The calls and emails are starting to come in. I swear every time he gets into office my job gets harder. 😩
But to answer the question, no, don’t cancel your trip. When it comes to travel it’s my job as your travel planner to deal in FACTS not FEELINGS. I understand your concern but plane accidents have actually DECREASED since last year this time.
According to the National Transportation Safety Board there have been 88 reported aviation accidents (involving all kinds of aircrafts) since the start of this year.
That is a decrease when compared to this time last year: In 2024, there were a total of 173 accidents in January and February, according to the agency.
So why didn’t we hear about all the ones from last year? Short answer, politics. Long answer, Biden was boring in 2024 and between the current president firing FAA inspectors, bad relations with NATO allies (countries we feel safe traveling to), and the especially outrageous crash involving the helicopter and plane, all of this makes for EXCELLENT MEDIA TRAFFIC. We all turn the volume up on the tv when plane crashes are mentioned. It’s must-see tv.
So to me, a person who flies internationally monthly and sends clients all over the world, the question would be why hasn’t the media always been talking about this? Because statistically, it really doesn’t happen often and NORMALLY, two planes scraping up against each other at Midway would not be at the top of the news cycle. But it is. Because we gon’ tune in and make FB posts and share news articles. Which makes money.
As always, stay alert and do what makes you comfortable and affords you the most stress-free vacation possible. Buy the travel insurance so you can get a refund! And If everyone cancels, please know I will be doing just like I did during COVID and booking all the cheap flights I can. 🤣 Safe travels. Stay Fly.