Biking with family from Big Als in Crested Butte up to Mt. Crested Butte then on to the RMBL in Gothic, Colorado.
#Colorado #FallColors #aspens #CrestedButte #BuenaVista #Leadville #TaylorReservoir #rockymountainhigh #gloriousgoldens
Biking with family from Big Als in Crested Butte up to Mt. Crested Butte then on to the RMBL in Gothic, Colorado.
#Colorado #FallColors #aspens #CrestedButte #BuenaVista #Leadville #TaylorReservoir #rockymountainhigh #gloriousgoldens
Biking with family from Big Als in Crested Butte up to Mt. Crested Butte then on to the RMBL in Gothic, Colorado.
#Colorado #FallColors #aspens #CrestedButte #BuenaVista #Leadville #TaylorReservoir #rockymountainhigh #gloriousgoldens
Aspen Trees showing all their glory, in Crested Butte, CO
A fabulous day of R& R! We hiked to Judd Falks today, outside of Gothic and RMBL. Paradise!
#CrestedButte #RMBL #Colorado #mountainhikes
Good morning from Crested Butte, Colorado. Off on a sunrise hike with my buddy Shayla.
#colorado #crestedbutte #hiking #mountains #gunnison #freshair
Earth Day - I am feeling grateful to be in one of the Greenest countries in the world on Earth Day. Costa Rica has long been celebrated for its leadership in environmental policy. Today we hiked into the National Park, Rio Celeste, in northern Costa Rica. Enjoying this magnificent waterfall. Wishing you a wonderful Earth Day.
#costarica #rioceleste #riocelestewaterfall #beautifulpeople #hospitality #industryinsider #EarthDay2021 #green #ecofriendly