Our expert collaborators, strive to make a difference in the world and in your world; one experience, adventure, event, story, meal, and dream, at a time. When Camille Jocsak and Randi Winter met at a travel industry event, the connection, shared passions, values, and mutual respect was a perfect match to lay the foundation for The P2P Life, integrating their existing companies and brands to refle
ct global changing priorities. (Planned 2 Perfection Limited an International Event and Fundraising Planning Company, Paradise 2 Perfection Travel, and Passionate Travel, as well as co-founding Travel with a Cause, Cruise with a Cause, P2P Weddings, and P2P Luxe Life Media.) The P2P Life recognizes the complexity of living our lives and fulfilling our dreams in personalized, authentic, and safe ways and as curators of life experiences. Our vision of expanding access to expert, deep and inspiring content is integrated seamlessly through these various divisions and media channels. Our ever-growing, diverse team of passionate travel and event planning professionals, along with expert collaborators across a broad professional spectrum, strives to make a difference in the world. Their goal is to curate the world's most unique experiences and reimagine them as exclusively for you, like your fingerprint- one experience, adventure, event, story, meal, and dream, at a time.