and an audio guide - it's well worth a read and a listen.